Comments on: Alien ET talks to the President Mon, 22 Oct 2018 06:50:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keanu Mon, 22 Oct 2018 06:50:10 +0000 This is interesting, although my take about this so called “Bob” is quite different from yours. I personally believe that the reincarnation cycle itself is a trap, meant to put us into amnesia to continue remaining in this controlled system. To put it this way, the one called ‘Bob’ is what I would like to call ‘The Demiurge’ as the ceiling above our heads is the ‘Veil Of Forgetfulness’ which descends upon us after death after we listen to and accept Bob’s proposal.

There is no Heaven or Hell, both of which were meant to put as a place of ‘Reward’ and a place of ‘Punishment’ except these tactics were both used to instill a ‘savior/paradise’ programming.
I personally believe and am well aware that I’m not going into these religious depictions of the afterlife regardless of whether they exist or not, and I can CREATE or IMAGINE my own reality, instead of going into a reality that consists of religious belief systems.

As that one saying I’ve read before goes…
Permanent Freedom is Better than Temporary Comfort.

By: electropig Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:08:07 +0000 This, while slightly shorter, brings to mind a short work by my favorite author, Isaac Asimov, titled “The Last Question.”

I’d highly recommend that you read it…whoever you might be. [] ho, me boys! d;o)

By: Magnus Göller Sat, 26 Jul 2014 03:33:09 +0000 @ Jon
Now unbobbed.
I deem quite many believers of the usual reincarnation theories won’t have had the grin and laugh on Your article that I just had, returning home all too late to go to sleep. That’s what they call mind-boggling. This is of deep insight, finely tuned language, hilarious and inspiring. (Nay ’twasn’t Bob.)
The picture of the ceiling for the selfset limitation that typically goes with those believers (I’ve met a good many of them) is apt. It’s sort of a roof that’s not there to protect you from rain and cold, but one that forbids you to leave the house.
I doubt it, though, that many of them will get the point: They are en amour with that ceiling. It gives them security and stability. The hamster’s wheel will keep on turning. Perfect. You may always take another step, forever and ever.
Some even of them may feel a little kicked nevertheless. I won’t now start speculating how Your piece resounds with Abrahamites. It should have a clear lead with free thinkers.

By: Magnus Göller Sat, 26 Jul 2014 03:00:36 +0000 Man, I’m really bobbed. It keeps on bobbing me all the time. Bob must be, I guess, the one the masons call the Demiurge. Or is he a disguised she, ISIS, the Real White Goddess? Or the proper reincarnation of Saint Paul for our time?
I don’t really want to know. Bob lives, being an unalienable part of my soul. That’s what counts here.
Let’s not babble’n make it a fuss: HE is THE EDUCATOR.
His authority is so absolute that it can only be imagined as pure, untinged light. He is the master of transition.
And You know what? We don’t need none of the clergy anymore! Bob outwitted them all.
Imagine! Thousands of dirt cheap qualified teachers for our dire, doomed elementary schools. They all know English more or less, and some basic maths at that.
Yeah, my Bob, if You weren’t there, I’d at least try to think about an idea how to invent such an indispensable being as You are.
Big Bob!
Bob of all Essence!
Bob of all Entities!
Bob of all Eternities!
Bob in each and ev’ry Blob!

By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 Jul 2014 04:31:38 +0000 @Ozzie
I was being facetious Oz. I am tired of zealots.
I have no knowledge of the Draco, so therefor I have no opinion.

By: alc Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:34:17 +0000 Excellent piece, Jon! So… unusual, so surprising, so inspiring…

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 23 Jul 2014 06:34:47 +0000 I don’t really understand this, Michael.

There are myths about the objectives of the Draco (negative, but probably “true” here and perceived intentions of the “Greys” and human “hybrids” (notably “The Threat” (1999) David M. Jacobs

Pane Andov talks about 32 “consecutive states” of humanity running simultaneously.

There are physical demons amongst us. They occupy the “corridors of power” and need no puppet master. Icke is very wrong in his “assessment” (although in light of the $2M “scam”, those who have laid claim he is a backdoor NWO man, are possibly correct)

My blog covers all these subjects as truthfully as I am able and always from the heart. Take another peak sometime 😉

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 23 Jul 2014 06:19:11 +0000 A “good” person does not need a brand. Bad people cover themselves up with proscribed identities – Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew. Express your faith by BEING not “saying”.

By: hp Wed, 23 Jul 2014 01:37:39 +0000 How do you feel about so-called idolaters?
Does Islam (you) accept that God can and does enter into and spiritualize an object to offer devotees another way and means of worshiping Him?
Accommodating His devotees.

“Worship of the arca-vigraha is not idol worship

By: Michael Jones Wed, 23 Jul 2014 00:02:42 +0000 I found this most disturbing
