Comments on: Dateline 2072: the new pope of NSA-Google-Facebook Wed, 07 Aug 2019 13:29:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Magnus Göller Sun, 27 Jul 2014 01:33:33 +0000 The “believer-freezer” again.
A few days ago I heard David Icke saying, on Alex Jones’ show: “What you believe is what you perceive, and what you perceive is what you experience.”
This may be, on the whole, only 90% true, or even less. Anyway, I’ve been trying to kick belief out of my life as hard as possible for many years. Even before I stumbled over Nietzsche’s writings concerning the problem.
To confide in one’s own powers (or a friend’s, a mate’s, the own people’s) is one completely different affair. “Good vibes” oscillate directly where they are supposed to go. No “God” or some other such something that may exist or not is put in between. No deviation of mental energy. Eradication of brainsucking intermediaries. Advice from true friends, beloved ones, great philosophers, open, straight, direct folks and unselfish teachers only. (Maybe a few more that I may be omitting.)
No matter how many Dracos or Rothschilds or even Mantids be behind the curtains, or Upanishads on the run, and Annunaki and whatnot; or whatelse about Jesus and even the lesser kinds of real (as having lived) or made up prophets: We have to fight from the first to the last not to be completely enslaved.
And there it’s everybody’s turn. Individually as well as in forming adequate circles. And indeed, in the mind it begins.
I, as opposed to usual thinking, in turn know so much more about NSA-Facebook-Google than even its new Pope is in the least likely to grasp.
Of me, they have only data. Yes, quite a lot on my life, my preferences, my behaviour, my typical vices and virtues. But they don’t know what I’ll do next. They don’t really understand my “system”. Whereas I have little data on all their data, but I very well see with which means and how they act and where they are heading. This is not all too difficult.
Thus we should be joking more instead of complaing. Cheer yer folks up! They line up the machines against us? We’ve got the oilcans and some long fine steel bars to stick them into wherever they rotate. F… them!
Me, I should go down into some drugchipcontrolled state, creeping around, if not, for better convenience, killed before, on this earth, for some craven, filthy, rotten, absurd liars? WHAT?
I know great, free, joyful times with many. Now just down the gutter, my children?
To mollify the above in a way a bit: Of course it does not not matter where delusion and dire concepts came or come from. The better you know who wants to chain you the better you can hew out your counterstrategy. It’s just about not losing too much on speculating about that. Be careful, study. But act. Rant. Build. Clearly. Possibly at the selfsame time when you cheer your audience up. Tell yourself, tell them all to just stay on.

By: Stoneye Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:33:44 +0000 And nobody seems to care…There seems to be a disconnect from real world problems regularly exposed to auditing by self trained observation on the net. Net surfers who still gaze at the idiot-tube/hypno-blaster can be seriously terminally dense when confronted with multiple versions in oligarch proprietary media[which are ubiquitously present. It’s like soaking your brains in high fructose corn syrup and losing access to the normal critical factors that lead to epiphanous rejuvenation. What really helps the hallelujah chorus folks remain rutted is FEAR. Genius cannot run scared and produce enough “lovelight” to stay healthy and even survive the constant marination in idiocy. Many, probably most potential boycotters of insanity ride the duty to family/society meme to remain passive in the ugly face of murderous corruption engaged in by transnational corporate despotism. GHU

By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 Jul 2014 04:10:15 +0000 Ahh FaceBook, the new global religion. And we except your old religious denominations and allow you to have your own page too…until you get on a cause or become an activist…then we just brand you, ‘as the troublemaker that you are’. And shut down your page. And censor all your lies.
Pages…in the book of life…must be true.
I am always entralled with the ice-breaker, and definite conversation starter…”You’ll never guess what I read on FaceBook the other day.
Ad nauseum mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

“Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”-Napoleon Bonaparte

By: Jeff Thu, 24 Jul 2014 03:35:44 +0000 That many people fully involved in self-analysis, flawed or not, would be awesome. The least important thing in the world would be government or any external agency or organization. Wow…

By: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 02:27:07 +0000 Dateline 2072: the new pope of NSA-Google-Facebook

By: johnathan Thu, 24 Jul 2014 02:02:01 +0000 I have worked hard all my life even as a teenager and as I am reading this brilliant article, I suddenly thought, this is all just more paperwork which in and of itself is just documentation,
requests and/or demands. In all it’s just so boring, and a complete waste of time and well a waste of a life that is already very short for us all. I can think of better ways to spend my time and I am sure so can everyone else. We also have to remember that humans are terribly flawed skin bags with egos that will tell tall tales all day to puff themselves up. Can you image the amount of gobbledygook currently being documented and saved now, let alone the baloney stories people will create for the soon to be required portfolio called their life. In times past certain individuals who stood out for various reasons both good and bad had their lives documented for posterity such as Albert Einstein as well as the likes of Charles Manson, now it will be everyone single living being on the planet!
Funny thing of course is that we are finding out that some of what has been documented through the years as well as documented recently about famous and infamous people as well as science, medicine, and especially history etc. is completely not true and/or heavily misconstrued for either nefarious purposes, or out of plain old laziness ( ie why spend time gathering correct information when one can just make it up and be done in an hour or less). There are examples of this everywhere from the recent scandal over medical journal articles being faked to the artifacts
that were found and discarded or hidden in nondescript museums that tell a very different history than what we were taught in school, to the recent issue where a University Dean was found to have lied about his PHD and was in fact currently enrolled in a different University to try and obtain said degree before anyone found out his lie, needless to say he was unsuccessful. That being said I cannot decided if I should laugh, cry or shudder at current and future events. Well I guess I am doing all three right now.
