Comments on: Update: CDC whistleblower in touch with members of Congress Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:49:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Researcher Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:49:02 +0000 There are a hell of a lot of unanswered questions regarding the 2004 DeStefano study.
1) In what year were the children born? Were both groups born in the same year?
2) what other vaccines did they receive?
3) when did they receive other vaccines?
4) since the study was published in February, 2004, the data was likely collected in 2003. The children would therefore have been born 2000 or earlier. Was the vaccine schedule changed after they were born? (Answer: yes. 4 doses of PCV were added during the first year, in 2001. So how does the addition of that vaccine–given at the same time as several other vaccines, with the 4th dose given WITH the MMR–factor into the autism rate?)

Am I the only one who thinks that the CDC is trying really hard to distract us from something about the vaccine schedule in 2000 and later? DeStefano’s studies have all been shining examples of sleight-of-hand. Take a close look at them–not just the abstract, but the study, in detail. Look at what exactly got studied, at the study subjects, and especially at the “control” groups. Then look at the conclusion, and see if you wonder, as I do, how he could possibly arrive at that conclusion.

By: littlefolks2013 Fri, 29 Aug 2014 00:16:08 +0000 Reblogged this on littlefolksblog and commented:
Money and greed… doesn’t matter WHO it hurts. More FRAUD, this time, on our children.

By: The plot just gets thicker | The Edge of Autism Wed, 27 Aug 2014 22:35:50 +0000 […] Update: CDC whistleblower in touch with members of Congress […]

By: J.C Wed, 27 Aug 2014 22:10:37 +0000 Hooker’s study has been pulled from public viewing. That says a lot about what he found.

By: Avi Wed, 27 Aug 2014 19:02:49 +0000 Hi Jon !
Keep Going !!

We have a tremendous opportunity to blow up the established cartel and you are nearly the only one real journalist taking the hammer about it !!!

If you google “vaccine-autism connection” in the last week/month period, you come first place …

When looking at the Google results, one can see this is a hot ball because the mentioned articles are either pro or against, no middle path.

I’ve found an extremely well purported article about the link between toxicity in general and of vaccines in particular with autism and other ‘degenerative’ illnesses, although this has been said long ago by Mercola and a few others:

God bless, Avi

By: maulfair Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:00:48 +0000 Reblogged this on Maulfair Medical Center Conversations and commented:
Jon, the last weeks have brought us vital information from your boundless energy to get at the truth, I thank you. You are the hero in this issue.

By: winkelr Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:02:08 +0000 Another way they fudged the data to obscure the statistics is that they started lumping early and late-onset autism together when they have entirely different etiologies. Early onset is usually caused by asphyxia caused by immediate cord clamping to compensate for pitocin side effects. These bastards are in way over their heads.

By: V gleeson Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:01:53 +0000 Truth will always out. Stand Now before you are taken out by the State Police for they obey instructions of the faceless thugs in government. Courage and love send I to thee
