Comments on: The press takes a holiday…every day Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:49:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: roibeardh Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:49:28 +0000 A simple flatten world, whatever political party the people elect, in every case the same hidden hand rules on.

By: Suicide and Henchmen of Evil | ozziethinker Mon, 25 Aug 2014 05:49:32 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport regularly posts articles illustrating how the mainstream Medias present an illusory re…. It is not just the mainstream. Alternative Medias have their own look and feel. Infowars subscribers expect a certain type of presentation. Too far outside the mould loses subscribers. Before I discuss the recent staged beheading of the American journalist, let us review progress on Baby Gammy. Last post we learned that baby Gammy had been rejected by his father [and mother] for the worst possible reason. It was an “imperfect” baby as it had been diagnosed with Downs Syndrome. Giving too much love is classed as a disability in this foul world. It has been a matter of days (they needed to milk the Foley beheading) for the press to launch a tar and feather campaign against Gammy’s father, who we found out was a registered sex offender, was also classed as a paedophile. The details of the offenses are a mystery, but we presume more than one mid teen girl was “molested”. Included was an incident with a five year old girl. If only the mainstream Media could find one of those teen victims (sic) to champion their cause. Given a big enough purse, surely someone would put the right spin. I wonder if this was scripted by Australia’s very own “Mary Whitehouse”; a delightfully sour lady called Hetty Johnson? I am sure Thailand will happily play Australia’s bitch. […]

By: Jackie ONeil Tue, 19 Aug 2014 05:14:55 +0000 So reckon that leaves the people in a hole as well waiting for their spoon of pablum. Totally ignorant and that has what has served us as journalists. Remember in the 70’s and I was contemplating taking a journalists course, got literally talked out of it, today sorry I listened. JackieO

By: llwalling Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:10:12 +0000 Our masters do give us a Hegelian “choice” of liberal or conservative dogma (Fox and WSJ). But history is littered with the corpses of reporters who tried to go beyond.

By: Doc Lemm Mon, 18 Aug 2014 06:19:45 +0000 The New Order driven news media just serves up the same old crap every time. You can count on it.

By: theodorewesson Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:56:29 +0000 Karl Kaiser, currently at Harvard… (no wikipedia page,… under the radar)

By: Brian Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:31:27 +0000 I’m surprised you missed it, Jon. David Rockefeller, speaking before the CFR (of which he is an honorary chairman), thanked the press for suppressing the details of their plans, because the light of day would have doomed them. It’s not a problem of laziness or indifference, it’s cooperation. You don’t get a job in major media unless you’re willing to play ball. Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, George Snuffleupagus, all CFR members. You’re correct that they suppress info, but missed the cause.

By: Truthseeker Sun, 17 Aug 2014 20:22:17 +0000 Jon
I worked for CBS for 15 years and was disgusted much of the time by my colleagues lack of curiosity about anything…esp anything that could challenge liberal dogma. They never considered another point of view—in fact they mocked me if I brought up another point of view, never wanted to look beyond the sound bite, never wanted to know who Obama really is, why scientists had to lie to bolster the global warming argument, and so on. (I literally could go on ad nauseum.)
You are dead on right about this.

By: SamAdamsGhost Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:40:21 +0000 Reporters come out of the current ‘education’ system, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that the vast majority of them are clueless slackers. A friend of my family has a kid who went into T.V. journalism. From the beginning, he was primarily interested in making lots of money. He isn’t interested in rocking the boat, and has little curiosity about the way the world works. He has a good voice and is photogenic. He has moved from various US cities as jobs opened up in more populous ‘markets’. He is the perfect example of a TV reporter covering lightweight ‘local interest’ stories. He hopes to eventually be a local anchor in ‘a major metro market’ & maybe go to a national network.

From observing him and his colleagues, I really wonder if there’s Any journalistic sense in TV news today. They talk like marketing people.
