Comments on: Foundation of Mass Mind Control Fri, 25 Oct 2019 14:15:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maud Pollock Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:06:40 +0000 Thank you for a thought provoking artiicle. That said, there is another informational dimention to symbols, and that is the vibratory frequency code. Everything is frequency, every thought, every intention, every image, sound, smell, has a coded frequency, that we as frequency beings perceive at the subliminal aspect of our multi aspected beingness. We integrate it as vibratory information, which can be agreeable or unpleasant, a code, to which we react. We have the capacity to remove negative coding, through awarness of its existance. One approach is a method I developed to assist my workshop apprentice energy healers, approach the work from a state of unconditionallity, not an ego driven result. This become a way of life approach, living life in a non judgmental, unconditionally loving state. A very challenging way, and doable. The method forces us to be present, centered, take responsibility for what we are creating in thought and action, and transforming that vibratory informationm, neutralizing it. The method I call “Feeling Dissolve”,because these vibrations are experienced as feelings, which condition our thoughts positively or negatively, clouding our judgements. By dissolving the feelings we gain clarity of mind. You can read about this work under Artocles on my website,
We are so much more than we have been taught. Thank you, wishing you Love, Wisdom, Harmony and Joy

By: | Big Brother, "You Are Not My "Big Brother!" Sun, 27 Jul 2014 18:14:02 +0000 […] […]

By: Foundation of Mass Mind Control | Thought Crime Radio Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:39:25 +0000 […] […]

By: beefcake Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:54:47 +0000 Wonderful essay by Mr. Rappoport.
And if I may highlight a song by Mr. Harrison
which may also help individuals to escape the mind control bear trap:

I’ve got a word or two
To say about the things that you do
You’re telling all those lies
About the good things that we can have
If we close our eyes

Do what you want to do
And go where you’re going to
Think for yourself
‘Cause I won’t be there with you

I left you far behind
The ruins of the life that you had in mind
And though you still can’t see
I know your mind’s made up
You’re gonna cause more misery

Do what you want to do
And go where you’re going to
Think for yourself
‘Cause I won’t be there with you

Although your mind’s opaque
Try thinking more if just for your own sake
The future still looks good
And you’ve got time to rectify
All the things that you should

Do what you want to do
And go where you’re going to
Think for yourself
‘Cause I won’t be there with you

By: Foundation of Mass Mind Control | DeeSee Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:37:35 +0000 […] Foundation of Mass Mind Control. […]

By: donaldwilliam Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:34:52 +0000 Possibly the best single article on how we process reality, ever. Amazing. Thank you.

By: rich Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:12:40 +0000 Very astute observations, thanks for enlarging dimensionality of my symbol space šŸ™‚

The controllers also use more direct ways of manipulating emotion and identity. Psychiatry and male infant circumcision come to mind.

Psychiatry and circumcision are concerned with the manipulation of the two extremes of human emotion, misery and ecstacy, the control of which are essential to maintaining a docile population.

Constructive (i.e. individually liberating) social evolution is fueled by two essential ingredients: human pain and misery, and human joy and creativity. The former drives the desire, the latter provides the means. Without the latter, misery only leads to more misery.

Psychiatry addresses the former by pathologizing and suppressing people’s emotional responses to dysfunctional social environments such as domestic abuse, poverty etc. Anti-depressants and shock treatment are different ways of blocking the self-perception of suffering, and thus defusing the drive to social change and allowing for a much greater degree of social dysfunction than would otherwise be possible in a stable society. A form of brainwashing, pure and simple.

MGM deals with the opposite end of human emotional experience, ecstatic emotional connectedness, by amputating the neurological conduit by which sex is projected onto the emotional maps of the brain. The primary obstacle to efficient mass social organization is local social organization, which diverts resources and individual self-identification into personal and community relationships instead of state institutions. The extent to which a person has attained a degree of self-fulfillment and satisfaction in his/her personal life is the extent to which s/he is resistant to the inducements and conditioning of large-scale social structures. By literally cutting off much of a person’s capacity for shared ecstatic emotional experience and identification with the opposite sex, MGM frees up and allows for the redirection of self identification from interpersonal family and community-oriented attachments into identification with the state. Thus psychiatry and MGM both increase the “fitness” (in a darwinian sense) of the dominator social order relative to more “primitive” groups.

What really fascinates me is how the so-called controllers are themselves products of these self-replicating intergenerational processes of social control. If they had a little insight maybe this world would be a better place.

By: Catherine Mill Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:00:25 +0000 Thank you Jon.

When I realised that energy = energy in motion, it was then I really saw clearly.

I noticed the way images of starving children were used to extract money from people, but the money never really reached these children.
I noticed social workers seeing all parents as abusers, snatching well cared for children, warehousing them for massive profit.
I noticed most people believing all this and there was no point in saying anything as they were mesmerized.
So many examples.
Now the sheeple awaken and see the big picture.

By: Foundation of Mass Mind | Sat, 26 Jul 2014 02:28:52 +0000 […] Foundation of Mass Mind Control Posted on July 25, 2014, 7:28 pm By Larry Newman […]

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Foundation of Mass Mind Control | Shift Frequency Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:44:21 +0000 […] Source JonRappoportĀ  July 25 […]
