all the intel regarding the bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone (Tulane U. connection, and evil money supporters etc.)
]]>Yes, his take on ebola might be spiking his sales on this products.
For me personally, AJ’s products have had a profound effect on the boosting of my immune system and energy — I feel it. Simply incredible — when combined with drinking pure (filtered) water and eating gmo-free/low-low-pesticide food and sleeping 8 to 9 hours per day.
So, I won’t be getting “flu like” symptoms this winter! (But, even if i did, it will be brief and aided-to-be-brief with colloidal silver — when combined with drinking pure (filtered) water and eating gmo-free/low-low-pesticide food and sleeping 8 to 9 hours per day.)
So, if i have to get on a airplane this winter, and someone on the plane has “flu like” symptoms or “throws up due to food poisoning” and the so-called authorities subsequenlty label that person as “having ebola” and then start “tracking down” me and the other passengers,…
…well, the phone number i will have given the airline (when buying the ticket online with my credit card) would be a “burner phone” number. Yea, sure, they can look up my address and pay me a personal visit, but, when they knock, i will not be home.
…Thinking,… for certain “contact tracing” scenarios, will they bring a SWAT with them to the door? …in black HAZMAT suits?
]]>The body’s own immune system, if sufficiently strengthened and boosted by natural means, can resist or surmount an attack by any natural biological organism. Other deadly organisms exist today which are not natural in origin, but rather have been bio-engineered in genetic engineering laboratories.
Two well known bioengineered diseases are AIDS and Ebola. Bioengineered organisms require special consideration and technologies to defeat them, but they ‘are defeatable’. Learn more at
And also:
:Two weeks ago, Robert David Steele told us on the Alex Jones Show, that he was told and knows what the Big False Flag will be in the USA. They will SIMULATE an EBOLA ATTACK.
But in reality, they will use bio chemical weapons that will dissipate and they will pretend it is EBOLA. And this could lead to a general strike in the country.
The Alex Jones Show(3rd HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday September 18 2014: Robert David Steele
Start reading at 35.10
]]>We all have to find health and peace for ourselves if we can. And the first step is to stop believing the official proclamations of propaganda agencies like the FDA, CDC, WHO, and other big pharma fronts. They want you to be sick. Health is very bad for their businesses. Healthy people aren’t customers!
Anyone who wants to look into the abyss – namely, the dark games of ruthless greed and corruption – only needs to do some serious study of the history of pharmaceutical companies. That study will lead you to all of the world’s greediest and nastiest oligarchs such as war profiteers, bankers, etc. They are all cut from the same cloth and have the same goal, which is to make boatloads of money, and the same philosophy, which is you can never be too rich, and the same opinion of the public, that we are all just sheep to be shorn.
“You know, I’ve been around the ruling class all my life, and I’ve been quite aware of their total contempt for the people of the country.” – Gore Vidal
“…somehow we find it hard to sell our values, namely that the rich should plunder the poor.” – John Foster Dulles, former U.S. Secretary of State
“Organized Medicine is now as much a part of the American government as Organized Religion had been of the government in fifteenth-century Spain.” – Thomas Szasz, MD