Comments on: Interviewing the dead Albert Einstein about free will Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:07:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: mark Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:07:36 +0000 For the church that God believes in, ‘foreknows’ – he predistined ‘us’.
It certainly can be everyone.
Rejected by rejecting and some to destruction, but like you, I’m a hopeful universalist.
Free will is. Because exhaustive foreknowledge doesn’t exist for God.
The bad do get badder and therein God has even heardened hearts. Yet only then.
Mercy triumphs over judgement.
God loves us.
God wants to bless Jon in his quest to understand – for me – the most underwritten subject which surely sits, moves, controls – what’s going on?
What did… Augustine, unleash?
Keep on mj

By: usurykills Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:02:49 +0000 So, we don’t know what creates consciousness but we’re sure atoms don’t have it. Not like we ever asked one. Maybe they get together and say, “Hey! Let’s become Lindsay Lohan!” We don’t know.

Once you combine enough atoms in just the right ways, then you get consciousness I presume.

Saying a particle has no consciousness and therefore no person has consciousness is like saying an atom is not a bowl of soup. Nope. An atom is not a bowl of soup, but a bowl of soup contains atoms. Put enough atoms together in just the right way and Viola! – Mmm good.

So, back to the endless debate on free will or determinism. I don’t think it’s either/or but a combination of both. What is, is. Sometimes we’re too ignorant to understand. Some things are apparently impossible for us to know for sure.

I enjoy your writing, Jon, but your philosophy makes me wonder who you work for sometimes. I am not willing buy into religious booga-booga just because I don’t understand consciousness. Cockroaches look conscious to me. Do bugs have souls? I hear dogs don’t.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:46:48 +0000 Well.

In an attempt to avoid being preachy here,

“Free Will” exists in every living thing, to some greater or lesser degree. The aspect of individual choice can reflected and predicated on what “choices” knows about (and maybe a little previous experience in those particular choices).

I do not believe in anything like a “redemption” being necessary to have a life of choices. We who are wiling to entertain the notion, will already come to know our God and that it is God who gave us the ability to “choose” by NOT hard-wiring us to a limited thinking capability. Whereas, others may not even consider such as important to their own lives.

We simply KNOW our own right of choice, if we have been exposed to that knowledge, and if we have been enabled to practice the choosing. The aspect of choise is still an individual act, and usually an independent act.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:39:42 +0000 Quantum Physics and the “Holographic”-angle of existence kind of puts “determinism” and “fate” on their heads.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:37:58 +0000 Then I guess that means “imagination” is a total illusion too?!?!?

Then I guess “the arts” are a complete waste of time and effort?!?!?

Then I guess the idea of “consumer choice” or even expecting there to be variety to satisfy so many different choices is a complete lie?!?!?

Then I guess Dr. Benjamin Spock’s assumption that all children are the same holds weight with you?!?!?

– Yeah, Okay! Keep telling yourself that.

By: Avi Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:08:11 +0000 Yes, [go to and search for] ‘quantum mechanics support freewill’ …

By: Avi Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:05:49 +0000 At first, as you say, freewill looks like a grain of sand in the determined universe but on the contrary, freewill as tiny a change could that bring is a monster of a challenge since you, Mr Fowler can act not as you are programmed to do, by your material/social characteristics, but differently and that small change you as a man can bring to existence is of a huge impact, much bigger than what you would believe !

By: Loghead Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:53:47 +0000 I’ve been following Jon for a while now and look forward to his new post’s. for those that do the same (or don’t i guess) check this guy out! i love his sarcasm.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:41:32 +0000 You are living in an illusion…a total illusion…the powers that be go to a great cost, both financial and in human life to keep the illusion factories pumping out more…more taste, more color, more emotion, more sound and words and images and narratives and so on and so on ad nauseum. We are only ghosts in a machine.
I have been sitting in this horrible cafe, staring at a dreadful quiche and sipping bad coffee and wondering why did I desire bad quiche today.

“We are more than you can possibly dream of, Horatio…” Billy S.

By: medusajoe Mon, 22 Sep 2014 07:28:10 +0000 Predestination is about the positive foreknowledge of God and those he knows he redeemed before they did.
And who knows , it could be everyone.
But it is by Grace through faith and can be rejected
Free will is something different entirely I believe this to be so, but because God allows free will, judgment comes into play as a result, and the bad get badder so to speak.. Because they choose to get addicted to the poison which God allows them to keep swallowing seeing as they want to.
