Comments on: Android A4612, the mind of the future Thu, 17 Jul 2014 21:47:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abinico Warez Thu, 17 Jul 2014 21:47:41 +0000 This is stupid. Machines will never have consciousness. Machines are machines – inanimate; incapable of feelings; incapable of innovation, imagination, or writing a poem.

By: nines Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:57:14 +0000 Scares me someone that flippin’ ignoring of anything remotely spiritual could ever be esteemed by perfectly likeable and loving souls, let alone be so excessively gainfully employed in his desire to obliterate eventually what he’s ignoring now. Makes my blood run cold to contemplate that he actually means what he says… as though this isn’t my planet after all.

He, I think, pretty much cops to his dread of death, AND is bent on bringing his father, who obviously wasn’t into drinking babies’ blood, back to life.

The very worst of it is his SMUGNESS about it all. I maybe could stand him, think there was something redeemable about him if he had the decency to not to drown us with his superiority complex while he goes about his frantic efforts to defeat death, even if you have to be a robot to do it.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed my comment. Thanks.

By: Bonnie Jacobus (@bjacob131) Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:37:13 +0000 At least I haven’t spoken to the toaster, but certainly wouldn’t take the professor’s class!

By: Michael Burns Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:40:41 +0000 Seems the funny poster da ‘nines’ has hit the nail on the head. with her comparison of you and the immortal Dick. Well not really, but sort of…
It would be a very informative interview between you and the awesome Phillip K Dick. I mean your both from the same part of the old Universe.

“For him, to be teacher was to be a collectivist…”
Sort of like “Those who can, do. Those who can’t become a collectivist”

Loved it Jon
Peace homie

By: Kal dani Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:26:10 +0000 Prince William:

Born on the summer solstice with an solar eclipse that day (Kate born same year on day of Lunar eclipse).

3 years, 3 months and 3 days old when he started nursery.

8 years, 8 months and 8 days old when he made his first official public duty.

5555 days old on princess Diana’s funeral!

hundreds of hours research in one easy photo/text article on the supernatural (mathematicaly improbable coincidences in prince William’s life:

By: Michael Burns Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:22:53 +0000 Kurzweil…Googles wunderkind.

I guess he works on sppeeecial projects with them.

Excuse the conspiracy theorist in me but I always suspected Ray of being the bastard child of some ‘Paper Clip’ scientist and a Vegas show girl, and it happened sorta like…”Ven da boys had a nicht out after building za bomb”.

Kurtzy supposedly takes hundreds of supplements and vitamins, is injected weekly with weird concoctions while guzzling gallons of green tea and alkali water. Seems he had a vicious scare back aways with a blood sugar problem bordering on type II Diabetes. Eating too much junker food…guess he came late to the garbage in /garbage out hypothesis.

I would suspect he has a vicious fear of death. Geniuses are prone to that, ya know…and that quite possible drives that need to live forever, and ever and ever and ever…and…ever.

Personally I am bored shitless with it all and I am six decades in…planet earth is getting to be a tired old movie.

Anyways nines I was stopped by your “psychedelic objections”…it made me laugh. What a wonderful way of putting things.
Love and hand grenades Michael

By: nines Tue, 15 Jul 2014 21:52:23 +0000 I remember a dear, dear friend turning me onto Kurzweil’s website nearly ten years ago. He was tickled by the it, fascinated, entertained and, most of all, found it flattered him to even have that URL to give to friends.

He was crestfallen when I had a cow about what I found there… but quickly recovered his humor since it was just me, that entertaining weirdo, having all these psychedelic objections.

This piece puts me in mind of the immortal Philip K. Dick and I love it.
