Comments on: Ebola unproven treatments; what about vitamins? Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:04:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: theodorewesson Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:04:04 +0000 Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp vs. Louis Pasteur.

By: heureka47 Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:18:22 +0000 “The human IS, how he thinks in his heart.”

“What you believe, you will experience.”

Kind regards:

Wolfgang Heuer

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Fri, 29 Aug 2014 23:33:55 +0000 That’s the Spiritual end, yes – that is true in that level of existence. However, while traveling this “physical” existence – in a physical body – having physical needs – that need physical resources to meet those needs – would be pointless without them.

Total health DOES require we address ALL the levels and “planar bodies” and their needs. Modern medicine properly-addresses absolutely NONE of these needs as today’s modern medicine employs “bandage”-approaches to the symptomology of “dis-ease”. One of those things “modern medicine” falls short on – is nutrition, whether be it of the physical and/or spiritual. (Preferably BOTH – plus all the other “needs”.)

So, my remark still holds true on the basis of common sense and of Nature. The Spirit and the Divine Mind be as our guides, but we still must address the rest of the needs while we still have those needs by virtue of our “multi-layered” existence.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: heureka47 Tue, 26 Aug 2014 19:48:55 +0000 “Nutrition is the beginning and end of life and good health.”:

According to my experiences / findings the “beginning and end of life and good health” is the spiritual power we ARE in truth. And we must activate the inner source and identify with it. That has to be done in the process of initiation / ascension in early puberty – but big majority of civilized society is alienated to this knowledge / wisdom.

For the process the young people should live in basical trust / confidence (in life / God), in order to be able to confront the “unknown” / “strange” in the unconscious mind / subconsciousness.
If basical trust is not there, FEAR has to be overcome, first.

Then, the young person will get to know the higher / true self, his future identity, and after a while they will unify.
The process is completed, when the young person identifies with the higher / true self and its values (the highest principle of universe) AND when the person has cleaned the (sub-)consciousness.

Kind regards:

Wolfgang Heuer

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:12:31 +0000 This post reminds me of something rather interesting, especially relating to nutrition.

We nowadays see all these billboards urging all parents to get their children vaccinated against childhood measles, whooping cough, and you name it – they have a “shot” for that! – Of course, these pushers like to scare the hell out of people with (what are often very questionable or misleading) all kinds of statistics collected from around the world on all the purported deaths from these diseases. – Never once, was it clearly stated that most of the childhood deaths from these common childhood “diseases” were in areas full of severely impoverished and starving peoples! – Never once!

Most of today’s “doctors” and other “health-professionals” will even REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE the direct role of nutrition and diet on the overall health of an individual! – Nevermind the many thousands of years’ worth of proof (in living flesh and discovered natural medicines) that commonsensically-prove the obvious: It was “never scientifically-proven” (by THEIR brand of science).

“Nutrition is the beginning and end of life and good health.”

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: heureka47 Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:30:38 +0000 “Overpopulation by itself is the root of all problems!”:

That is also caused by the Collective Civilization Neurosis (alienation to the true / higher self), the sickness that broke out abt. 15.000 or 20.000 years ago, may be even 40.000 or 60.000 years.

Kind regards!

By: usurykills Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:51:16 +0000 Sam Kinison was ahead of the curve (hypocritical “caring”):

By: OzzieThinker Tue, 19 Aug 2014 07:02:02 +0000 @bm

You talk of over population, but relative to what?

Though you will find information in no history books or ancient texts, known or “unknown”, the population on Mars 78 million years ago peaked at over 13 billion people. Then the planet was roughly in our position in relation to the sun (though the orbit was a little different). It is not much larger in land size than ours.

The significant event that “changed everything” was the destruction of a planet called Maldek (some of it still hangs around as the “asteroid belt”). In fact it was man’s heinous technologies in attacking the “existential threat”, the dragons, that brought our downfall. As far as I can ascertain it reduced the 13-14billion to under 30,000 head.

Agreed, eco-resource management is a prerequisite here, but the “population” [per se] is not the problem.

By: bm Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:30:04 +0000 Are you going to receive nutritional food, shelter, clothing from the Universe when special interest is always there not just offering but forcing an umbrella over everyone’s life?

Overpopulation by itself is the root of all problems! Sex Ed in schools is about using birth control paraphenelia. In certain religious schools it is about abstinence. In certain communites, being single is a sin! What is needed is discussion about overpopulation itself. Children are smart enough to discover their own solutions. Few know the satisfaction of simply placing one’s partner’s bare feet against one’s bare chest while closing one’s eyes and looking within. This is never mentioned at school and few are aware of the possibilities.

By: OzzieThinker Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:05:11 +0000 You may be on to something here, Jon.

TB disappeared with decent infrastructure. Beyond the Holocaust myth, there has been little time devoted to the plight of the Jews (and other races) interned in Ghettos and concentration camps per NAZI protocol. Anne Frank apparently died of TB perhaps in Musselmann state (“walking dead”) prior to death.

I have also read up on Hulda Regehr Clark. This cure seems to be a fusion of antique herbal remedies (i.e. Cannabis oil, Soursop tea) and pinpoint (mild) electrocution (fame of Royal Rife) to remedy cancers, which she argues are caused by a ‘parasite’.
