Comments on: CDC whistleblower: also a player in the vaccine-mercury-autism fraud Sun, 26 Oct 2014 10:11:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: engelsfrance Sun, 26 Oct 2014 10:11:16 +0000 It is to be added, some vaccines contain thimerosal as ingredients, some are containing traces of mercury….because on each part of the production chain, Mercury is used as a strong antiseptic….traces+traces+traces….Mercury is bio accumulative, it means it is not circulating into the bloodstream for long…but is stored into each cell…and is very compatible with fat….neurons main component are lipids….this is why it is easily neurotoxic….however it is also toxic for our entire body…
The entire process of mercury and aluminium “squatting” our inner cells, and especially our mitochondrias organels (responsible for production of our own energy) is exhausting our body…our immune system….
And now we can imagine the effects of a vaccine…full of pathogens….and full of mercury….wrong cocktail….
Vaccines are not only responsible for autism, but for a quantity of auto immune diseases, alzheimer, neurological symptoms such as hyper activity ….
This is partially why I fight against toxic ingredients into cosmetics….yes…we also find heavy metals in cosmetics….even Mercury into eye drops!!!
As far as vaccines are making more people living ( I talk about salaries…) then dying….this will run that way….business is business!

By: Paul Vonharnish Sun, 26 Oct 2014 03:37:45 +0000 The citizen public needs to grow up and quit asking for permission to live. Destroy all primitive and obsolete financial institutions such as corporate/capitalism and it’s ugly twin sister, corporate/communism. Quit focusing on the results of corporate style extortion.

The Ebola hoax and the vaccine slaughters are an essential signal that all human value sytems have now waxed diabolical and corrupt. So say hello to Mr. Diabolical and his associate Mr. Corruption. There are reasons all this has happened…

No one speaks of establishing truely social institutions such as “Social Capitalism”. Why not? The concept of Social capitalism would establish individual wealth, rather than “National” debt. The functional paradigm in a Socialist/capital supply system, is to distribute funds directly to individuals via a reverse income tax. That is: Every adult citizen receives enough income for essential sustenance, a modest residence, essential needs such as electricity, proper cooking facilities, necessary clothing and educational services. All individual health remediation costs should be fully funded at a national level. Social/capitalism is a humanitarian system based on asset distribution, rather than some diabolical form of debt slavery. Corporations, land grabbers, international banking cartels, and environmental extortionists must be erased from the equation. The history of corporate/capitalism can be directly traced to the Roman Catholic church.

Readers may find this interesting. >

Anyone that might be wondering why the Roman/Zionist church has been exterminating civilians in Muslim nations for the last 800 years, might wish to review this interesting text by Timur Kuran .

The Absence of the Corporation in Islamic Law: Origins and Persistence

If you desire a safe and peaceful planet, have the courage to create it.

By: TheRedPillGuide Sun, 26 Oct 2014 00:44:57 +0000 If any people on the fence about vaccines, information such as this should provide a rather tangible bite of data that can lead one in so many paths that it answers the question in a totality that would leave one nigh shocked [if one didn’t know any of the inner workings of the system that is].

By: theodorewesson Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:26:55 +0000 Just to add…

The trailer…


Also, here is a good source on the ingredients in vaccines,…

for example,

By: Messenger At The Crossroads Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:49:28 +0000 So, according to the new documentary “Bought”, vaccine proponents will tell you that there is no mercury in these vaccines; however, where the mercury has been removed or reduced, it’s been replaced by aluminum in equal amounts. Gee, imagine that…

By: From Québec Sat, 25 Oct 2014 04:52:42 +0000 Lies, lies and more lies. That’s all we get from from this criminal CDC.

By: Paul Vonharnish Fri, 24 Oct 2014 22:51:57 +0000 Hello Jon,

Good posts all. Thanks! You may find this person interesting as well.

Kathleen Dixion tears up the information and throws it back into the face of the DCD/AMA liars that provided it. Her research and medical “qualifying laboratory” background definitely sharpen the edge of the blade…

Kathleen Dixion – Lines of evidence for Lyme as part of an illegal bioweapons operation.

Check out how the CDC messed with the lyme test panels and created a wonderful lyme vaccine that caused the illness and death of thousands. Nice company, the CDC. Profits before policy every time…

By: Red Dust Fri, 24 Oct 2014 21:07:14 +0000 Reblogged this on Scratch Living and commented:
Since the very beginning of vaccine research brain inflammation and damage was known. It’s been a coverup since the get-go…
