Comments on: Message to all Americans from the medical cartel Tue, 07 Jan 2020 14:20:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josey Wales Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:30:54 +0000 Great Article & a good display of truths!

By: henry Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:01:17 +0000 This is really interesting. All of my great grand parents died in the epidemic and my grand parents were put in orphanages. I always wondered why the parents died but none of the children died. This article gives a plausible reason – the children were not given the “medicine”.

By: theodorewesson Tue, 15 Jul 2014 13:05:50 +0000 you’ve reminded me, I need to read the following article:

Bayer and Death: 1918 and Aspirin

The world has believed for almost a century that a new and virulent virus came out of nowhere worldwide and killed millions in 1918. Two reports, one published in 2008 and the second in 2009, lay that myth to rest for good.

The first report came as a press release on August 19, 2008, from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID):

“Bacteriologic and histopathologic results from published autopsy series clearly and consistently implicated secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory–tract bacteria in most influenza fatalities.”

People were killed by common bacteria found in the upper respiratory tract, according to research uncovered by F. William Engdahl:

“The 20 to 40 million deaths worldwide from the great 1918 Influenza Pandemic were NOT due to ‘flu’ or a virus, but to pneumonia caused by massive bacterial infection.”

The NIAID press release did not, however, address what caused the bacterial infections, but research by Dr. Karen Starko does. She implicates aspirin, dovetailing with the NIAID research on pneumonia from massive bacterial infection, and goes further in also explaining the extreme rapidity of death:

“Mortality was driven by 2 overlapping clinical-pathologic syndromes: an early, severe acute respiratory distress (ARDS)-like condition, which was estimated to have caused 10%-15% of deaths (sequential autopsy series are lacking); and a subsequent, aggressive bacterial pneumonia “superinfection,” which was present in the majority of deaths.”


By: henry Tue, 15 Jul 2014 03:07:49 +0000 You are being farmed. The people who believe they own you are milking and shearing you forcing you to pull the cart and when you no longer produce for them they give you a disease that will cause you to give them all of the money you saved over your life to get a little more life. In this way they consume you. The owners don’t believe that you could survive without their “help”. The farmers try to be humane as long as you pull the cart they won’t whip you.

The doctors themselves are not aware of the scam. I recently had conversations with a friend of a friend who is an M.D. He drinks the fluoride, eats the GMO, knows nothing about nutrition, writes hundreds of prescriptions a week. He also acknowledges that doctors die younger than the general public even though they have money, and experiences with thousands of people who don’t fair well under standard medical treatment. He can not think outside the guidelines because he still has $270,000 in student loans to pay. Oh, he also likes ObamaCare and voted for Obama twice. Besides these handicaps, in areas outside healthcare, he was interesting, intelligent, and regular guy.

By: helot Tue, 15 Jul 2014 02:26:52 +0000 Dear, Jon.

Care to address this:?

fifty says:
July 14, 2014 at 5:17 pm

Just for background, the Spanish Flu was called Spanish Flu not because Spain was where the first cases were diagnosed, but because Spain was the first honest nation to report flu cases. All other countries hid their cases from publication because they didn’t want the repercussions.

Also, it’s well known where Spanish Flu probably originated – western Kansas. It was probably a regular flu bug that mutated into a deadly form. At the time many poor Kansas farmers raised chickens and had the coop actually attached to their house so they could access it from the inside. Lots of opportunity for inter species transfers and mutations.

After that, it easily spread to Fort Riley, Kansas, which was crammed with 50,000 soldiers training for WWI. And from there to the world.

Where people now fear disease coming from airports and their world wide travelers, back then it was seaports. Some of the worst pandemic areas were seaports, and America’s was in Philadelphia where a shipload of sick foreign merchant seamen spread it to the city.

[Also, Thanks for not requiring registration to one of the Google-like systems in order to comment. Hats off to you for that, and for everything else you write. In my eyes, you’re a hero. Wayyy past Superman. I know you’ve adressed this in a round about way many times. But what’s one more time? Anyway, Jon, you’re Da Bomb!]

By: Deb Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:56:52 +0000 I used to work in Medicals Equipment Sales, and I have been in many many homes…..

It is the “Meds”……They first give you a fake Diagnoises….This is to warrant the High Blood Pressure/Heart Pills/Cholestral Pills, Insulin….they will prescribe to you…

Then depending on which combination they give you, you will develop other illnesses, and create and aggravate what you already have… From other meds….

They create Cancer, high blood pressure, Necrofi organs and brain, Heart disease, Alzheimers, Type 2 diabetes, the list is endless.

Next you get so sick no one can take care of you, so you go into a nursing home, and your medicare won’t pay the entire bill, so the nursing home applies for Medicaid for you, and then
“Asset Forfeiture” kicks in where you family loses everything you ever worked for…….then you have a turn for the worst and die….end of story…

Very well orchestrated……Genocide……!!!! And it all is “Legal”….

By: theodorewesson Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:53:14 +0000 Hi Jeff, thanks for the lead.


By: ApoliticalBlues Mon, 14 Jul 2014 21:11:20 +0000 Outstanding piece!

By: Kohanim R. Hawthorne Mon, 14 Jul 2014 19:02:26 +0000 Reblogged this on Tales from the awakened Mind and commented:
The medial system is easy, everyone can learn how it works through investigation. It’s primary goal is to make money. Thanks Jon

By: disturbeddeputy Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:47:16 +0000 Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
Add this to the fact we are being overrun my illegal aliens carrying a multitude of diseases.
