Comments on: Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:49:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: rollo57 Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:49:16 +0000 Then there’s this link also;

By: rollo57 Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:44:18 +0000 Perhaps this may help;

By: James Bennett Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:25:16 +0000 Yes.

By: Sherlock Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:20:09 +0000 I agree, but in my opinion, they have ever been anywhere near of something called “logical”. 😛 They seem to be less cautious and more in the open, but they move faster. It’s like they are telling us: “This is what we are doing to you folks”. At least we know how they perform their magic trick named “Ebola”.


• Ebola (based on the H1N1 “Swine Flu” trick performed in 2009)


• Knowledge – Hegelian Dialectic

Problem – manufacture a crisis and take advantage of one already in place in order to get the desired Reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a Solution which as been predetermined from the beginning.


• Transfer of money from the audience to the phamaceutical companies and few bank accounts.
• More power and control to the government and less freedom and privacy for the people.


• A good script or a poor storyline full of big holes. It doesn’t matter.
• A deadly virus named “Ebola” coming from a country having one of the lowest life-expectancy rates in the world.
• Unreliable & useless tests to diagnose Ebola.
• Medias under your control and crisis actors.
• A corrupt system.
• Update the Wiki page of the « Ebola czar » with zero healthcare experience. Locate the «lobbying » section and remove : «… Got paid to help fuel the housing bubble. (Already done).
• Protective gear (optional).
• Procedures (optional).
• Good number of the audience asleep or distracted.


• Own a patent on the virus. Just in case you need it in the future.


1) Problem

Manufacture a pandemic named “Ebola” via controlled medias under. They must cover this intensely all day long for many weeks. It would be preferable to include “probable and suspected” cases of Ebola in your official number. Use the emotional aspect as much as possible, because an emotional response bypasses logic and rationnal thought. Tell lies to the public. Some big, some obvious. Repeat them again and again until they become real.

2) Reaction:

Fear and panic in the general population. Most people accept the narrative and ask for solutions. At this point, you can instigate a debate in the public domain on how to tackle it. Make sure the solution proposed by the ruling party is « blue » and the solution offered by the opposition is « light blue ». Nothing must be said or done about the many other colors that neither left or right is discussing.

3) Solution

Vaccination campaign. The non-approved vaccine is ready just in time. Get vaccinated now!

Note: To produce a greater effect, add a second “Hegelian Dialectic” at the end…

1) Problem

Take advantage of a crisis already in place to bring to build a larger structure than previously existed.

2) Reaction

Widespread acceptance. Some doesn’t care at all, others are not impressed. There’s some people talking about the Ebola Rabies Ancient Rage Vaccine Lyssa (Lyssa was the godness of rage, fury, raging madness, madness of rabies).

3) Solution:

A Medical Central for planet Earth as mentioned in this article written by Jon.

By: Cate Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:14:07 +0000 Obamacare is a part of the UN tri-pronged approach to reduce the population of the world. It WILL lower survival rates.

But Ebola is not fake. It is very real, and the nature of this spread can only mean someone, somewhere is letting it [in].

By: Ken Anton Sun, 19 Oct 2014 04:53:28 +0000 ‘Cancer Vortex’ illustrates several naturopathic cures for cancer that work vs the traditional slash/burn/poison allopathic therapies which ultimately kill most cancer patients. The book cautions people to avoid the ‘cancer vortex’ of orthodox therapy, educate themselves and make a bold choice for preventing cancer or curing it as many have done.

By: Miss Lissa Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:45:10 +0000 What a great point! The way the “New World Order” will be achieved will probably be thru a global pandemic. It’s one of the only scenarios where there is no religious/racial/political agenda. The only sure-fire way to “unite” the world against a common enemy. I’m sure the mark of the beast will end up being the only thing that will allow you to PROVE that you’ve been vaccinated/screened etc. so those of us who chose not to get it will become the leapers of society & be cast out. Makes perfect sense.

By: serena Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:57:50 +0000 back in the day, when AIDS was 1st upon the scene, they were dressing in their space suits and preaching panic and “we’re ALL at risk”. you know the rest of the story — same for hep B-state DEMAND for immunizations of kids inspite of the method of transmission–we’re ALL AT RISK.

let’s see how far they CAN take this scatology.

By: serena Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:54:17 +0000 exactly. so WHY are THEY acting like they never,ever saw eboLa and speaking of SEEING-let them EXPLAIN why there’s NOT ONE photo, video etc OUT HERE FROM afrika showing victims etc — and don’t let anyone be tellin you that in africa they don’t have cell phones and internet OR things are clamped down throughout.

By: jtremaine Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:02:52 +0000 Yes all very true. Also the purpose of the 2008 financial crisis and bank bailout was to prevent Obama from prosecuting the BUSH-CHENE-RUMSFELD triad for war crimes, or a 9-11 investigation. The New World Empire springs new confabulations on the public every so often to cover up what they have done and what they are doing while you are in a new state of fear and panic.
