Comments on: Let’s have a Death Day for everybody all at once Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:54:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: ozziethinker Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:54:20 +0000 Very good comment,

They, the destroyers, twist words which galvanise social goodwill and turn them into tomfoolery. To call someone “gay” was once the highest compliment. Now it is reduced to perversity.

I believe the “spirit” of Christmas (winter solstice) has been utterly destroyed by Satan (Santa). This is not to say the concept of giving presents is bad, but capitalism and deadly commerce have hijacked the will and love of God.

By: chickfrompahrump Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:15:55 +0000 Yes Sky walker , It is ridiculous. It is a night when children and older than that knock on your door and give a you an ultimatum , “Trick or treat?” What’s it gonna be? It is like black mail . Either give a treat or we will hurt you . In rural towns like the one I live in. Most homes are on 1 to 5 acre lots , but there are 3 dense communities here. The biggest one , being Mountain falls . Thousands of children and older teenagers descend on this place. One couple told me they had approximately 1500 kids and were burden with a candy bill of 200 bucks .. I asked them why do they spend that kind of money? Why not just turn your porch light off? They are afraid of the tricks that older kids might play and it ends up being cheaper ion the long run. They would rather pay $200.00 for candy as opposed to thousands in damage ! I find this to be a real shame. I agree with you !

By: skywalker Thu, 06 Nov 2014 12:24:10 +0000 traditionaly ” all hallows day ” was a day of remembrance of the dearly departed. the whole community would go to edge of town and make a giant bonfire then every house would take a pumpkin and carve it into a lantern, then they would make an effigy of the king of the underworld and place him on a throne then in the evening the whole community would gather and make a procession that would go from house to house through the town slowly gathering all the families who would join the parade with their pumpkin lanterns and they would call to the dearly departed souls to come join them and follow the king on his throne . all the families would then travel to the bonfire and the king would be placed on top and the fire lit, then all the pumpkins would be cast upon the fire telling the gathered lost souls to join the king and pass over to the next life into the light.
its a shame we have all forgotten the true meaning of all hallows day or ” Halloween ” our real remembrance day of the dead.
its a shame this day has become perverted into something unholy…….think about it.

By: Chickfrompahrump Thu, 06 Nov 2014 04:29:51 +0000 I do not think this would work well for most . It would be like Christmas when you have to go into debt to buy so many people gifts even if you don’t have the money and even if you do not want to , but you must, due to society’s customs and rituals.. So let’s Juxtapose , shall we ? One Death Day a year 10 folks ya know passed away . So in one day , You do much traveling , you go to 10 different memorials or funerals , buy 10 different bouquets and condolence cards and have to bring 10 different casseroles to 10 different wakes in which you have to make small talk with long lost friends and meet the dead person’s entire family ugh ! On the other hand , each time a death occurs you buy all those things separately as each death occurs , you only have to bring one casserole to one wake at a time spread over a years time. You can take a breather from having to talk to so many old friends and such in between deaths.The traveling costs willalso be spread out over time and you can reat in between jots . And besides we already have Memorial Day !!!!!!

By: Chickfrompahrump Thu, 06 Nov 2014 04:09:37 +0000 I like what one prisoner replied when going to execution. The warden asked him what he wanted done with his body after death and he sarcastically said, “Throw it to the hogs!” With my Dead body? Take it out in the back yard, Let birds and maggots feast on it and I’ll call it good ! Did not cost anyone a single penny and fed some of natures own.

By: ozziethinker Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:59:07 +0000 Correct,

“The devil’s new cloths still makes the devil”.

The only answer in non-capitulation and non-acquiescence. Do not vote, refuse to follow any “systems” in place and generally “clog” the capitalist way of life. When that rebellion reaches “saturation” point, it is the ELITE that will “wake up”.


By: Magnus Göller Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:16:14 +0000 Yea! So mote it be!
And, yes, besides the grinning that befell me reading this, we will always remember those we deem worth to be held in our hearts.
On the other hand, when children lose their mother, for instance, some ceremony, not having to wait till February 22, may help them through that.

By: thepassionofplay Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:54:13 +0000 I understand what you mean. The deeper truth that is missed my most people is that what is called “change” is not change it all, it is just a modification of the same pattern. The rioting in the streets only produces a kind of superficial change, which will ultimately only give rise to yet another unconscious unsustainable society. The kind of “modification” that you are talking about can indeed strike like lightning, but nothing deep changes within the human psyche and it’s deep fragmentation, and thus a new “culture” is born. It is trading one religion for another, one ideology for another, one fragmented perspective of life for another….which is not change at all.

By: henry Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:27:37 +0000 The Anticipation of Collapse Day sounds like a good idea. Sure, for the first couple of years we’d all dance around the juju bush but within a few years we’d just find that advertisers will figure a way to make us want to buy mattresses for a discount price.

By: medusajoe Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:22:09 +0000 Everything we think is important and know we saw it on tv.

The rest is really what was important.
