Comments on: Bombshell: The Journal of Pediatrics—fraud, brain damage, follow the money Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:14:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Asclepius Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:14:53 +0000 Also, in the news…

Merck Virologists Claim Merck Lied About Mumps Vax Efficacy, Trial Moves Forward

Sep 09, 2014

As reported by Law360, two lawsuits accusing Merck & Co. Inc. of lying about the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in order to quell competition will move forward, after a Pennsylvania federal judge ruled that the whistleblowers had sufficiently pled that Merck might have provided false statements to the government.

Merck, the only pharmaceutical company in the U.S. licensed to produce a mumps vaccine, has long claimed that the vaccine is 95 percent effective in preventing the disease.

The whistleblowers, two former Merck virologists, claimed that after internal tests showed the vaccines falling below the 95 percent threshold, Merck changed its methodology and falsified results but continued reporting a 95 percent efficacy to the FDA.

Additionally, the lawsuit states that because Merck was representing its vaccine as both safe and 95 percent effective, potential competitors deemed it “economically irrational” to bring a new Mumps vaccine into the market.

By: truthsector Sat, 13 Sep 2014 02:33:59 +0000 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) Committee Confirms Its Own Publication Is Based On Lies

By: NWO Reporter Sat, 13 Sep 2014 02:10:32 +0000 Right after the fraudulent MMR study was presented at the Institute of Medicine on Feb. 9, 2004, there was another presentation about the relationship between Thimerosal (mercury) and autism. The presentation provides compelling and shocking evidence that they are causally related. The inactivated flu vaccine, which is recommended for children every year, still contains mercury. And what about aluminum, which is in other vaccines? What about other adjuvants?

The main meeting page is here:

On page 82-83 of the presentation, the authors have an overview of several blatant lies told by Dr. Offit in a 2003 article in the journal Pediatrics about this issue.

The deeper you dig into the vaccine issue, the blacker it gets. It is filled with blatant lies and coverups, and disregarding critical information that is sitting in plain sight. There are a thousand ways to argue about the integrity and validity of any study — that’s one of the things that keeps this whole evil program running. Just like they are doing now to justify omitting unwanted data in the MMR study.

By: Jackie ONeil Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:52:37 +0000 You better believe it, what a sad sad commentary, all these kids it is shameful and more, thanks Jon appreciate all your hard work to get at the bottom of our outrageous fraud.

By: Handling controversy like adults | The Edge of Autism Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:16:51 +0000 […] Pediatrics-fraud-brain-damage-follow-the-money […]

By: johnathan Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:16:48 +0000 They are still lying. Once a liar always a liar. I trust no alphabet agencies or American institutions (such as the named American Academy of Pediatrics) of any kind, they have all been infiltrated and destroyed from the inside out. Therefore if their lips are moving they are lying, case closed! My entire family now has this knowledge from the oldest to the youngest and all the members of my nuclear and extended family as well as my friends. Get the word out, once everyone stops listening to the lies and shuns theses liars and their respective agencies, the sooner we reclaim our country from these liars, and get on with the business of living in our free Constitutional Republic! The most important thing we can do as well is get rid of common core in the schools.
PLease research and speak on this matter to all you know, it is the most dangerous thing happening in our schools!

By: Sherlock Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:59:21 +0000 An arrest by the US Dept. of Justice? It seems too much to ask. Maybe a debate if we’re lucky.
Who was the responsible for the death of the child? The drug company? No. The person at the CDC who protected the child with a fatal dose of poison? What? Of course, not. What an odd idea. The family members of the child.. or the child? You bet!

The medias would attack the parents of the victim. The mother was a stripteaser in the past. She’s now on valium and unemployed. She just can’t get off these pills. She’s also on a watchlist, since the day she read on TOR (The Onion Router). The father? He’s on Prozac. Did you see the interview on CNN with the Argentina woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair? She said he once smoked weed with a torch, two knives and the IRS agent visiting him. In 2009, he paid the rent late. Twice.

They are bad parents. They shouldn’t have made the decision to vaccinate their child. They are dangerous. They grown their own foods.

Seriously, I don’t know what would it take for the US Dept. of Justice to make an arrest, but I hope to live long enough to see the first. Keep up the good work Jon!

By: Avi Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:17:06 +0000 & as one commentator said right here,

when thiis evil power mixes with eugenics …


By: Avi Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:08:24 +0000 ===> Government / Corporation Collusion = FASCISM.

We need Justice Against the Fascist Conglomerate that Rules the World AND,

America is the Best Place to Start With …

Don’t Everyone Think So ?

Thanks Jon !
