Comments on: The significance of a forgotten CIA document: MKULTRA Fri, 12 Jan 2018 11:56:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Schlüter Fri, 12 Jan 2018 11:56:47 +0000 The devilish “games” the Empire, “Mkultra Alive? An Alarm Call”:
Have a good Weekend

By: Schlüter Wed, 10 Jan 2018 11:47:50 +0000 See also:
“US Madness: MKUltra in Full Swing?”:
Have a good New Year!

By: seth Sun, 15 Feb 2015 03:47:07 +0000 Yogesh is right – Zbigniew Brzezinski of the NSA alluded to such a system in his 1970s book.
It is part of a jewish plan for global communism.

By: laurabruno Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:15:44 +0000 Oops! Sorry, I thought you were replying to a different comment. Sorry for the repetition and thank you for your additional insights!

By: laurabruno Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:11:39 +0000 Thanks so much! I do enjoy Bruce Lipton’s work very much. If you research A Course in Miracles (what some call the Bible of the New Age Movement), you’ll find CIA fingerprints all over ACIM. The emphasis on passivity and forgiveness no matter what has done as much to keep otherwise caring individuals from stepping up as the CIA co-opting of the 60’s Peace Movement and turning it into a druggie infested Anti-War Movement. Subtle, but highly effective. Ultimately, we need to recalibrate at higher levels as both responsible individuals and interconnected pieces of a larger whole. One or the other option misses the mark, but embracing the paradox can liberate.Many blessings on your path, too!

By: rgsoleary Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:30:23 +0000 Thank you for your great comment. This has bugged me for awhile. I have seen the lack of socio-economic-political involvement in religion and new age circles as quite alarming. The former seems to say love thy neighbor and pray and God will provide, but the Bible says somewhere that we need to prepare the field and sow the seeds so He can bring the rain.
The latter seems to say that you need to work on yourself and that will have a ripple effect on everything else. It also speaks of abundance for the individual, but not so much for everyone else. Even Dr. Wayne Dyer, who I respect very much, I’ve noticed saying don’t go after engaging in political process as it puts you in to a negative posture.
The Rothschilds and Rockefeller humbled mainstream media over 50 years ago, rewrote our educational books 100 years ago and it makes sense that they would have co-opted religion and politics, too. I would suggest that there are exceptions to this rule in New Age Circles (Karma Singh and Sharry Edwards and Bruce Lipton) and in religion (MLK, Reverend Jackson and Reverend Sharpton to name a few). is a great site that puts the metaphysical New Age stuff together with the socio/econo/political stuff. I would offer that Bruce Lipton’s and Steve Bhaerman’s book, Spiritual Evolution, is the best book to treat this subject and it gives a prescription for how we move on from here.
I feel that we’re in a way where we were in Hitler’s Germany, when people had a chance to make a difference to prevent a tragic result.promoted by Big Pharmacy (IG Farben) and the Illuminati. We all need to see whos connected to these guys (Bilderburgs, et al) and choose wisely who we get behind, challenge them with the truth when necessary and go with our own inner sense of where our spiritual and terrestrial path is taking us. I wish you many blessings on your path.

By: yogesh (@schole_scientia) Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:14:34 +0000 Mind control is much more sinister. It is now a part of satellite warfare program in which directed energies are used with applied computational physics. Psywar and biowar now have been simplified to quite an extent even though it is a very complex application of computational sciences mostly using supercomputers for computing the stochastic implementations.

Psychotronics and mind control are one and the same thing but what they both have in common is neural signal processing and engineering using directed energies. Once the neural network is connected the signal, a bioelectric becomes digital and simulation of the signal becomes possible. Currently cloning of the bioelectric signal has been proven and though underwraps is known to occur.

What people often refer synthetic telepathy is computational acoustic processing and so is the case with images. What then occurs in the brain is perceptual phantom acoustics and imagery much like dream states or hypnagogic vision. The modulation of the signal makes perception of the signal vary in terms of limen levels and therefore is a manner of neurocognitive interruptions or disruptions.

When america uses mind control it is a variant of mkultra and when russia uses it is a variant of SSRM. Common to both are stimulus reaction models with computational neurodynamics.

By: Mr. Blue Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:00:28 +0000 ]]> Jon –

Love your work.
I’m curious as to why someone with your level of understanding and consciousness, doesn’t add the extra due diligence to go a bit deeper…

Everyone quotes MKULTRA as a diffinitive revelation of what the govt was up to. Yet, there is evidence that the much hyped MKULTRA, was simply the result of OPERATION DORMOUSE (Church Committee: “Well folks, the public found out about some of our mind control expierments within PROJECT ARTICHOKE. What is our reply fellas?”).
From what I’ve seen, ARTICHOKE was either a sub under, rolled into, or may now simply just be reffered to MONARCH (either Project or Operation). It feels like its time for the wise and well articulated journalists like yourself, to move beyond tried and true references and begin the decent into a deeper understanding. That is, if you’d like to further illuminate the truth for all who seek.

Keep up the great work, your a beacon of sanity in an otherwise crazy world. ♥

By: The significance of a forgotten CIA document: MKULTRA | Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:50:43 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport […]

By: Ivan K. Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:22:57 +0000 Jon, you said: ….The 1994 document I’m quoting in this article was part of preparation for 1995 Presidential hearings on secret human radiation experiments. The CIA stated that, after extensive searching of its files, it found no evidence that radiation was used in MKULTRA projects….

Recently, the US Department of Defense declassified a document that deals expressly with effects on microwaves, and to a significant degree, of how microwaves can affect the mind and body:


