Comments on: The invention of “virus reality” Mon, 01 Mar 2021 04:30:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Felicia Popescu Thu, 06 Nov 2014 12:08:28 +0000 It’s a scandal of scandals, a hoax of hoaxes.
The wholesale invention of false reality.
Yes, Jon, perfectly put!
I’ve been writing for quite a while about this on my Romanian blog, translating articles by Dr. Lanka explaining that no “pathogenic virus” has ever been proven to exist, thank you for writing about this fraud as well.
Maybe more people will open their eyes and see the reality.

By: From Québec Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:12:11 +0000 I don’t think so, since I believe NOTHING the authorities tell me.
I’ve learned a long time ago to think for myself and make my own researches,
But many people, like the believers in the Ebola outbreak, haven’t learn it.

By: arthur webb Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:33:07 +0000 From Québec: The answer to your puzzle can no doubt be found in answering the question ‘why are ‘you’ so gullible’? or even in answering your “Don’t we ever learn” question by explaining what it is that “we” don’t ever learn.

By: R. Hawthorne Wed, 05 Nov 2014 08:49:26 +0000 Reblogged this on Tales from the awakened mind and commented:
This is a pretty explanation for a changed reality through own perception model. Authorities try to construct a new reality with viruses that normally wont harm a well working immune system. But if someone adopts this parallel reality, the immune system shuts down to allow the disease to come in. So, in the last term, it is our decision,… which reality we adopt for our path.

By: Magnus Göller Wed, 05 Nov 2014 03:31:08 +0000 I have no scientific qualification to verify the things I brought up here.
I was just sharing information that may be important.
But, yes, in Your interpretation of this, as far as I got it, You are right.
In the sense that You at least widely understood the text that is not mine.
I can only do what I can do.
This was mere transmitting.
My best wishes.

By: medusajoe Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:29:12 +0000 Reblogged this on freddiemercurybiopicmovie and commented:
Several readers have asked me what “isolation of a virus” means. The most obvious answer is: you know you’re looking at virus, rather than something else.

By: From Québec Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:05:22 +0000 Your great articles made me wonder why people are so gullible?

Now, if you stop to think about it, it doesn’t make any sense.

Since our birth, we were lied to and NOW we know it was all lies:

– It started with Santa Claus when we were very young and with all the fairytale stories.

– Then came school and all you would hear was: “Jesus said this” and “Jesus said that”, as if Jesus had given a Conference Press last night on T.V. We were also thought about the Bible who was written by men and many times manipulated and re-written. As far as I am concerned, ALL religious books were probably written by the Elites of that time to scare us into obedience and slavery…lol.

– As we grew a little older, it was the Boogeyman, (le Bonhomme 7 heures in French).
If we were out at night after 7 O’clock P.M., the Boogeyman would get us.

– In our teen ages, it was Batman, Superman, etc.

Why did we believe all this nonsense? It was because we could not believe that our parents and teachers would lie to us so outrageously.
Like most people nowadays, cannot believe that the so called authorities could lie to them so flagrantly.

But now, as grown men, shouldn’t we know better?
Wouldn’t it be logic having been lied to for so long, to not buy into the lies of governments and other authority agencies, like the WHO and CDC, etc?

Why are people so gullible? I still don’t know. It puzzles me.
Don’t we ever learn?

By: thepassionofplay Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:58:39 +0000 Great post Jon. Nice to have that info concisely consolidated into one article.

Magnus, from what I can tell those articles you posted are suggesting that scientists have now come up with a vector vaccine (which stimulates the production of a protein) that produces a strong immune response, where as before it was actually just the adjuvants/additives that were causing the immune reaction? Perhaps.

Sounds like a giant chemistry experiment…..the good news is that these scientists don’t actually know what they are doing, else they might actually be dangerous. As of right now they are too stupid to be dangerous. Thankfully there really are no dangerous viruses–if there were, I am sure these mad scientists of the world would have already created a few monsters.

By: Magnus Göller Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:35:20 +0000 Sorry that this makes a second post, but the videos I found here (where I found the link to the page above) may also be of interest for some:

By: Magnus Göller Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:30:28 +0000 I’ve just found a page that may help.

It is about Ebola, a new genetic vaccination scheme, now purportetly tested in Switzerland.
