Comments on: Breaking: MMR vaccine, autism, CDC coverup Sun, 24 Aug 2014 19:37:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Travis alstad Sun, 24 Aug 2014 19:37:31 +0000 A 300% increase could be the difference between a 1 in 1 million chance or a 3 in 1 million chance, and there is far too much variance to be of significance. Of course analytical statistics are way over the head of anyone who believes this ultra biased excuse for scientific insight.

By: theodorewesson Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:20:20 +0000 Thanks! I will checkout Dr Stephnie Seneff.

Also, just to add, Dr. Joel Wallach’s new book — which also mentions “low fat diets and not enough cholesterol and not enough good salt” — as well as mineral defficiencies as the main cause of disease — is…

Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission


By: Marsha Sat, 23 Aug 2014 21:01:38 +0000 Your post ,Dani, was written with reason. Thank you.

By: Ginger Fri, 22 Aug 2014 02:07:48 +0000 I am not sure how the people at the CDC, doctors and nurses can live with themselves. I almost lost my daughter after the MMR vaccine, they have not had any since and I did extensive research, tried to warn as many people as would listen. Most people call me crazy, they are so brainwashed. It is so sad, my heart would break every time I entered a classroom each year as more and more students had autism every single year!!!

By: Jackie ONeil Fri, 22 Aug 2014 01:56:12 +0000 I remember the late 70″s and 80″s I knew maybe 1 or 2 but it wasn’t very much and now it is awful it seems like everyday some poor child has come down with autism, thanks Jon for intent research. By then my boys were grown, remember childhood vaccines when they were little.Late 50″s never even heard of autism. Something fishy is truly going on..

By: lee Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:02:57 +0000 I know exactly what you have been through – the hepatitis vaccine at birth was where it started and my son too was slow to meet milestones. Still he was a happy, bubbly toddler until around 18 months, then he rapidly lost all speech and connection with us. We became nothing more than objects in the room, like another piece of furniture. Dr. Mary Megson of Richmond, Va told me when he was almost 3 to never allow anyone to give him another vaccine but the damage was already done. My heart breaks for my son, for your son, for all the injured children and their devastated families.

By: Steven Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:38:17 +0000 Diagnosing autism before 15 months is nearly impossible, since the developmental cues are nearly the same up to 2 years.

By: Rife Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:53:53 +0000 Paul D – What say you?

By: Lorena Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:48:50 +0000 I knew my kids we injected before leaving the hospital and was told when I caught them that is was vitamins I now know the truth… Long investigations to find it… it was the hep vac… My kids have autism as well . Womens Hospital Winnipeg Manitoba in 2003 and 2005

By: MMR Vaccine, Thimerosal and Autism Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:02:04 +0000 […] is not breaking news but I was reading a recent post here on Jon Rappoport’s blog so I decided to research for myself and I found a Forbes article […]
