Comments on: Cartels of the Mind: a movie that never was Tue, 18 Nov 2014 05:16:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Afshin Nejat Tue, 18 Nov 2014 05:16:35 +0000 I say you have gotten right at one of the tender spots of the evil mind, you’ve located a structural feature of all that is evil in this world, and it is a very sensitive joint in the evil apparatus. I think if you keep hitting at this aspect of it, there is no way it will not be forced to respond, for we are looking at something so integral to the viability of all that goes on in the world, this “subversion of the individual”, that it must in fact be one of the supernodes of every malicious act that any person does to any other. It is the largely unspoken agenda of most “robotic” people in the world, to merge into various group identities, and to subvert and seek in any way possible to assist in the destruction of independent people, and most often by the tried and effective method of destroying what is independent WITHIN such people, such as their unique and unbowing moral conscience.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 16 Nov 2014 03:33:53 +0000 I have had dreams, many times, of running with horses. You are correct they are ancients.

I will tell you an old tale. I left home a very young, barely a man. A kind farmer took me in, and gave me a home, and after a summer of hard work, he rewarded me with a horse. A beautiful fellow, who became a very close friend and whom I had many a conversation with…that was forty years ago.
When I dream of running, it is that same fellow that I run with…a million lives you say, but still that is only a blink of time, in this great thing that we live in.
It’s Saturday night Oz my friend and I will have a drink to a horse who is long dead.

“The wind of heaven it that which blows between a horses ears”- Arab proverb

By: ozziethinker Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:01:29 +0000 I think “obsolete” might convey a better overall word. Superfluous is the correct word though. In this case the meaning would be “redundant”. To reach cubed light status you would need a million lives to the power of a million. It is the final realisation that, with all its differences, the parts are all equal (in the sense of “belonging”). I am hoping the book will be finished by March next year. We’ll see….

As for horses, they have ancient minds. Now, very few will know or even realise, some of the characteristics of the red dragon are very similar to the horse. We (white, Caucasians) are all of the dragons lines, so maybe that tells you something 😉

There was an ABC show (I am amazed it appeared on mainstream TV) which revealed claims of near death experiences. One example revealed an individual talking to trees (the very first man, long prior to so-called “Big Bang”, was possibly made of wood) and highly enlightened individuals (conscious) can connect to wood “sprites”. Another example was one who conversed with a horse regards a “past life relationship”. The “rerun” chopped out those two little segments; surprise, surprise!

By: middleway Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:23:22 +0000 If the disease spreads, it will not be members of the cartel that die. Concepts propagated from the seed of Babylon are on the threshold of full fruition; any opportunity to counter has long passed. To perceive of these concepts as ‘future events’ is pure delusion of the highest order; it is happening now. I believe Jon understands the dynamics of humanities current dilemma fully. Close scrutiny of the medical/pharmaceutical industries renders the eugenic/reductionist aspects, obvious. (ref: 1 = 1,000 exchange rate) – (1,000 x 6,000,000 = 6,000,000,000 reduction objective)

By: Michael Burns Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:44:42 +0000 Very good Oz…superfluous! are you that sure, perhaps it is not enough. Maybe the right combination only comes along every one billion births. There seems to be a tendency in this physics for evolution to render down the common into finer and finer elements. In some cases only a few atoms are the end result…anyway…very interesting. I look forward to your book.

I found it interesting that you are a lover of horses. I value them more than most humans. They are wonderful spirits.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:15:07 +0000 If the disease spreads, the cartels die…if the disease spreads…

By: From Québec Sat, 15 Nov 2014 05:31:27 +0000 Very well said Henry!

By: ozziethinker Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:42:11 +0000 Good piece, Jon. However there is something else. Perhaps you missed it or perhaps you didn’t really want to delve into it. Ironically, I have just completed chapter seven of my unfinished book, “Dimensions, Deceptions and Demons”. The end of the chapter deals with reality (an illusion that does not support “causality”), souls and spirits. Here is the final paragraph:

“Spirits, of course, are our angels; our messengers of virtue, our positive. Human beings would do well to remember every single one of us, no matter how he or she fits into the current moral etiquette, is guided by at least one spirit. Those that are branded the worst, the most evil, the cursed of society, all have spirits. The problem is not with the spirit but, rather, the method of human judgement. We all have a tendency to believe we were awarded protected, precious lives designed to cultivate the subjective [experience]. Yet we could not be more wrong. In fact our lives are designed to help us manage the external and once we have learned to be humble, meek, we are then in a position to inherit the Earth. Given our tendency to war, meekness must be a simultaneous, universal syndrome. At which point the external becomes the subjective as it is reason for existence. Looking at the higher dimensions and a final stage I call “cubed light”, each [light] cell is intricately mapped to its partner. All [cells] work zealously to a common cause. Self becomes superfluous.”

By: Paul Tarsuss Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:02:29 +0000 It’s guys like Rappoport that make you want to round up a Posse and force him to run for office. But then, you come back down….and realize that he’s made more sense than you were momentarily willing to accept. You can only put so many dollar store band aids on the Titanic before you realize that she was sunk long before our half hearted attempts began.

A toast then, to New Wine skins!

Search via – “Ancient High Performance Electric Motors Discovered That are still in Production”

Search via – “Pole Shift of Noah’s Day About to Happen Again?”

Good Journies

By: TPR Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:08:33 +0000 That’s a shame that your movie “never was” because that is a GREAT title > Cartels of the Mind! Definitely worthy of a large brightly-lit marquee!

Also a great ending > “Normal = Crazy”! 🙂

You’re good with those one-liners!

And for other reasons (fake news), I especially liked this quote:

“If you can’t see the background of a crime, you aren’t seeing the crime, you’re seeing the sensational effects, that’s all.”
–Jon Rappoport

Isn’t that the truth! It’s a keeper. Good job!
