I.F. Stone
]]>I agree. In one of James Lee Burke’s novels, the character, Aldous Robicheaux says,
“If ever’one tell the same tale, it bound to be a lie.”
Though that line comes from a work of fiction, I’ve found it to true in every case I’ve seen of media reporting. The major networks went so far overboard with their single storyline lockstep reporting of the 9/11/2001 ‘terrorist attack” that they were all broadcasting the same video footage at the same time.
Three different witnesses to the same auto accident will tell three different versions of the event, because they each had a different vantage point and each took away his own personal impression of what he saw. If the three tell exactly the same tale, in similar or identical choice of words, what would you conclude?
I would conclude that ol’ Aldous Robicheaux was pointing out an obvious fact, even though he was an invention of the author of a novel.
]]>Abba Eban