Comments on: The elite television anchor: center of the psyop Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:23:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: olivefarmer Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:23:21 +0000 Consciousness control is all encompassing, from science to religion to fantasy and everything in-between. It is the project. It is the battleground. It is the game being played.
The Lord of the Rings and the Narnia stories, both created by Golden Dawn members. The fiction of L Ron Hubbard. The foundations of NASA. The wizards and warlocks of King Arthur and Harry Potter, all twisted into that which enshrouds our understanding and corrals our imaginings. The various “holy” books and their hierarchical support structures, claiming closeness to God as the steps ascend.
As if.

I could go on.
Shakespeare told us all the world’s a stage, and so it is.
Reality shaped from nothingness, from formless atoms, witnessed by your consciousness via your inadequate 5 senses, all you know and experience existing only in an impossibly complex bio-engineered experiencing system consisting of electricity interacting with something we call “I” to create a picture of a life, a story to live in, an environment to grow in and die in and be, sooner or later, forgotten.
Someone made this now, makes it day to day, creates and fashions this reality and forms systems and beliefs and shapes fantasy and entraps hope. It decides when and why you should feel guilt and pain and anguish and anxiety and fear, allows the briefest of understandings of love and twists that, diverts it into guilded chapels or soaring spires or the begging bowls of corporatised charity, makes a zeitgeist that permits the easy exit from promises made and commitments entered into, makes cheap what should be sacrosanct, eases us away from duty and so separates us from the duty others have to us, thus dividing us from our honour.
There are human beings, then there are those that create the vision that we call reality and imprison us in this consciousness gulag.

By: Ron Davison Mon, 18 Aug 2014 23:49:02 +0000 OR
Replace high (SNR) with high (NSR) noise to signal ratio…reads better, more precise

By: Ron davison Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:25:53 +0000 Dooow…

Darn, tired, brain-stem….

Replace high (SNR) with low (SNR) to be correct.

By: Ron davison Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:51:45 +0000 Only a quorum of brain stems, all in agreement can unlock the chicken and egg issue of returning control to the middle, and ultimately the higher cortex.
Quarums get called because:

1) Our brain stems are tired, confused, or both.

Quorum scenario…
Imagine you are a tribesman and you are meeting at the quorum, Each of us takes turn watching a piece of the 360 degree pie for eminent danger, So/while the others can temporarily turn control toward ones middle brain, (Its faster to seed control to the brain stem, and can also modulate to/from the cortex ,…IFF the signals from the others on guard watch, do NOT signal emanate danger, and thus do NOT switch control back to the brain stem.
The Quorum can continue discussing IFF it safe to cancel the emergency broadcast system alerts that keep the brain-stem running all processes.

If the quorum is corrupted by a high SNR (signal to noise ration = to many false alarms)

Middle brain cannot modulate to/from the cortex needed to make intelligent,
“PEER REVIEWED” decisions, we…

Find ourselves where we are today.

By: Ron davison Mon, 18 Aug 2014 18:19:57 +0000 I agree with all you have said here Jon, thank you
But I need to point to a small flaw, or more exacting, a glossed over,

“hidden layer of the fact onion”.

It is not a yawn you see, that is an assumption made of what’s going on in the other “journalists mind”.
What is happening when you see this yawn, I will explain below:

1) The yawn is an auto-reflex controlled by the brain-stem.

2) That is all that is working.

3) The yawn is an auto-reset circuit breaker for the rest of the brain.

You see, the single digit PPM neurons , that did awaken, have the potential to keep firing and start an exponential rise in neuron activity.
This is not in the best interest of the probabilistic chances of survival, that have been proven over the eon’s via survival, and thus the coding embedded into one’s genetic blueprint.

of all of us.

AKA flight, fight, or if those two are not possible,
succumb, denilism, strong uncontrollable urge to lick your master…

Thus the brain stem dominated world we find ourselves in.

And it’s not just Journalists, I-M-A

By: lannyboy1 Tue, 12 Aug 2014 12:25:06 +0000 As one who believes in God, The Father of Jesus, The Christ, I have to tell you Jesus warned of the political and religious “leadership” telling lies in order to maintain their power and authority over the masses. He also warned of the “moneychangers”, those who bought and sold in the “marketplaces”. He was absolutely dead on with his warnings! 100%

By: lannyboy1 Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:06:32 +0000 In reading your article I was amazed at your skill in using words. Very well done. If I may, I’d like to post my words, though not in the way you did, and not with the skill you did either…

TV anchors are not the only ones framing the issues. There are skillfull individuals who’re quite intelligent who know how to appeal to the “common” man. They know how to use words to appeal to man’s “common sense”. What is man’s “common sense”? It is the way human beings think that is “common”, that is, all human beings, with some exceptions, view themselves and the world from , the “human point of view”. Human beings are born with a carnal “nature”. This is the base upon which the foundation of “common sense” rests. Carnal human beings are concerned with the basic desires, the passions of the flesh, on the temporal issues, not on the eternal or eternity. Humans focus on their “common” interests, the most basic of which is the drive to survive. People will do anything in order to survive! They will lie, cheat, steal, beg, borrow, and even kill when it comes to survival. Among us are those who capitalize on carnal nature of man, who think nothing of committing very great iniquity in order to survive. They hide in plain sight. They are “Master’s” of their “Craft”. They know how to manipulate and control their constituents using a variety of techniques. They are very good with “words”.

By: henry Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:32:09 +0000 Television programs are programming the audience not the television. You are correct that people watching news programs think they are informed when they are not. Try to present alternative ideas to them and they will laugh at you. Each “news” source has a bias. The reality is spun to give two slightly different views of the world (conservative/liberal – black/white – educated/uneducated – city/country). If they think that you are endorsing the slightly different reality, they will think that you are stupid, If they think that you are not coming from either of the realities promoted on television then they will think you are insane. Racist, homophobe, anti-Semitic, and conspiracy theorist are code words for insanity. If they can post one of these labels on you then they no longer need to consider anything that you say has any merit.

By: SamAdamsGhost Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:17:55 +0000 Of course, many of us have observed how news ‘programs’ often seem to be in sync. That is, they often cover the same subject at the same time – and this is obvious when you switch between the various networks. I always wondered about whether a certain format of story presentation was taught in broadcast journalism schools. I never considered that there could be broader & higher motivation at work – – – – to present a uniform view of fabricated ‘reality’ to the t.v. audience that they will not question.
I don’t watch t.v. now; haven’t done so for a very long time. While visiting a relative, I watched Fox ‘News’ for awhile and the manipulation of the audience was obvious. Over a short period of time, people are presented with various ‘stories’. The first story is the big lead in. That’s ‘what’s important’ today. This usually means what’s been hyped as important is presented in a uniform way. No probing questions. No in depth analysis. No time for that, on to the next ‘story’. And on it goes – national and international ‘news’, local ‘news’, sports, weather, and maybe something lighter for ‘human interest’. In a nice, uniform and familiar consumer package. The audience thinks they know ‘what’s going on’. They think they ‘are informed’. Nothing beyond that is needed. When the consumers have had their fill, they can go on to watch the incredibly moronic ‘programming’ that makes up the other various shows on t.v. The dumbing down process that goes on in the ‘schools’ is carried out in America’s living rooms too.

Extremely sophisticated psychological operations

By: amnesiaclinic Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:33:07 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
Right at the end Jon explains the Roman Empire twist for perpetuating the lie – brilliant!
