Comments on: Vaccines and “herd immunity” nonsense Sun, 05 Jul 2015 02:01:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 05 Jul 2015 02:01:53 +0000 Well, Arundhati, a Phd student and a “fan” of “deeply caring” Bill & Melinda Gates. I think that says it all!

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Fri, 03 Jul 2015 19:52:04 +0000 I little further research into what “they” don’t want you to see would do you well. It was even evidenced that Polio was on the sharp decline in the United States well BEFORE the Polio vaccine became commonplace practice. – Now, maybe someone can please explain this to me as to WHY this little “anomaly” occurred, yet – NO ONE in the media, or otherwise “establishment” will not comment on, debate, or otherwise rationally discuss this event? ? ? They would rather just openly deny and deride this is “fantasy”, even though – THEIR OWN MEDICAL HISTORY STUDIES WILL SHOW IT!

Absolutely NO vaccine has been truly, through proper employment of the “Scientific Process”, been found, demonstrated, or otherwise proven to be anywhere near as effective at treating any disease to the levels “they” claim. This was even backed up further by former practicing, educated MD’s, nurses, and other well-experienced healthcare workers who had been practicing in the various areas in the field of medicine and medical sciences for any large number of years. The history of documented failures of vaccines to cure or treat any disease to any great length, without a large number of adverse reactions and injuries from those vaccines, is plentiful, abundant, yet – ignored by the “establishmentarian professionals” who STILL make a majority of their living from the pay-backs by the vaccine manufacturers! Besides that, if these vaccines were so “safe”, then why do many countries (to especially include the USA) have active laws that effectively shield ALL of these products, and their makers from any liability for cases of damage, injury, and EVEN DEATH resulting, directly, from the administration of these “safe and effective” vaccines? ? ?

If a product is guaranteed to be “safe and effective”, then there would be no need for over-board liability immunity from lawsuits and criminal actions!

Now, does that not sound like a serious cause for concern, eh Doctor?

And YES, our diets have changed for the worse over the last century! Have you seen some of the latest truly independent studies, research, and public exposure of what is wrong with most of our “food”? Has it not occurred to you, Dear Doctor, that while we are seeing more government intervention into personal choice in health matters – and more prescription drugs and vaccines being pushed – that in light of all of this, the general health and well-being of the People of this world is STILL going down, and more untimely deaths are resulting from the current “medicine” than all the wars of the last two-and-a-half centuries? ? ?

Does any of that make any sense, Dear Doctor? Do any of your professors, adjunct and regular, as well as your various supervisors ever help to clarify that for you? – Methinks not!

Methinks “conflicts of interest” are what have over-ridden the entire medical AND scientific establishments, all for the sake of big profits for the makers and pushers, and for the unlimited control over the lives of every human being in this world.

Thanks, but NO THANKS! All of you can keep your dangerous, deliterious drugs and noxious vaccines to yourselves! Nature was never the problem. Mankind’s self-obsessed, megalomaniacal “god-complex”, fed by greed and lust for power and prestige are to blame!

By: Theodore Fri, 03 Jul 2015 19:51:20 +0000 Hi Arundhati,

Just to add,….

(re: In 2013 there were between 1.3 and 1.5 million associated deaths, most of which occurred in developing countries… More people in the developing world contract tuberculosis because of a *poor immune system*, largely due to high rates of HIV infection and the corresponding development of AIDS.)

Here are two scientific papers on reversing TB (Consumption) using (non-toxic) nutrition…

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis on the lines of mineral deficiency

Tuberculosis and nutrition

Side bar,… Pellagra…
– Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency disease most frequently caused by a chronic lack of niacin (vitamin B3 or synonym: vitamin PP (from: Pellagra Preventing factor)) in the diet.
– Anti-tuberculosis medication tends to bind to vitamin B6 and reduce niacin synthesis, since B6 (aka pyridoxine) is a required cofactor in the tryptophan to niacin reaction.

Then, there is the toxic allopathic approach…

TB Drugs

Tuberculosis vaccines

The following, IMO, is not the way to go,…

Tuberculosis vaccines

By: Arundhati Maitra Fri, 03 Jul 2015 15:43:48 +0000 ‘These pin-heads will never support the thousands-of-years common knowledge that nutrition, diet, and activity are the basics for good health’ … I am from India. I do not believe that either diet or nutrition have changed much over the years, and yet we have been polio free for over three years now. Could you please explain how this came to be? I am very interested. It could even cut short my PhD studies on Tuberculosis. (Yes, another dead disease that only ever kills 1.5 million people a year.)

By: ange Fri, 21 Nov 2014 12:01:47 +0000 Herd immunity is a concept based on populations that had naturally aquired diseases.This theory has not been proven for artificially aquired so called immunity from a vaccine.. That is one of the biggest mistakes the pro vaccine crowd make.

By: Carol J Vandermeer Wed, 19 Nov 2014 19:45:56 +0000 Young Living Essential Oils are another way of fighting those super germs! You can find them at or contact me!

By: dcoda Sat, 15 Nov 2014 22:07:41 +0000 Reblogged this on Granny Woman Ozark Herbs and commented:
Thanks to friends on G+ I’ve discovered this post from Jon Rappaport’s blog that hits a home run regarding vaccination requirements…enjoy

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:22:47 +0000 Reblogged this on Through The Eyes of a Dragon and commented:
Health is a personal responsibility, NOT anyone else’s unless we make that so by our own choice.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:21:20 +0000 I just LOVE (sarcasm!) how we are always compared to a “herd”, as if we were no better (or worse) than CATTLE!

These pin-heads will never support the thousands-of-years common knowledge that nutrition, diet, and activity are the basics for good health! – There’s no big profit to a healthy population, now is there?

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: Jim Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:35:41 +0000 ” ready to attack the unvaccinated” is the key and the basis for the fraud. Viruses and bacteria are around us all the time but waiting opportunistically to feed on a ‘diseased ‘ body making it feel more sick until the the disease is gone. It is true also that an antibiotic (killing off the bad bacteria,etc.)will make someone feel better and maybe even save a life if someone is in a very diseased state but nothing will help someone who is to far gone in the diseased state . The diseased state is caused by an incorrect diet and lifestyle > not because they are “unvaccinated” .Hopefully one will use a safe antibiotic like ‘colloidal silver’ and or ‘oil of oregano’ (safe with no side effects) but moving to a correct vegan diet and lifestyle will solve the problem.
