Comments on: The incredible liars who lie about psychiatry Wed, 28 Feb 2018 06:29:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caroline Wed, 28 Feb 2018 06:29:41 +0000 That’s not all there is to know about “Doctor” Frances.

“In a commentary published in the University of Ottawa nursing journal Aporia, Paula Caplan writes about how Allen Frances and two other academic psychiatrists were paid by Johnson & Johnson in the late 1990s to write a practice guideline that identified Risperdal, the company’s new atypical antipsychotic, as a preferred treatment for schizophrenia.”

The rest: Introduces Dr Caplan’s article Full text of Dr Caplan’s article

By: bjacob13 Sun, 19 Oct 2014 19:05:40 +0000 I can’t believe I missed reading this and I do have an opinion. You see, in my sweet, home, state, I was court ordered to a mental facility. They took my prescription antibiotic away and said they had to dispense it. I was given something else and in a couple days, was flying high. No one would answer my questions about it. My psychiatrist said, “You don’t belong here. You’re civil rights are being violated”. At discharge, my full bottle of antibiotics was returned and drugging me was denied – Who do I have the pleasure of thanking for this? How about you break the silence and expose this? What if it were you?
Psychiatry is a corrupt, prideful, egotistical business. Some of you need to check out Freedom from Covert Harrassment and Surveilence: There is info of people being harrassed, on purpose, until they overreact from frustration. I’m sick to death of the biplar and schizophrenia labels being thrown around because someone speaks truth or questions.
And men this one is for you – Children need you for healthy upbringing. Too many children have A DD or “A daddy drama” issue.
Good job, Jon. Thank you.

By: omanuel Sat, 18 Oct 2014 03:50:41 +0000 Thanks for this reminder of Thomas Szasz’s book, “The Myth of Mental Illness.”

By: ozziethinker Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:19:19 +0000 Neutrons and sub-particles are an illusion tuned to this un-reality frequency. In reality, your data is nonsense. That is why science will never understand micro or macro physics. They play mathematical games suitable for infants.

Could you imagine what a nuclear event “looks like” in dimension four and the significant change in dimension five? Of course not, because you are “contained” by mumbo-jumbo science and its mathematical magick for suckers. A computer is a useless hunk of atoms, until it is switched on. This vibrational frequency gives but a glimpse of “what is”.

At its very centre an atom is the gateway to reality and that’s all that needs to be said. Science can’t break reality! It can only contort what is and induce an angry reaction. The other worlders know far more dangerous and awe inspiring tricks than nuclear child’s play.

Sorry, I have grown up. Further conversation is futile.

By: Alex Fri, 17 Oct 2014 19:46:13 +0000 What most people don’t realize is that the DSMs are for insurance purposes. No reputable therapist would ever use them for diagnosis or treatment. Each individual is different and must be treated in that manner. One of the most important individuals in the movement away from the DSM system was Thomas Szasz in his book: “The Myth of Mental Illness.” In it he discounts the idea mental illnesses actually exist hence, classifying them is an exercise in futility.

By: H0rsefly Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:09:08 +0000 To be fair, I believe we need to differentiate between “Psychology” and “Psychiatry”. Psychiatrists prescribe medications and ECT (shock), psychologists do not – they are not medical doctors. While some forms of psychology (Freud’s psychoanalysis) may be flakey, others, such as behavioral or cognitive behavioral seek to address behaviors or thoughts that are not helpful, or are limiting to individuals. Accordingly, people with phobias, anxiety, and many other issues can learn to face fears instead of avoiding them…no poison, no voltage and current, just learning good, functional habits.

By: omanuel Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:41:48 +0000 All heavy atoms fission spontaneously above ~232 amu and fission becomes a dominant mode of decay above ~250 amu.

Nuclear fission is breaking apart violently with the release of ~200 MeV of energy.

Neutron repulsion is the source of energy that causes heavy nuclei to fission in atomic bombs and in nuclear reactors.

Neutrons emitted from cores of nuclear reactors, stars and galaxies spontaneously decay to H in about 15 minutes.

That is how the Sun and other stars generate and discard H to interstellar space.

By: ozziethinker Fri, 17 Oct 2014 05:05:29 +0000 Not entirely correct.

The important part of Hitler’s advice was to “tell a lie over and over”. That’s why the same basic message is regurgitated in new formats (designed to confuse the ignorant) as Jon has been kind to point out in numerous of his posts.

As for radiation and the other bit, radiation is not yet fully understood (as it is an inter-dimensional problem). Atomic/nuclear weapons DO NOT explode atoms. They cause a breach in the electro-magnetic field which creates a minor wormhole (if that’s the correct terminology). Mantids are renowned for using atomic black holes (nuclei) for inter-stellar/dimensional travel. Don’t ask me how they do it, but behind the scenes, very small is also very big. Our reality is an illusion.

Our science, quite frankly, is gibberish.

By: ozziethinker Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:53:31 +0000 Charles, you have shown a sad display of ignorance.

If someone grabs an axe and attempts to chop up every person he comes into contact with, he has a “behavioural problem”. Diagnosis and remedy are the only parts up for negotiation.

If someone decides Tony Blair, George W Bush and others are filthy, dirty war criminals and is branded “insane” for taking action against global “gods” (small “g”), pumped full of drugs to shut him up, he is [likely] perfectly sane, He should not have been “diagnosed” or “treated” in the first place.

Understand the difference?

By: omanuel Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:42:08 +0000 Hitler was exactly right:

1. Cores of stars make hydrogen by neutron emission and neutron decay. This waste product is discarded to interstellar space by the solar wind. In 1946, cores of stars were suddenly made of hydrogen and powered by H-fusion. Pages 153-154 of Sir Fred Hoyle’s 1994 autobiography show the changes were made without debate or discussion.

2. Neutron-repulsion caused cores of uranium and plutonium atoms to explode and destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Immediately after WWII von Weizsacker’s false nuclear binding energy replaced Aston’s valid nuclear packing fraction to obscure neutron repulsion, the source of energy that also powers the Sun and the cosmos as the universe expands.

1. Neutron repulsion causes cores sof heavy elements, stars and galaxies to explode or emit neutrons.
