Comments on: Are we living inside a virtual simulation? Mon, 14 Sep 2015 15:26:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pippa Koenig Mon, 14 Sep 2015 15:26:50 +0000 I found a picture of your side (coloured hearts) and want to use it for my blog?

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 20 Aug 2014 02:56:55 +0000 I would need to disagree with you, spaceenergymass.

Looking at the evolution of Christianity, ignoring the Roman vampiric prostitution, it began with the Jewish Gnostic sects and became Christianity. Therefore, theoretically, Christianity (free of “sol invictus” pollution) is refined Jewish Gnosticism. Christians don’t see the light they see the Essenes (excuse the cheap pub).

The informed might also bring up Saint (sic) Paul, the “self professed” Apostle. He was a shoe in – fusion of old guard orthodox pharisaic Zionism with a quaint Roman polish.

By: usurykills Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:30:31 +0000 A simulation implies a creator. No evidence for either.

By: usurykills Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:27:56 +0000 Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. Didn’t work. Next.

By: OzzieThinker Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:26:45 +0000 Incorrect, again, BoboSixxII

1984 was the start of a process that will complete in 2072. I cannot understand the significance of 2012 other than the misinterpretation of the [Anunaki guided] Olmec Wheel of the Sun calendar.

There are a number of possibilities associated with 2072, but the Zeta crop circles are pointing towards “ascension”. Neither “hidden powers” or the Military Industrial Complex (for Zion) want this to happen, so we face an interesting paradox. Will it be Armageddon or will “they” be powerless as we shift molecularly.

2017 is a significant year. All star portals have been permanently open since [date May?] 2008 and will close 17th or 18th October 2017. That is why there is so much activity around the sun. It also suggests there will be a significant “mindset” shift after 18th October 2017 and that is why they need to formally federalise the planet beforehand.

You are welcome to visit my blog for insight. This is probably a good start point.


By: Gudrun B Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:41:05 +0000 sort of reminds me of the Celestine Prophecies

By: Aya Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:20:54 +0000 To get this more holistic, you may widen your view;

By: spacenergymass Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:57:28 +0000 Here is the latest interview on Red Ice Radio with John Lamb Lash. Listen to what our ancient ancestors, the Gnostics, (and no, the Gnostics were NOT Christians) had to say about the matrix, and how we can work together to free our specie’s potential for good.

By: BoboSixx II Sat, 16 Aug 2014 14:27:26 +0000 “Assuming those are the facts, what it means that we share this same world and have some kind of communication with each other?”

Yes, it is our ethereal connection through our Hearts.

Twins often demonstrate this connection by their psychic ability to know instantaneously what the other twin is thinking and feeling.

People that fall deeply in Love with each other strengthens this connection to the level that most twins have and can feel their Loved one just as acutely as the twins do with each other.

These two examples prove that we all are connected with this energy.
Some obviously are more in tune with this connection than others.

“What did Orson Welles have in mind when he said ‘The enemy of art is the absence of limitations’?”

Due to the political environment and history that Mr. Welles was accustomed to, he had just his perspective of the world and it’s available freedoms to offer his opinion of the times he was living through.

Artists that were oppressed at that time, needed an artistic outlet to express themselves, releasing suppressed energy.

So, they produced great works of art through their suffering.

Up until the present day, the World has forgotten what true freedom is.

So technically, all great works of art was produced under strenuous conditions.

Now the World and her people are going into the age of awareness.
Mass Consciousness Awakening is now here.

The new and true freedoms we will soon be experiencing, will bring out new works of art, celebrating the World’s liberation from the lower negative energies and those dark tyrannical energies that oppressed us for far too long.


By: Ivan K. Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:30:26 +0000 Jon contemplates the possibility that “our creative power could change the inherent design of reality” and that “when freed from restraints, human beings become enormously creative.”

This reader from the other side of the planet finds that vision alien. It leads to several questions:

Assuming those are the facts, what it means that we share this same world and have some kind of communication with each other? Can you prove you’re right by disappearing and reappearing again? Has anyone?

Why have many accomplished artists done their best work in oppressive, repressive social environments, full of restraints?

What did Orson Welles have in mind when he said “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”?

Why is your worldview without a coherent story of the kind: we have this ability because of this-and-this, and it appears to lead us to that-and-that? Why does it look like a purely psychic pill, giving a sense of unrestrained progressive movement & freedom? Is it culture-specific as it looks to me?
