Comments on: Dept. of Defense Ebola manual: smoking guns Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:35:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Misha Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:35:29 +0000 So what do you suggest if they force quarantine for political reasons?

By: Steve Stars Mon, 13 Oct 2014 21:42:07 +0000 Thank you Jon for staying on top of this. We have seen this before. Pattern recognition of germ fear tactics used by the Medical Industrial complex for a variety of reasons,

By: Jan Mon, 13 Oct 2014 02:15:55 +0000 Ebola is a PARASITE. I stocked up on wormood, black walnut, ginger and garlic. All these kill parasites. Combine that with vitamin C and organic diet and no problem. I also grow my own oregano.

By: Frank Lee Sat, 11 Oct 2014 15:28:30 +0000 Some great posts on this and previous pages. A tip ‘o the pen to the vast detail from Statism is a Religion.

All well and good, but no essential question of why human beings are so incompetent as to allow “authority” and stratification to even exist. ??? Social hierarchy is a failed organizational method. Ok? You need to try a different organizational modus. 10,000 years of allowing social hierarchy to destroy any hope of social culture seems rather redundant. Don’t you think? Or don’t you?

Step 1.) Humanity needs to employ an intellectual paradigm that recognizes abject failure when abject failure is obviously present. Try a whole new concept: Like a paradigm that REJECTS authority. ALL authority. Perhaps a paradigm that eliminates not only status, but repeated failure as well. Hello?

2.) No one speaks of lateralized social organizations. I guess the term contains too many syllables. As social degenerates, I guess our herd/stock has been numbed into thinking rank and status are the hallmarks of good governance – even when most participants in the experiment are completely enslaved and impoverished. I would ask if humans have gone insane, but the answer has already established itself.

3.) No one is actively introducing an Planet-wide communal endeavor. (Other than NWO enthusiasts) Saving the planet from our industrial insanities would be a good start… I guess cooperative endeavors are “always” trumped by thugs in boots with riot truncheons. Communism is BAD. They teach this in our heavily funded fake “schools”.

Rather than discussing efficient resource distribution and a permanent stabilization of our environment, let’s embrace wholesale famine and planetary collapse. Let’s continue our paradigm of endless war, pestilence, desecration of the intellect and spirit. It’s all worked well so far… Not to worry:

Nature will find a way to rebalance reality. Only man won’t be there to enjoy the results. Our wonderfully faked Ebola virus and social stratification disease, is irrelevant. Happy extinction everyone! Nice try!

By: theodorewesson Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:42:56 +0000 Hi Steve, thanks for posting.

If/when you get the chance, please post some links to your research/interviews.


“Some readers, who haven’t been reading all my Ebola articles (archived here:, will respond by saying, ‘If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?’

“The flaw in that question is the use of the word ‘it,’ which suggests that whatever is making people sick and killing them is one thing.

“This is the same flaw present in AIDS, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu. The assumption that one germ is responsible, in each ‘epidemic,’ is false.

“The illness and death occurred for many different reasons—and the medical trick involved is pretending a single virus connected all these disparate people together.

“In other words: hoax.”

—Jon Rappoport


Dept. of Defense Ebola manual: smoking guns

By: Steve Stars Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:49:29 +0000 The late Dr. Stan Monteith wrote a book called “AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic” back in 1991, which identified many of the same problems we see now with the problematic and lax CDC response to Ebola. I debated Dr. Stan on the topic of HIV as “the cause of AIDS,” and pointed out to him that he was RIGHT about the way this “epidemic” was being mishandled, but WRONG as to WHY.

The CDC knew AIDS was not an infectious epidemic caused by the mythical “HIV”. If people would have been quarantined and stringent measures enacted, the entire scam would have been exposed as a fraud, as the detainees would have eventually demanded after investigation. Instead HHS and the CDC got people to volunteer for testing and then taking toxic drugs that fatally poisoned millions of people world wide, while they stole 400 billion dollars from the public.

Deja Vu? Obviously we see the same trend here. Ask yourself this. If this entire PR campaign of Ebola fear was real, should we expect that a intense lockdown on air traffic and exposure risks would be in effect?

What does the government really know about this and why are they not “frantic” over Ebola spreading? What test is available (PCR is absurd) to the general public to PROVE that Ebola is the cause of these diseases? How would we know?

We have seen FEAR used to control people over and over. HIV. 911, Anthrax,OKC, Global Warming, SARS, H1N1, HPV, Aurora, Sandy Hook, WMDs Chemical gas, ISIS.

If we are supposed to be afraid, why isn’t the CDC? And why is our US Health Department dropping the ball? This looks like another dangerous scam.

I forgot to mention here that when we first interviewed Peter Duesberg in 92, he had just testified in a criminal court case about HIV being a fraud in defense of a guy who was being charged with assault with a deadly weapon:”HIV”. It was on the front page of the Berkeley paper when we arrived there.

Peter said he was convicted but would be out in about 6 months. (unknown to the general public) That is just ONE CASE. And it really shook things up. Imagine what would have happened if 300,000 or more people would have been quarantined? We were involved in several cases like this including the case down in Perth.

By: Atossa Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:12:03 +0000 .

Today on the financial news network, CNBC, they said what General Kelly said… about a possible Ebola breakout south of the border causing mass illegal immigration into the USA… may have contributed to the stock market crash this week.

Here is the General Kelly quote CNBC aired today.

” If it breaks out, it’s literally, ‘Katie bar the door,’ and there will be mass migration into the United States,” Kelly said. “They will run away from Ebola, or if they suspect they are infected, they will try to get to the United States for treatment.”

[More at this link]


By: Sam Price Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:42:34 +0000 has an article today called, “The real Ebola risk to the USA is from uncontrolled outbreaks in Central and South America, not direct flights from Africa,”

Unfortunately the Health Ranger seems to have “drunk the Kool-Aid” on this Ebola issue — he seems to completely believe the official stories.

I posted the following comment after that article — and the screen said “Comment accepted pending moderation,” and the comment then didn’t show up. So I tried two more times (total of three times) — with the same result.

(I.e., the comment got deleted three times — very disappointed in the Health Ranger!)

Here’s what I posted:


The whole “Ebola crisis” is 100% a propaganda creation — not a real global outbreak of a killer germ. The propaganda operation is designed to trick the global populations (including Americans) into believing that martial law, “isolation” (imprisonment) in “treatment centers” (pseudo-medical concentration camps), and forced injection with toxic fake “treatments” and deadly “vaccines” are necessary.

As a healthful (sane) alternative to Natural News’s disastrously unhealthful (insane) coverage of this fake “Ebola” outbreak — read Jon Rappoport’s Ebola articles at

Unfortunately Natural News is helping the powers-that-be with their Ebola scare-project — by the Health Ranger accepting the official scare propaganda at face value — and then, insinuating that the Health Ranger knows that the real facts are even worse than the authorities are admitting!

Health Ranger is accepting the false propaganda — and then adding to the falseness OF the propaganda (by adding the momentum of his own name, reputation, website, readership, etc.).

Either Mike Adams is confused himself (he believes the false official stories are real) — or — he knows they’re false and he’s deliberately “catapulting the propaganda” (that’s George W. Bush’s famous terminology).

Either way, Natural News is unfortunately forwarding to its readers an entirely false story about the so-called “Ebola outbreak.”

For sane and truthful Ebola articles, check out

By: HealthyContrarian Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:10:07 +0000 Good info here. Project BioShield is an integral part of what is now taking place. If one were to combine it with H.R. 307, The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013, the scenario unfolding becomes more crystallized.

“Sec. 302. … To improve our nation’s response to emergencies, this section would also authorize the FDA to do the following: (1) extend the expiration date for MCMs intended to be used for emergency responses; (2) grant waivers of current Good Manufacturing Practices; (3) authorize emergency dispensing of MCMs during an actual emergency without an individual prescription if permitted under State law or permitted by an order of the HHS Secretary; (4) work with other HHS agencies to create and issue emergency use instructions concerning a product’s conditions of use; and (5) authorize FDA to waive a product’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy if necessary.”

“Sec. 305. Regulatory Management Plans – This section would require FDA to establish a process for frequent scientific feedback and interaction with those sponsors who’s MCMs have been procured through the Special Reserve Fund (SRF) in order to facilitate the approval, clearance and licensure of the MCMs. Under the section, FDA also would have the authority to apply this process to MCMs that are not security countermeasures.”

Keep up the good work, Jon.

By: ask? Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:26:13 +0000 Thanks Jon, can’t ever say that enough for the wonderful information.
