Comments on: Hypnotic data: 4 essential features Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:53:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: sunnylot Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:53:07 +0000 Reblogged this on Forgetful Brain and commented:
For the news junkies, here is some news for you.

By: njguy Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:55:47 +0000 It seems to me that once a technology is in place, you can’t go back. We can’t undo the damage caused by TV, or the techniques they use to brainwash us. But what we can do is admit that the interests controlling the media are perverse and treasonous, and therefore remove them from their positions of power. What does that mean? It means declaring their actions to be as hostile to America as any violent action, and having the military […]

But, as we know, they all work hand-in-hand with the politicians and bankers. So this is just a pipe-dream.

By: Afshin Nejat Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:11:19 +0000 Repetition for emphasis because “there’s nothing else to talk about…”, look all sides are covered or else there would be more voices, “don’t you think they considered everything, these are EXPERTS! And after all, THEY are on TV, not you and your tin foil hat; incoherence to “double down” on claims to authoritative presentation (you callin’ us liars? you hate dancing cats?), basically they play the authority act, ad some cuteness and feigned sincerity, pretend they covered everything that needed to be covered, and all this leaves out THE HORRIBLE TRUTH, suspicions concerning which are substituted with a manufactured enemy threat of some kind.

By: theodorewesson Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:53:36 +0000 just to add, re: Pine Gap…

By: Michael Burns Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:55:21 +0000 Religion separates the true believers, from the others…the non believers. Religion is segregation, division of a populous.
Religion is by its very nature…violence. And never more cruel than when it is dealt out by a fundamentalist, or a zealot…fighting with god on his side, against another, who has god on his side.

By: Fred Milton Olsen Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:05:16 +0000 This also attaches to NPR and PBS. They use the same tactics, stylistically modified for their “decision-making demographic”. NPR and PBS are VERY private “non-profit” corporations, didn’t you know? So is their funding arm, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).

Wisconsin Public Radio, the regional affiliate where I live, is run at the top by 50% Hebrew-language ethnic-religious group and 50% dupes, in a state where the population is only one half of one percent Hebrew-language ethnic-religious demographic. They manipulate news mostly by replacing anything real with fluffcrap such as “What’s your favorite cheese?” or an infomercial for the latest tech gadget, or “pop culture” coverage of commercial TV shows, movies, music etc. If you look at their guest list, almost every guest is from a commercial media outlet or is selling a book from a publisher owned by big media. “Public” Media makes sure that we ALL get the same messages the “commercial” media is putting out.

They used to have a real public forum going with their “Ideas Network” programs, but over the years they have slashed caller time and banned anyone who asks tough questions, especially about WPR’s finances and policies. They and their funding arm are extremely secretive and are serial violators of Wisconsin’s Open Records and Open Meetings laws. They protect the University they are only loosely attached to (they don’t train students) by covering up scandals about the University’s Triga II nuclear reactor (which is in the basement of a school building) and Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka’s many violations of the Biological Weapons Convention– just for starters.

NPR, PBS and their affiliates are the KINGS of hypnotic data….. and if they are truly broadcasting to the “decision-making demographic” as they like to claim, their PSYOPS are the most deadly.

By: Abinico Warez Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:46:03 +0000 Eat your GMO gruel and shut up.

By: horserotovator Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:35:09 +0000 I find that I listen a lot to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (radio) and they are guilty of all the above features but they do carry some useful information in their constructed narratives. I listen partly because I want to know what the ‘washing cycles’ consist of and their duration. It is necessary if you are going to criticize that organization, IMO. (I don’t bother with the commercial networks because I never really have. Even before I became ‘awakened’ to the wider conspiracy that permeates our history and present lives. For that reason I don’t bother analyzing them. I leave that to others who feel the motivation.)
The ABC conforms to the MSM news (washing) cycle just as the other networks do but sometimes their out of prime time programs can surprise me. Tonight was one such time when I just listened to ex-PM Malcolm Fraser give what I can only describe as an incendiary talk on ‘Big Ideas’.
He basically said that we’ve been betrayed by our own politicians and our sovereignty has been ceded to the USA by them. He also implicated Pine Gap as being neck deep in the drone strikes in the ME and future missile defense systems that will alienate us from our major trading partners. He mapped out a future where Australia possibly ends up the only ally of a failed empire (USA) that was implicated in all the destabilization of the very region we inhabit.
He also made mention of the fact that the USA had spent billions of dollars in the Ukraine promoting Europe and fomenting the overthrow of the elected government.
He even stated quite categorically that Israel has 250 nuclear missiles in it’s possession. As many as China. So he asserts.
I make this observation because I believe that even though Malcolm Fraser has a checkered past as regards to being in cahoots with the architects of the overthrow of the Whitlam government, he has the mainstream profile that is respected by many. This speech, if promoted enough, could help change the minds of the sheeple much more effectively than a rant from me at the moment. So there you go, I actually praised a radio program on the ABC.
I’m just doing my street cred no good at all….Who am I kidding?… I’m just an anti-social reject from society that spends far too much time living in cyber space where nothing is real but everything gets talked about.
This is my antidote to myself

By: From Québec Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:28:32 +0000 From Ghana: Ebola is not real and the only people who have gotten sick are those who have received treatments and injections from the Red Cross.

By: From Québec Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:55:46 +0000 LOL… I never watch T.V. In fact, I don’t evev have one.
Good try!
