Comments on: The medical shadow government Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:28:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anona-Moose Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:28:32 +0000 “Murder by Injection” by Eustace Mullins chronicles the families and industries they control in creating the medical mafia and the AMA was sued back in the 30’s by a drug company as they were a sham outfit and now we live with the FDA

By: Hair Savior Wed, 19 Nov 2014 19:28:13 +0000 Astro Psychology will suffice. One must fully understand how to interpret the patients natal chart to be of any service to them. Astrology signs also correlate to areas of the body and how to heal them.

By: BIGFOOT Wed, 19 Nov 2014 10:38:11 +0000 You are assuming that we are living in a Rational world, and the All Scientists are out on a leg for the well being of the society. Get this: Its not what we can do with serial Killers, and the criminally insane. Its that we should realize that they are being manufactured and released to the society to unleash terror and fear.

By: Ed Stratford Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:01:59 +0000 Thanks Jon, I talk about you and your articles a lot. I love your incisive clarity about all this medical fraud. Did you know that the Rothschilds and Rockerfellas started all this medical madness intentionally? They set up the Rockerfella institute, (now the Rockerfella University), where they researched the cures for cancer and other diseases and then made sure that no one else discovered them. If anyone did, they made sure they were marginalised or murdered.

By: Are Yufreel Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:36:07 +0000 Today, as I listened to Relevant Radio, a Catholic radio program on the East Coast which to this Catholic, from time to time, I can glean spiritual scriptual information, one of the topics today is ADD (attention deficit disorder), and whether or not a child requires meds?

Since I am a former victim of sympomatic diagnosis for ADD, I know a little about this roller coaster ride from the medical approach and the social order at large. The description alone for ADD would elicit feelings of inferiority. Words like deficit and disorder caused me to believe I was less than amongst the “normal”, and my brain isn’t working according to those who know better.
A caller was concerned with her pediatrician advising her to give floride supplements to her ADD child. Flouride! Isn’t fluoride bad enough in toothpaste and water, let alone adding this waste to prescriptions! Who profits from these supplements? You guessed, everyone but the victim. Regarding prescription drugs for so called ADD symptoms. The guest noted that along with symptoms like tardiness, etc, the individual suffers from anxiety and depression, which he stated is believed to be genetic in origin, and which we know cements the ADD labeling for yet generations to come.

I thank God (of my understanding) every day that I read your articles blowing holes in absurd, unproven, untested and naive medical names for human behavior. Of course a child experiencing hyperactivity and chronically late and forgetful, is anxious. (what is he eating and drinking all day?), Has anyone questioned what is going on in a child’s home environment? Is he having trouble conforming to the rigid social world in his environment; he misses cues in relationships with his peers. He moves from one task or idea to another in lightening speed, sometimes from simply having a higher intelligence and a creative mind; at other times from sheer boredom.
I will never forget a psychiatrist’s facial expression of joy now that I was on board when I submitted to prescription drug experimentation as an older adult ( actually, much older adult). In a short period of time, one major side effect which I experienced was anger, all day, every day. I stopped taking any and all meds for personal and social challenges. Now I eat organic food, vegetables and fruits. I avoid all soda, alcohol (I miss this a little), processed everything, fructose and most sugars. I take supplements which are necessary for the replacement of depletion of the nutrients heretofore existing in our soil. I live my life as simply as possible, write lots of notes and lists, and avoid drama and toxic individuals including family when necessary.

My parents were immigrants, and they would never have trusted a doctor to tell them how and what to give their children. They only accepted suggestions.They didn’t trust doctors. Thank God! What would have happened had I been a child of the 21st century whose parents were guilted into accepting a pediatrician’s final word for the pharmaceutical management of symptoms by administering poison(s)? I’m one of the lucky ones.

Here’s a stream of the program if you’re interested:

By: Tim Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:32:31 +0000 Jon, a listing of those 15 duds would be a great article/resource. Thanks.

By: Larry Byrnes Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:25:45 +0000 Bravo Jon!!! Excellent piece. And very timely!!! Thanks you!!!!

By: From Québec Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:21:36 +0000 Sorry, the first video is with Joe Bigg on Ferguson (2 min).
The second video is Jon Rappoport and it still begins at 9:50

By: From Québec Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:10:33 +0000 Jon was on the Alex Jones Show today.

I just wished that he would have been there longer and that Alex wouldn’t have talked so much…lol But hey! He cannot help it, that is who he is. But I like still like him, no one is perfect.

The interview starts at: 9:50

Vaccine Dominoes Falling

By: omanuel Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:53:01 +0000 Good question. I do not have the answer, but I am personally convinced the typical person experiences periods of sanity and insanity. E.g.,

Anyone who is in a rage of anger is at that moment insane.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Etc., etc.

How can we personally avoid insanity? I do not have the answer for others, but for me the answer has been working the AA 12 Step Program, experiencing a non-religious “spiritual awakening” or “awakening to reality” like that described by Carl Jung, Max Planck or William James and more commonly described as maintaining a conscious awareness that a Higher Power sustains my life through prayer, meditation, etc.
