Comments on: Ebolagate: 47 questions and answers Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:45:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: kauni26 Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:45:22 +0000 It’s so refreshing to get this Jon.. I respect your deep research and believe we
are most definitely in a propaganda matrix..for many years now. The human mind
is easily manipulated…which is so sad. We are basically naive children in many ways…
and this is just human nature. The PTB figured this out…and voila..we are in a horrific
fix. See also Arthur & Fiona Cristian’s site ‘LoveForLife, our of Queensland, Australia area… He has details on similar beliefs…but his rant is angry at this point. He has been working at alerting
people for so long…and still we cling to heavily indoctrinated beliefs that authority is all knowing, that they ‘care’ about us, that scientists and doctors are gods, etc….just insane stuff… Humans are very hard to wake up..but we will never give up on creating a better world for all….

By: Kevininthemancave Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:02:04 +0000 Our immune systems are being systematically suppressed each and every day by overhead aerosol spraying and the ingestion of poison which goes by the name, food.

By: Kevininthemancave Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:51:57 +0000 Are you talking about the same Anderson Cooper who had his nose cropped off during a “live” interview with a Sandy Hook parent? The ‘green screen’ technicians really screwed up.

By: theodorewesson Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:56:08 +0000

Q: There are other long-term reasons for death and dying in West Africa?

A: Protein-calorie malnutrition, hunger, starvation, extreme poverty, contaminated water supplies, overall lack of basic sanitation, a decade of horrific war, toxic medical drugs, prior toxic vaccine campaigns, etc.

Q: And the combined effect of these conditions?

A: Destruction of immune systems. Then, any germ that sweeps through the population, a germ that would ordinarily be defeated, instead kills many people. Why? Because the immune system is too weak to respond. With healthy and strong immune systems, the germs would have no significant effect.

By: Tara Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:54:56 +0000 what i find the most convincing is that Ebola has been around since the 70’s. there have always been outbreaks in Africa. Yet, travel to and from has been happening nonstop since. there has not been one case of Ebola here that has been “publicized”. so i find it convincing that now all of a sudden we have an outbreak, the stocks in the vaccine are going through the roof, and we have all these photos, and people who do not even resemble what the old Ebola looked like popping out of the woodwork. if that isn’t enough to make people question, then i don’t think much will. All of his points are on target.

By: theodorewesson Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:51:16 +0000 i would just say, “are we seeing the same old effects ‘of being pushed over the edge’ from intravenously ingesting ‘toxins in vaccines?'” (with pre-cusor being,… to set up the child’s lowered immune system — the ingestion of pesticide-laden & GMO-laden foods and toxins in the public drinking water)

By: Tara Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:31:54 +0000 True. They do point out that they are “up to date” on their polio shot. Have to say that so not to scare people into thinking this is just polio. Is EV68 the new polio?

By: theodorewesson Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:07:57 +0000 If this were Las Vegas, and I were a betting man, and the bet up on the electronic board was “the ‘otherwise healthy’ kids paralyzed over the last couple months, was caused by,… (1) Enterovirus (ED68), or, (2) toxins in the vaccines. (choose one)”

I would choose “(2)”.


By: Tara Mon, 06 Oct 2014 17:59:16 +0000 it is just like this ED68 virus going around. the CDC and a “handful” of labs are the only ones able to test for it. yet, this virus is paralyzing kids like polio. which this virus is an enterovirus, just like polio. so we are to believe that some kids tested positive, some didn’t, yet this virus has been around since 1976 and there are no other labs able to test for this?? it does not make sense. if the CDC and a handful of “their” labs are the only ones able to test for this, i smell a rat. Thank you for all your work Jon.

By: Michael Theroux Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:50:40 +0000 Q: What about the PCR test for Ebola?

Even Kary Mullis discounts using the PCR to detect viruses in the body. Mullis’s invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) won him the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993.

And, let’s not forget that the CDC made wild claims about how AIDS would propagate from the high-risk groups (Homosexuals, intravenous drug users, and hemophiliacs) to the general population and cause a widespread epidemic of the disease. Never happened.
