Comments on: Ebola: the covert op of modern medicine Sun, 21 Sep 2014 02:07:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: truthsector Sun, 21 Sep 2014 02:07:16 +0000 FINAL NAILS IN THE EBOLA SCAM COFFIN: The 2014 Ebola Outbreak is a PROVEN FRAUD, Here is the Evidence.


By: libertyispeace Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:32:19 +0000 I think that you are on to something when you refer to the medical cartel not wanting to be put out of business. A lot of doctors just prefer to hand out drugs and are not interested in patients’ nutritional needs. That has been my experience, anyway.

By: brad Sun, 14 Sep 2014 16:54:09 +0000 Totally blown away by the info packed into this article. This is what we should be reading in the MSM …. in our dreams. Telling it like it is; “otherwise healthy” shown for what it is in the new normal — fantastic reveal. I just read a headline in the MSM ‘5 vaccines we need more than Ebola’ — the medical cartel using the opportunity as a marketing ploy; they don’t miss a trick I guess — way beyond disgusting.

By: Magnus Göller Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:28:07 +0000 This is taking things to the core. Foul water, that kills thousands of malfed every day, nay, tha’ don’ matter, it’s all about some virus or germ. Brilliant work here. If I had a hat on, I’d take it off.

By: Dani Arnold Sun, 14 Sep 2014 08:39:04 +0000 Thank you Jon- it comes down to the unattached un-controlled media to get the truth out to the public on these topics (which, of course, is a sad commentary on this society that we live in). I have been following and reporting on the “ebola” “crisis” for a while now, and have been reporting on the vaccine circus for years. Having had a morbid interest in ebola for the past 20 years, and having lived in SE Asia and the Congo (and currently in Morocco) I have much experience in dealing with “exotic” diseases and have stored up a huge amount of knowledge on these topics- knowledge that has served me well, now that Google et al are radically editing searches for true, factual information on “ebola” etc. I have just recorded my first Transpicuous News edition that is focused entirely on the “health” (bioterrorism) issues of Ebola, Dengue, Malaria, and EV D68 (polio).
I would like to connect with you to discuss doing an interview, to further tear down the walls of lies surrounding this subject.


By: Chili Boots Sun, 14 Sep 2014 05:17:41 +0000 There’s a ‘full-court press’ being attempted by Media, to slap us all back into Fear and Compliance. It isn’t working. Crying
“Wolf!” has eradicated all remaining shreds of Main Stream
Media’s credibility. SARS, Swine Flu and ‘sudden calamity!’
alarms have proven to be as false as ‘terror alerts’, and the
Official 9/11 conspiracy theory. There are no pandemics, and
the demons that took down the towers lack any compunctions against, or about, ‘public be-headings’, real or staged. We are
expected to be immobilized with terror. What we are is bored.

As our borders are removed, and we are given The Finger in
this regard, we wait patiently to observe who is responsible
for all this claptrap, weighing our Options. Propaganda, and
a paid-off, compromised Congress, White House and what
is laughingly called the “Supreme Court” will budge us, not.

By: Ellen Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:17:47 +0000 Bravo, Jon! You’re one of the few voices of reason in the vast wasteland that is supposed to be the news. I just cannot bring myself to buy into their latest fairy tale.

By: johnathan Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:53:34 +0000 Jon, you are spot on as always. As I read this I suddenly realized that what they are doing in Africa is a primer for what they want to do here, they want the land and resources here as well.
While I am living my life and raising my family on this beautiful planet, the “They” we all are referring to intend to own the planet, fully and completely. I feel very naive at this moment. Thanxs for enlightening me. The depth of greed and evil of the “They” apparently knows no bounds. We the average hardworking people of the planet earth are of little consequence to them.
Together we stand divided we fall, no truer words were ever spoken.

By: ChildHealthSafety Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:10:06 +0000 Hi Jon,

The British Department of Health was caught doing this publicly and it is covered in a letter the Chief Medical Officer was forced to write in the British Medical Journal following a challenge to the official figures. Disclosures in 2010 by out-going Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson show the flu death figures are fabricated.

The method of calculation of the UK’s official 12,000 annual deaths “estimate” was confirmed by the UK’s Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson in the British Medical Journal. The true figures were no more than 33 Britons each year had died from flu over a 4 year period, despite the 12,000 annual officially “estimated” deaths claim. In other years they claimed 24,000 deaths.

We covered it here:
UK Fakes Flu Death Numbers

How could the UK have a ‘flu deaths “estimate” which is 360 or 720 times higher than actual deaths? To get the estimate, if more people die than “estimated” the UK Department of Health use the excess death figure as their annual flu deaths figure. So if a Boeing falls out of the sky in the UK in any year, it does not matter what aircrash victims really die of – for official announcements in the press for the UK public – it was ‘flu.
