Comments on: Support GMO labeling or turn the oil tanker around? Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:16:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: brian Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:16:07 +0000 come on everybody, lets all get together, our kids are being poisned every day, wake up fellow humans please someone has got to start but how do i go about it, please help, limited education, likely caused by being poisened by food i eat — brian thomas, south wales uk

By: TheAlmightyPill Fri, 21 Nov 2014 16:52:00 +0000 I have no experience with such organizing, but I think one strategy that could be successful against a wealthy monolithic entity like Monsanto would be a locality-driven divide and conquer. Look at how much money Monsanto poured into Maui to fight the ballot initiative (compared to the tiny amount spent by locals) and how much they will be spending to fight it (and, cynically, probably buy victory) in the courts.

However, imagine if a few hundred or more counties across the US simultaneously launched independent ballot initiatives to ban GMOs. Monsanto would have to fight each of these head-on, on the ground, and at exorbitant expense. If even a small fraction win in the polls, Monsanto will have to fight these independently in the courts. Buying victory/silence/complacency becomes untenable when the cost to play is multiplied hundred-fold or more. If each local effort plays hardball with hard-hitting ads like Jon has suggested, this adds another cost-sink if Monsanto tries to sue in court (not to mention multiplying the odds of coming up against a legal framework that allows discovery that Monsanto absolutely doesn’t want).

I am not a Lawyer, but surely there is a way to organize such an effort so as to make it light-weight and impervious to local losses, under the assumption that Monsanto will certainly buy many poll and court victories. These will have to be anticipated and organized around such that the larger effort is immune. Once even a handful of local footholds are achieved, the movement will only gain momentum for the next round.

By: ozziethinker Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:31:12 +0000 There is another way of looking at this, Jon.

Let’s suppose GMO labelling “won”. Is that the end of Monsanto. They paid their money for all that R&D, made the product and now, like traditional businessmen, they throw it all away? Yeah and pigs do fly.

Or do they [look up] find another use for their toxic stock, feeding it to the animals and other things – the backdoor route.

Wouldn’t coup d’état be all product “labelled” GMO-free when in fact it is all laced with genetic modification. That’s their usual trick. I agree with Rastafari; redefine what it means to be GMO and you have the final blow exploiting, how did you say it Jon, trance state populations.

If the people woke up; it could mean civil war!

By: Rastafari Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:33:22 +0000 Jon, you’re on a roll now.

I agree with you, one hundred percent. But here’s my main concern:

** most people that I encounter do not even know what “GMO” means. Including the farmers who plant the poison. those that listen to me explain what it is, seem completely unconcerned. Even when I explain the evidence that roundup particles lodge in the intestinal wall and continue to exude roundup. (does anyone know anyone else who doesn’t have some type of digestive trouble? gluten intolerance. diverticulitis, GERD, acid reflux, ulcers, constipation, on and on.)

Then, the other crowd includes those that know about GMO, somewhat, but think cheaper “food” is ok. They say they can’t afford so-called organic food. I point out that organic food is actually food whereas GMO [food] is not food but poison.

For example,

organic butter in U.S., imported from Ireland (dairy cows fed non-GMO so far) costs $10.00 a pound. I use 1/2 pound of butter a month for 1 person. It’s pure, wholesome & tasty.

commercially-produced butter in U.S., dairy cows raised in confinement under horrid living conditions, being milked while having mastitis, injected with all vaccines, hormones, antibiotic, being forced to produce unnatural quantities of milk, fed corn/soybean GMOs. I don’t know what all exactly that lifestyle for an animal causes, but it cannot produce pure, wholesome and tasty anything. It cannot be considered food as it does not nourish although it may fill. Some butter at grocery stores (where there is very little real food at all) sells for sale price $3 – 4.

we cannot compare organic, real food to GMO poison. real food for $10.00 or poison for $3.00?

Yes, that yellow ear with those rows of kernals looks like corn, doesn’t it? And doesn’t it even kind of taste like corn? But, it is not corn it is Monsanto laboratory concoction, served up to the world.

Americans are gobbling it up. Why? What’s happened to us?

Seems like a sort of collective trance. But we’re not all tranced, and why is that?

I sure hope someone will answer my questions … in detail please. with solutions.

My solution is to boycott, disengage & form new. I personally do that. Gathering support is slow but that may be a function of my leadership and implementation skills rather than mass psychosis. I don’t know, have to admit very befuddled.

Not really at the slavemasters who are doing all this. Because that’s what they’ve always done. But don’t they do what they’ve always done because many of the slaves stay slaved by choice?

Choosing walmart. choosing made in china. choosing coke. choosing doctors over healers. choosing drugs over plants. choosing violent movies. choosing to believe in elections.

they believe in those choices and I’m truly befuddled over what to do. So, thanks to Brian Gerrish, I use this never-used WWII British propaganda slogan:

Keep Calm and Carry On.

Thank you, Jon.

/s/ Rastafari, in the name of His Imperial Majesty

By: RockHeavyMetal.Com Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:02:50 +0000 Bravo, sheer genius. Create and maintain your own ineffective enemies is an old tactic. This is how police build private for profit prisons, by running the opposition groups.

By: From Québec Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:51:29 +0000 “Surpass the shopping trance.”

Well this will come sooner than everyone expects, since the World’s economy is going down.
