Comments on: Death doesn’t =someone’s opinion about death Thu, 12 May 2016 01:50:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: artemisix Thu, 12 May 2016 01:50:34 +0000 Well and truly said.

By: stlonginus Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:07:12 +0000 Look into the work of Michael A. Hoffman II. The veil may be lifted.

By: stlonginus Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:02:46 +0000 Time to ‘just say no’ (a la Nancy Reagan –not that I’m a Reaganite in any way); but perhaps it starts with you just saying “no” and then telling others why you say ‘no’.

By: stlonginus Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:00:05 +0000 Over 80? On Medicare? Can’t help you. Sorry…Won’t tell you that outright; will tell you there isn’t anything they can do …shake their heads slowly in ’empathy’. Then it’s palliative care (morphine) until you die from dehydration

By: Evan Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:27:29 +0000 It’s all so sad because no one has any idea what could be done to stop all this. A solution has never been proposed to end this global tyranny. I have read thousands of articles from intelligent writers who point out this tyranny, and with everything we have figured out about it, still no one knows what to do. What in Gods name are we going to do about it? It must be something that isn’t obvious, because everything that is obvious is completely guarded against one diabolical way or another. Is it Christ in some way? It’s all I can think of. It even seems that way is veiled to us. Time to remove the veils!

By: human slave cow Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:49:02 +0000 hp – Agree – terminal sedation is an open secret, what a fraud iousa has become.
Actually the aged fair much better, if they have a pot or pots of gold –
cancer patients are routinely culled, medically, then billed for the exorbitant amount due, bankrupting their grieving children.
Children are poisoned at the hospital hours after birth- force jabbed with a sexual disease “vaccine” – gotta gem em while they are young, very young.
Then there’s the monkey cancer childhood vaccine gifted upon all of us – we all have monkey, pig and other animal viruses, dna, . . .we all have monkey cancer lurking in or spinal fluid, waiting, time released, by design.
We live on a farm, and we are the animals, after we all used up they finish us off, usually after decades of hand to mouth slavery, coupled with pathetic trinkets, toys, and 24/7 tv land and radio land filth and brainwashing.

do you feel free

I think we will always have tv and games where gladiators kick, bounce or throw balls.

By: hp Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:35:31 +0000 BTW, President OBarnum, the Carny Congress and the general populace seem to agree this is OK, via either ignorant apathy and/or malice.

Coming soon, in quantity .. A Round Up of the old folks to herd them into the big Medicaid Corral. Soon enough will come the inevitable severe (expensive) illnesses of old age. This will put them into hock. They’ll owe big bucks. Then will come the invite to old asset forfeiture square dance where they’ll be relieved of their “debt” via forfeiture of homes, properties, vehicles, etc.

Many poor people do have (hand raised) inherited land, property, houses (homes) and vehicles. Don’t count on continuing to assume the assets of relatives. These will be assimilated by the Feds. It’s already happening.

By: From Québec Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:30:53 +0000 Thanks Jon, you do a great job. I wish you would provide Alex Jones and his crew with your Infos. Alex and his team seem to hesitate between a “False Flag” or a “reality”. His show reaches out to so many people, it would be fantastic if he could realize that it is with NO DOUBT a False Flag. Imagine the awakening around the World?

Please contact him and brief him on this Hoax. I know he lost 3 family member this year because of an alleged virus that ruins your lungs, but they probably died because they were treated in hospitals.

Thanks, I would do it myself, I phoned on his show last Sunday, but I can no more post on Infowars because of a “Blank” error. I don’t even know what that means, and I don’t know how to fix it. I emailed them but no answer since 10 days.

By: hp Thu, 09 Oct 2014 17:34:26 +0000 “Natural causes” is also a crock. Especially for the old people.

The truth is; died from dehydration.

The old people have their food and water cut off and are medicated to practically a semi-coma state until they die of thirst. Period.

Not complicated, fancy or too awe inspiring, is it?

It’s basically society’s wink wink at willing(assisted suicide) or unwilling(murder) death.

By: horserotovator Thu, 09 Oct 2014 17:13:11 +0000 I have had, in the past, (and I wish I hadn’t, but you can’t avoid every potentially bad experience) first-hand experience of the criminal practices of the medical profession, both personal and institutional. When you operate in such a space where proper oversight and legal consequence is gone it all becomes a game where people like Jimmy Savile can flourish.
People have been shirking their responsibilities for too long and we are all going to feel the pain of denial as it breaks it’s banks and drowns us all. Maybe. Then again, It could all be sugar-cane and lolly-pops as we dance our way to the crematorium.
