Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: why is imagination rejected? Sat, 26 Oct 2019 15:09:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Secretariat Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:49:14 +0000 Greetings Breathren & Good Neighbors,

Imagination is the Wisdom of Divine Law created via Nature’s Law & Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason seeking divine Unanimity of life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness honorably in good will situated thereby eternally.

All our most precious regards to our breathren & all walks of life seeking honor.

Until then, I AM…

Your friend In law!

Most graciously….’In Honor We Trust’
Magnus Regnant of Sovereign Earth Alliance

Notice: U.P.C. Applicable.

P.S.: Please forgive any incorrect scripture, syntax or grammatical errors.

P.S.S. Shall our breathren share amongst their associated or delete our exhortations honorably reflecting whatever moderation otherwise predisposed? Humbly we strive only in honorable unanimity what you may justly will as good neighbors via the Wisdom of Divine Law. Or as each may reveal as you freely choose & serve otherwise. Shall our breathren once again find us peacefully amongst them in good will as good neighbors via the Wisdom of Divine Law via Nature’s Law or Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason equally similarly situated honorable situated thereby? Time will tell all breathren, time will tell all!!!!!!! For time serves all equally and honorably in accord with the Wisdom of Divine Law via Nature’s Law and Nature’s (Creator/Creative Science of Right Reason all walks of life seeking good will as good neighbors similarly situated honorably thereby!

By: From Québec Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:51:55 +0000 I believe that “imagination” is rejected, because it threatens the established consensus.

I also like these two quotes:

“The Power Of Imagination transcends logic and taps into the infinite field of potential where all probabilities already exist. Imagination is the magnet that draws the thing imagined from the place of infinite probability to finitereality.”
– Chuck Danes

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview
of life’s coming attractions.”
– Albert Einstein

By: From Québec Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:32:02 +0000 “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”

Robert F. Kennedy
