Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: selling hypnotic Reality Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:20:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevininthemancave Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:20:07 +0000 AMEN – AMEN- AND AMEN!

By: james Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:57:57 +0000 It is easy to deceive humanity when you are poisoning and starving it on all fronts. For starters if we all focus on getting flouride (which is a poisonous brain toxin), out of the water I predict we will see an emergence of the America we all know and love. Most people of all ages, are amazing and intelligent, it is the poisoning of the food, the water, the land, the air and the drugging of the mind and body by big pharma that creates the world we have today. The first step is to stop the poisoning of our people and planet, it will take all of our voices to stop the madness, but it is what must be done. If we can clean up our planet and our people form all the poisons, the ability to see through the matrix with increase. I believe that a beginning matrix course should be taught in junior high and then a more intense one added in high school.

By: medusajoe Sat, 04 Oct 2014 18:01:57 +0000 So it has nothing to do with freedom of religion
Understand it has nothing to do with it, because your cult would not be allowed to exist

By: medusajoe Sat, 04 Oct 2014 17:47:53 +0000 If you yourself set up a cult in your own country a cult that was a religion that has a book that included the command to kill those who would not follow your cult and has an overarching pronouncement and philosophy and teaching and laws that teach the goal was to take over the world in a physical war to achieve a temporal world dictatorship,

not merely a spiritual doctrine that could be accepted or rejected only by free will

but instead a spiritual philosophy that was to be spread by an enforcement of your cults doctrine if need be by murder and war over all including the justification and objective of taking over and ruling nations by your own form of government
based upon that cult that was based upon your cults laws , and if you bought buildings and lands and had millions of followers and armies and gaudy and weapons and gold and power and you were growing in numbers and had a history of fighting wars and followers willing to fight wars for your cult
The us government would be down on your compounds and assets and doctrines like a shot and they would crouch you and tear up your doctrines and eradicate your cult from their country and their nations at once!

Catholicism still has those justification of doing all that Islam openly boasts in its teachings, to this day.
Doctrines of sedition.

By: medusajoe Sat, 04 Oct 2014 17:26:56 +0000 The world and it’s systems has nothing to offer in regards to truth
The use of truth in world systems as a given, is merely used as a launching pad, it is used as lip service , as a cloak of righteousness to then in secret be TOTALY abandoned to maintain power by deceit.
The fundamental idea of western freedoms of the people for example do not exclude the use of force by government to protect from evil
Yet , these governments will not protect the fundamental principle of freedom itself from competing philosophies such as Islam that violates the central tenets of freedom in a temporal society , this is when you begin to see the true intent of those who talk about democracy and freedom on their platforms were they promise to protect and spread basic human freedoms and free forms of democracies etc.
Then you see they are not true at all , they merely using the idea of a given truth that they would protect freedoms,

but in reality they don’t, they allow the growth of philosophies that directly want to destroy the basic principles of freedom in a temporal society,
They do not use the sword to protect the core centre stone or corner stone of freedoms which were designed to ensure the continuance of free democratic societies with a government that by law has to uphold those principles
But they don’t
They refuse to bring the sword of law against those very things that would maintain free democracy and governments

They cover for this by violating other countries and say they are protecting freedoms by going to WAR
This is deceit in the upmost!!!!!

For they have no authority over other governments that they should be able to impose their will upon them by war,
They make up rules that say they do but these laws are illegal and are based upon catholic papal justification of wars that were used to violate Gods commandments in the guise of Christian wars, which is a direct contradiction of what God commands through Christ.

But the deceit is fully shown in the fact that they continue to allow the very philosophies of Islam and Catholicism in our free lands which are conspiring to take all freedoms away.
But continue with their illegal wars elsewhere.

There is no need for wars
There is only need for consistency and the use if force to stop and TOTALY cut off the possibility of our freedoms being usurped by these conspiratorial seditious Doctrines that a covertly working to destroy our enshrined freedoms and the governments baed upon them.

Chiefly these doctrines are the Koran it’s teachings and laws and the Catholicism and it laws
Which are actual real doctrines that seek to violate freedom.
They are in truth doctrines that conspire to achieve world conquest and the removal of all freedoms under their own dictatorships over all lands.

If people want to live in our free societies there should not be bothered about doctrines of sedition being outlawed
And if Catholics really worship God and seek to believe in and Follow Jesus Christ , they should not worry about the lawbreaking seditious edicts of the popes being outlawed.

The use of the sword laws and force in eradicating outlawing and disallowing the publication and following of these plans laws, and philosophies of sedition and active treachery would involve no need for bloodshed.
And would protect our freedoms in our lands.
It is only because these philosophies boldly and directly oppose our essential freedom principles that they are exposed as articles of sedition and treachery.

And the removal of them therefore is totally legal and good and just.

They show they are not of truth

for they allow political philosophies such as Islam and Catholicism to grow unchecked, take land and infrastructure to self grow and not obliterated as they should be, as they are doctrines of of direct action to bring about acts of sedition against the very core ideals of free government and human rights.

In truth you cannot be self benefiting and cannot get the kind of corruption at the root we see in political philosophies the selfish power does not come by truth, the political structures and systems offer various political philosophies as a solution to various governmental problems, but they are never rooted in truth.
You need to violate these spiritual principles of God such as truth in order to maintain the kind of corruption we see today.
This is why the kingdom of heaven is NOT of this world.

By: Paul Vonharnish Sat, 04 Oct 2014 17:02:17 +0000 When individuals and societies base their entire reality on the sick mythologies perpetuated in the jewish/christian mythos, it’s no wonder they’re too brain dead and lazy to investigate the dire facts of history. Human stupidity is the direct result of intellectual laziness. It’s not a disease. The idiot/child myth drones on and on, as if it’s too precious or holy to attack it’s underlying false premise. There are no saviors in a death camp designed by self-indulgent fools…

Agenda 21 seems like an excellent solution to industrialized institutional thinking, and the subsequent double-speak nonsense of the new age…

By: medusajoe Sat, 04 Oct 2014 16:38:17 +0000 Reblogged this on freddiemercurybiopicmovie and commented:
The world and it’s systems has nothing to offer in regards to truth
The boy, use of truth is a cloak to then use to maintain power by deceit
In truth you cannot be self benefiting and get power by truth
You need to violate the spiritual principles of God in order to maintain the kind of corruption we see today.
