Comments on: Language and an exit from the Matrix Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:49:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: SamAdamsGhost Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:49:00 +0000 Jon didn’t write that. That blog only took a quote from something Jon wrote.

By: SamAdamsGhost Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:40:00 +0000 I have all of Jon’s Matrix collections. Every one of them is outstanding.

If every American, (or every person on the planet), – – went through these materials, ours would be a much better world. People wouldn’t be so readily fooled. They wouldn’t accept the ‘official story’ on blind faith.

Recently, a statement was made by a high ranking US State Dept official that MH17 was shot down by a missile by separatists in the eastern Ukraine. It was pointed out that those forces only had ‘MAN-PAD’ portable type launchers & that they did not have missiles capable of reaching high enough to hit the airliner at its cruising altitude. The State Dept official response is to now say that the separatists must have had Russian help.
Notice the logical fallacies. They presented No evidence to support their claim that the separatists are responsible. They then use a ‘begs the question’ argument – ‘the Russians must have helped’ – when they have no proof of their initial accusation that the separatists are responsible.
Contrast the response of certain US officials with that of Russians officials. The US immediately blamed the separatists and/or Russians, with no evidence. The Russians took a much more cautious approach, saying that it was too early and that more evidence had to be gathered before coming to any conclusions. Red flags should be raised in the minds of the American people when anyone tries to rush them to a conclusion.

Recently, I watched a video by a man who has been doing research on the legal foundations of the US Constitution for 40 years. (He goes by the YouTube name “The Informer”.) This man has several children of varying ages. He noted how much the quality of education had been degraded by observing his own children, and said ‘education’ really took a nose dive after 1965. He also noted that the kids today don’t stand a chance against the propaganda they are being fed. They have no mental self defense. Several generations of Americans have been subjected to this ‘education’. Parents are unable to help their children, because they lack the same necessary tools. We must gather these tools for ourselves.

The Matrix collections are tools for mental self defense. Included within them are lessons on logic and analysis. You learn how to recognize propaganda. Included within them are lessons on reawakening imagination. Awakened imagination can create alternatives to the paradigm which currently runs the world.

By: Sirius Rising, NWO, the Malaysian Flight 17 Catastrophe | Zombie World Order-The Book Series Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:09:26 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport wrote this recently […]

By: Loic Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:46:54 +0000

By: Loic Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:43:26 +0000 A true coincidence reveals the lie. In the first instance, a Malaysian Airlines 777 is accidentally shot down by American war game forces in the Pacific, this cannot be admitted to and all that follows is a lie. In the second instance, CIA-backed clandestine forces intentionally down a passenger jet over eastern Ukraine, having primed Western populations to blame Russia over other actors or countries–the intent, to turn the public against Russia and generate all manner of pretexts for open Western-backed isolation/aggression against Russia. However, a great and most unforeseen coincidence occurs, the second ‘incident’ unintentionally mirrors the first in such emblematic similarities (i.e. same airline company and airplane type) as to become a flag connecting the two (through the near impossibility of chance and the near certainty of lies) and suggesting, supranormally, a web of misdirection, deception, and strategically murderous raisons d’État in a manner that can only be described as an accusatory actus Dei against the American dark state. (

A delusion without foundation, or the anticipatory mirroring of minds most personally affected by the tragedy?: ‘KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) – Relatives of missing MH370 passengers said the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet in Ukraine was no mere coincidence, adding on Friday that it lends weight to their harsh criticism of the carrier.

“Another (Malaysia Airlines) flight has gone down. Another 777… Far too much coincidence for the two situations to not be linked in some way,” Bajc said in an email to AFP.

“How do we know a similar thing didn’t happen to MH370?” she said.’
