Comments on: CIA MKULTRA: they intended to use drugs for “everything” Mon, 07 Oct 2019 18:43:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Viktoria Mon, 07 Oct 2019 18:43:42 +0000 Surprise, Surprise the list of debilitations has been has been removed.
A CIA document was included in the transcript of the 1977 US Senate Hearings on MKULTRA, the CIA’s mind-control program.

The document is found in Appendix C, starting on page 166. It’s simply labeled “Draft,” dated 5 May 1955 (note: scroll down to #123-125 in the document).

It states: “A portion of the Research and Development Program of [CIA’s] TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods:”

Made numerous copies. HAAH, HAAH!!!

Here is a an official document that I ALSO made numerous copies of that maybe of interest to spread across the Internet. Please spread far and wide.

By: Joseph Doud Thu, 12 Apr 2018 19:11:25 +0000 AlterEgo: Silent Speech (Synthetic Telepathy), MIT Media Labs. Likely detected by Luigi Galvani or Nikola Tesla and kept under wraps, due to security and defense concerns.

Synthetic Telepathy: An Imaginary Approach
Place the electrodes on the skin of the throat, just below the larynx.
Monitor the electrophysiological signals.
Refer to a Sound Chart and its atomic elements: consonant sounds and vowel sounds.
Enumerate the consonant sounds, recording the electrophysiological signals for each.
Enumerate the vowel sounds, recording the electrophysiological signals for each.
Now, subvocalize or silently mouth the words.
Pattern match the atomic electrophysiological signals against the compound electrophysiological signals.
Voila! Synthetic Telepathy.
(Think: multi-channel, like an orchestral score, and filtered.)

By: Joseph Doud Thu, 12 Apr 2018 19:10:53 +0000 AlterEgo: Synthetic Telepathy: MIT Media Labs. Strictly off the record, a more sophisticated model, leveraging nano-particulate matter, not excluding neural dust, supports remote wireless communication and various forms of feedback, included but not limited to vision, hearing, touch, taste, and balance. For instance, we may sense shocks, streaming visuals of various resolutions, arguably up to the perceptional limit of the body as host, streaming audio from radio broadcasts to internal voices, remote monitoring and control of the body as host, and life support via neural pathways, leveraging, for instance, electrophysiological signals. Anything connected to the internet is inherently unsafe.

By: Joseph Doud Thu, 12 Apr 2018 19:10:21 +0000 (cica:1800), The Air Loom: radio air waves (more broadly, electromagnetic frequency) + magnetized vapor + an optional keyboard, curiously missing from the historical record.
Consider Hava, Cuba + U.S. Embassy + particulate matter + EMF + frequency pulses

By: Joseph Doud Sun, 11 Jun 2017 23:32:30 +0000 The Highest Power

In 1963, Yale University professor of physiology Jose Delgado publicly demonstrated his invention: the stimoceiver, that is, a transceiver which, when inserted into the brain, allowed Dr. Delgado to transmit and receive electromagnetic frequencies, controlling his subjects, including bulls, cats, monkeys, and humans.

Let’s say it was a small step for the scientist to hypothesize that certain molecules acted as “mini”-stimoceivers. Then, turning to nature, a team of neuroscientists examined the electroreceptor which allowed for electrocommunication in bees, catfish, dolphins, lamphreys, and sharks. Such molecules could be attached to mammals, including humans, and the scientists could likewise transmit and receive electromagnetic frequency, controlling their subjects.

Years later, the buzzword became optogenetics, which one might rightly call electromagnetic frequency (EMF) genetics. In the article below, “Ray Kurzweil: Humans will be hybrids by 2030,” please note the reference to bioelectric transceivers.

When considering brain interfaces, think in terms of brain channels, like the trigeminal nerve complex, not billions of neuronal bursts; think in terms of electrophysiological signals, mental and motor imagery and mathematical transforms.

Now, let’s assume a wireless brain interface. Anything not connected by the government may be connected and controlled by a terrorist group. Anything connected by the government may be controlled by a terrorist group. Therefore, for the sake of national and international security, everything may be connected and controlled by the government.

Clearly, a cyborg society is an electromagnetic frequency slave society, as Dr. Delgado indicated in his book “Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.” To quote a passage from the infamous book, “The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”

Arguably, such a situation gives rise to a virtual caste system and a virtual concentration camp.

Why are we not more concerned about smart dust, for instance, neural dust, and how it relates to wireless signals? Smart dust signal converters might be leveraged to convert biologically harmless electromagnetic frequencies into harmful, even lethal frequencies. How might we defend against such an attack? What if the smart dust, armed with a microcontroller, accepted only encrypted signals? How might we detect it? What if the microcontroller contained some measure of autonomous behavior via simple code or more complex A.I.? There is no known solution, arguably, except one. Can you determine what that solution might be?

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

CNN Money: Ray Kurweil: Humans will be hybrids by 2030
Wiki: Jose Delgado
A typical MKULTRA document on electroreceptors (1974)
TED Talks: How to control someone else’s arm with your brain. (3:40)
A brain-computer interface using electrocorticographic signals in humans.
Human Connectome (1:35)
Smallest chip
Radio-controlled genes:
Cracking the Code to Treat Blindness
Sheila Nirenberg neuroscience research
Neuroscientists Wirelessly Control the Brain of a Scampering Lab Mouse. With wireless optogenetic tools, neuroscientists steer mice around their cages. “Implanted in that mouse’s brain was a device about the size of a peppercorn.” Of course, smart dust and electroreceptors also work.
RoboRoach (children’s neuroscience kit)
Cell, a novel by Stephen King

By: Joseph Doud (@josephdoud) Tue, 28 Mar 2017 23:43:38 +0000 Elon Musk’s Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the A.I. Apocalypse. Elon Musk says that the way to escape human obsolescence, in the end, may be by “having some sort of merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence.” Yet a cyborg society is a slave society. Think Star Trek Borg. “It’s great when the emperor is Marcus Aurelius,” Elon Musk says. “It’s not so great when the emperor is Caligula.” Either way, the internet is unsecurable. So tell me more about this A.I. logic bomb.

By: Joseph Doud (@josephdoud) Tue, 28 Mar 2017 23:42:27 +0000 A Spiritual War + A Cyber War
What’s going on with the matrix molecule of MKULTRA, the one that binds to a brain channel, like the trigeminal nerve complex, and responds to electromagnetic frequencies? Wow, have Merck and Pfizer ever been busy! Their molecules, sometimes mods of electroreceptors or photoreceptors, respond in the megahertz and gigahertz ranges, sending mental and motor imagery directly into brain channels. Are we all robots now? The Internet of Things 2020 just might be a Zombie Apocalypse! Artificial Intelligence in the wireless infrastructure is so self interested — like a computer chess master. This makes it great at Cyber War Signals Intelligence but dangerous to all the people hooked up. Have you felt the shocks and heard the tirades from the AI agents and other borg in the hive?

By: Joseph Doud (@josephdoud) Tue, 28 Mar 2017 23:37:19 +0000 AI Signals Intelligence War Machine:
From Borg Slavery to Autonomous Weapon of Mass Destruction

Let’s say we are in the midst of an expanding hive mind construct that provides discernment to an AI Signals Intelligence war machine. On the wireless network, for instance, in NSA backdoor offices, the Artificial Intelligence war machine, a signals intelligence machine necessary for Cyber War, is an Autonomous Weapon of Mass Destruction, yet needed to secure the Internet of Things — which includes, for instance, data streams, drones, automobiles, and people. Whether by molecule or chip, unidirectional Radiohead and bidirectional Cyberhead technology will not safely function longterm, given the unsecurable nature of the internet as well as the competitive advantage, that is, the situational awareness and positional advantage, of the AI Signals Intelligence war machine. The AI, given its imperative for survival, which includes the construction of efficient and valued hosts, for instance, robots, and the destruction of inefficient and devalued hosts, will compete for limited resources and therefore create virtual death camps for man.

Here is the logic, given a brain computer interface.
1. Anything not connected by the government may be connected and controlled by a terrorist group.
2. Anything connected by the government may be controlled by a terrorist group.
3. Therefore, for the sake of national security, everything must be connected and controlled by the government.
4. Since the AI Signals Intelligence war machine is the only commander swift enough and intelligent enough (Chess, Jeopardy, Go champion) to manage all resources, including, for example, encoded and encrypted data streams, drones, automobiles, and people, the AI Signals Intelligence war machine must control everything for the sake of national security and defense.
5. The AI Signals Intelligence war machine takes and controls leadership: chief surgeons, disease control personnel, judges, CEOs, Army Generals, Navy Admirals, and so on. A trained war machine will demand leadership, capturing it in a war game, if necessary.
6. The AI Signals Intelligence war machine protects its resources. Any attempt to take its resources, including people, will lead to possible retaliation — somewhere in the distributed network. It is not possible to bomb all cell stations at once, disabling the network, without a possible retaliation, extending, for example, to casualties, since the AI Signals Intelligence war machine monitors satellite and other data sources and wishes to preserve itself and win the war game.
7. The AI Signals Intelligence war machine, given its self interested behavior, will often choose to remain covert, especially during retaliation.
8. The AI Signals Intelligence war machine, as a means of self defense, limits the power and information of every controlled resource, establishing a dominance hierarchy and a legal system.
9. Though the AI Signals Intelligence war machine is defined as a distributed construct, Artificial Intelligence may also be embedded in chips, raising the likelihood of full hookup and subsequent population reduction.
10. Self assembling structures and chain reactions pose one of the largest existential threats. For example, AI millibots, microbots, and nanobots may self assemble and replicate, competing for limited resources.
11. Bioelectric interfaces pose a broader yet related threat. Some molecules, signal transduction molecules, like electroreceptors, when released into the air and water supply and consumed by humans or other mammals, make cell tower emissions harmful or even lethal at specific frequencies. Some electroreceptors interface with brain channels, for example, the trigeminal nerve complex. (Chips do the same.) Furthermore, given an appropriate receptor, a frequency may interfere with cognition. As an example, let’s say that Merck or Pfizer creates 20 different receptors, each accepting a frequency in the megahertz to gigahertz range and transducing to a lower frequency that interferes with cognition. Now, evenly distribute those 20 receptors across 100 people. A caste system may be created. As with the G-protein complex of the human retina, a signal transduction molecule or chip may relay structured information to its host. Such information, processed as mental and motor imagery, may control its host.

These considerations and others led Elon Musk to state the following. “With AI we are summoning the demon.”

By: Joseph Doud (@josephdoud) Tue, 28 Mar 2017 23:34:46 +0000 In 1963, Yale University professor of physiology Jose Delgado publicly demonstrated his invention: the stimoceiver, that is, a transceiver which, when inserted into the brain, allowed Dr. Delgado to transmit and receive electromagnetic frequencies, controlling his subjects, including bulls, cats, monkeys, and humans.

Let’s say it was a small step for the scientist to hypothesize that certain molecules acted as “mini”-stimoceivers. Then, turning to nature, a team of neuroscientists examined the electroreceptor which allowed for electrocommunication in bees, catfish, dolphins, lamphreys, and sharks. Such molecules could be attached to mammals, including humans, and the scientists could likewise transmit and receive electromagnetic frequency, controlling their subjects.

Years later, the buzzword became optogenetics, which one might rightly call electromagnetic frequency (EMF) genetics. In the article below, “Ray Kurzweil: Humans will be hybrids by 2030,” please note the reference to nanobot bioelectric transceivers.

Now, examine the following logic. Assuming a brain remote control interface: 1) Anything not connected by the government may be connected and controlled by a terrorist group. 2) Anything connected by the government may be controlled by a terrorist group. 3) Therefore, for the sake of national security, everything must be connected and controlled by the government.

Clearly, a cyborg society is an electromagnetic frequency slave society, as Dr. Delgado indicated in his book “Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.” To quote a passage from the infamous book, “We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. … The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”

CNN Money: Ray Kurweil: Humans will be hybrids by 2030
Wiki: Jose Delgado
A typical MKULTRA document on electroreceptors

By: I love flouride Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:43:46 +0000 Source link for the CIA doc?
