Comments on: CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:00:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: katychicago Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:00:40 +0000 Thank you thank you thank you from all of us who know the connection between the vaccinations and autism and have unfortunately experienced it first hand through our own children or grandchildren or family or friends. Please continue this work don’t let it die.

By: adam gibson Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:55:04 +0000 Here is the letter from the CDC doctors LLC company that is representing him as a whistleblower in regards to the MMR vaccine fraud and autism

By: Matthieu Cameron Wed, 27 Aug 2014 19:24:14 +0000 Not only USA children, think of all the children. Third World Countries (what Bill Gates), and what about your neighbours in Canada.

By: Cat Wed, 27 Aug 2014 02:21:28 +0000 If Wakefield, Hooker, Thompson or even Rob have ANY documents they are withholding I simply don’t understand it. Every minute hurts another kid. Every single minute.

By: disturbeddeputy Wed, 27 Aug 2014 01:20:05 +0000 Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
Thy are lying to you….again.

By: Sigh Tue, 26 Aug 2014 23:04:08 +0000 Knowingly hurting children… for life. What an evil country.

By: judgingjudi Tue, 26 Aug 2014 18:30:50 +0000 I have been reading about the issue of immunization now for almost twenty years and reserved my opinion and judgement as I tried to understand that sometimes protecting many by immunizing en mass, must negatively impact some of the more sensitive people who may suffer the consequences of neuro-toxicity. After all there will always be some of us who are more sensitive to the toxins and other agents, which we are subjected to, than others.

When flu shots came into vogue in the eighties, my job was clinical educator and quality assurance coordinator. I felt I had to set an example for the nursing staff and others, so I was among the first of our group to roll up my sleeve and get injected. I never had a reaction, but, otherwise things remained the same for me, getting my usual cold, bronchitis, etc, but was told by staff health, it probably would have been a lot worse, If I had not taken the flu shots.

For the past few years, I have personally made the choice not to take any more vaccines and concentrate on building up my own immunity, by living a more healthy lifestyle. I refused all flu shots, pneumonia shots, shingles shots, and other shots that I have been offered and have keep well.

To give or not to give vaccines to yourself or especially your offspring has to be a well thought out decision, especially when you see the increase of neurological symptoms due to brain damage that is not explained or understood.

Finding out now that the studies were flawed and the negative results were hidden, makes me sick. Even the incidence of ALS is quite high with Gulf War veterans. Etc. etc. and people, like myself, who have to live with me/fm/mci, who are not even being taken seriously by physicians, it breaks my heart.

At least people with ALS are out of their misery after a few years, because that illness kills them. But, people with me, fm, mci, ms, autism, pots, and other motor neuron neurological endocrinological disorders have to keep suffering on and on and are kept being abused by psychiatrists and other physicians who must have their heads in the sand to keep believing that there is nothing physically wrong with so many of us, or it is not related to neuro-toxicity, whether from microorganisms/ chemicals/ noxious gases/ electromagnets, radiation or accident .

By: eagreenhalgh Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:26:15 +0000 Jon, your tip of the iceberg is bigger than even you know. I found the Cell Death Signal Gene theory circa 1988. It was reviewed by Dr.G.L. Nicolson of M.D.Anderson Cancer Center. He supported me. Unfortunately the University of Waterloo was intent on committing NIH scholarship fraud. I have been blacklisted and suppressed. I have had material in front of the CDC, PHS, FBI and DOJ. Dr.Douglas Wright of the University of Waterloo is guilty of uttering fraudulent documents to the federal government of the United States. The federal government of the United States has been informed of this if you read my website See the comments from the Deputy Chief of the DOJ, Farrington ( her reply posted on the site ) she said what wrong did they ( U of Waterloo ) do? They lied in writing for monies that they would never had otherwise received if they told the truth as required by federal law/standards. They also blocked cancer cures because CEll Death Signal Gene Theory is now call ed Programmed Cell Death and is the basis for modern cancer research /apoptosis etc and possibly the cure. Not something that was done for the public good but a benefir for a rich connected millionaire like Wright. Wright had connections to PM Brian Mulroney and President Bill Clinton .Think about it , the possibility may be proven that Bill Clinton accepted monies from the various companies that Wright sits on as a director in support for monies for his re election campaign if Clinton would OBSTRUCT justice by interfering with a DOJ criminal investigation . How is that for the tip of an iceberg . It would be great if the public would help me bring this out in the open and criminal prosecution . E.A.Greenhalgh

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:00:06 +0000 Masterful job, John!

I could never understand how ANYONE with a modicum or even a shred of common decency and moral fiber would relegate the release of damning information and documentation at a mere trickle-rate.

What’s more,

The longer one “holds on to” all that information (all in one, singular place), the greater the chance of that information never seeing the light of day! – As a few good folks stated years ago, it is far better and provides a greater insurance of survival if the whistle-blower(s) to be would just release all they have to the public and “put a face” to the disclosure. All this hiding and secrecy in the shadows does is just make it easier for these folks to be “disappeared” or “suicided”.

Come on, folks! If you have what we all need to know, just let it all air-out! You may survive a bit longer when you do, but you will still be doing the right thing.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: FauxScienceSlayer Tue, 26 Aug 2014 12:54:41 +0000 We do not have a government, we have a kleptocracy run by demonic psychopaths. You are not serving humanity if you hide any information, on any of the subjects these robber barons force you to lie about, including vaccines, GMO, chem-trails, Carbon climate forcing, 911, and virtually every subject imaginable. Please, if you have any information, on any institutionalized fraud, that helps liberate humanity from this scourge, RELEASE IT NOW !
