Comments on: Outside the Reality Machine Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:09:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louise Rosen Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:09:06 +0000 When we arrived at ‘the party – the present reality,’ the rules and the foundations were already in place and had been there for hundreds of years. Tweaking the ‘what is’ merely allows one to alter what is already in place. Conforming to the status quo with minor changes is not creativity. While some may think they are being creative, they are merely mimicking what already is by alteration… no different than an auto maker incorporating minor changes to last year’s model… What if next year’s model flew and didn’t use gas? or try this: Beam me up, Scotty!

By: theodorewesson Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:38:06 +0000 Breaking a delusion of cause and effect

By: babylovet Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:29:07 +0000 Reality vs. Imagination is a false dichotomy which I think is a concept the author of this piece might agree with.

In the realms of artistic creation it seems to me that the main thing is to tweak the “given reality” just enough so that it yields cascades of possibilities that were not considered or seen before.

And that the greatest of the creators did something along this line. They took “the given”, “the accepted models”, and just ever so slightly turned them on their heads to yield something unique.

And their greatest progenitors did the same thing.

Ives, Armstrong, H. Bosh, Picasso, Parker, Coleman Hawkins, Bukowski

When this tweaking ends then a form becomes static, becomes an antique and ceases to have much power or juice left. These are periods of cultural and artistic decline. Power makes the “powers that be” nervous and can even induce forces of repression.

One can also see this in the natural world as evolutionary processes perform similar strategies.

We call these “adaptations”.

By: Bonnie Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:08:23 +0000 Precisely! That’s why I bought the “Power Outside The Matrix” course.

By: From Québec Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:03:43 +0000 WOW! I’ve just finish listening to the interview with Steve Quayle about Ebola on the the Alex Jones show yesterday.

This is an amazing interview that everybody here should listen to.

The interview starts at 7:00

Ebola Is The Endgame; Alex Jones talks with Steve Quayle
