Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: victimized or inspired Sat, 25 Oct 2014 23:11:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blanche Gabel Sat, 25 Oct 2014 23:11:41 +0000 Dear Jon, my husband Joe died many years ago. He had an IQ tested by the Army before he was sent to Korea. It was tested at 150. He was a student of Logic. The IQ test is all based on logical conclusians. If you look at the test you will see that the answers are logic. Joe was on the front line in Korea for 11 a war he called: All bulshit.” He came back thiniking that he had died and was coming back in spirit. Logic is what we have to contend with in this Matrix. It is not defined but is the only thing that makes sense. Why are we in this paradigm of unreality trying to l understand why?

By: omanuel Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:55:38 +0000 Jon,

I asked earlier but overlooked your reply: Did you get the word matrix from Max Planck’s 1944 speech in Florence, Italy?

In that speech he said there is no matter as such. The whirling electrons in each atom are held together by a FORCE and behind that FORCE is an INTElLIGENT and CEEATIVE MIND. That is the matrix of all matter.
