Comments on: Who is Gary Hirshberg? And why is he a leader in the anti-GMO movement? Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:11:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: ozziethinker Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:11:52 +0000 @Hawkeye

What do you mean by “wrong”?

Compared to what? Now or before, and if “before”, when?

The magnetic pole of the Earth is shifting BECAUSE the Earth was damaged by a number of prehistoric catastrophes caused by extreme technologies (ironically, sometimes “by accident”). Our Earth’s crust briefly detached from the inner sections (which are NOT molten) and “slipped” 10,483BC. It caused huge geological complications and perhaps wiped out humanity.

There are some current inner Earth changes that are affecting the surface as you have listed; some accurately, others not so.

The elite tend to manipulate natural situations and have access to some information and network off limits to “normal” humans.

The rest of your rant does not make sense. God is a spectrum of resonances that configure, in part, to make what we might jointly agree to call “reality”. Real “reality” is that which is behind the illusion – nothing. Empirics and causality destroy universal logic. To comprehend, you must deny science.

Jon is more right than he could imagine as to the POWER of imagination.

By: Hawkeye Thu, 27 Nov 2014 16:04:41 +0000 Quebec I am guessing you are joshing here right? Isn’t it more of a logical thought that “atmospheric electricity diversion” ( ??? ) is a cover term for “other purposes”? LOL,,,,,,,really, what the hell is that anyway and what the hell does it have to do with my complaints? You guys keep falling back in to the same pattern of “not considering HOW you are participating in the operation of manipulation”. To consider your question is to do exactly what I quoted. Listen, something is wrong with our earth – fact. Something is also wrong with our magnetic field of protection that surrounds our earth – fact. That protection field is diminishing at an accelerating rate – fact. Our magnetic north pole is shifting -fact. Earth is out of control with earthquakes to the tune of hundreds per day and in places that never had quakes before today – fact. All volcano’s on the planet are now in some kind of active/warning status or erupting non-stop – fact. The core of earth is heating rapidly and rising up which is why all volcano’s are behaving as I just said – fact. AND, we are being sprayed to block our sunshine , cool the SURFACE, and inhale – fact. People think nothing is wrong – fact. People think the hazy sprayed powder blue dim skies are normal – fact. Why do you need to go to this place of elite bunkers and illuminati BS regarding these topics of discussion? Are YOU trying to divert attention or play games here, I don’t know. Testing the waters myself to be honest, but with warning and truth for me, not sure what your purposes may be though. ……………………………. Who cares about the elites or any of this nonsense and why do you care. It matters not to any of this or your own self. I am not speaking of anything other then our earth, our skies, our air, our food and our planet in peril. Why do you not yell HEY what in the world are you spraying me with and why? WHY is this?? And also why is it that sight up in the skies doesn’t make you feel nausea and question as I do, something is very very wrong for that to be up there regardless of the bodies behind it’s approval and application which BTW – those behind it are breathing it all too – why would that be? There is a serious issue at hand that NO one is discussing publicly and that my friends is twilight zone material. That is a demented illusion of reality and anyone who abides by it by dismissal or denial has lost their way in the human race and lost the ability to be able to reason or think on their own. That is another very serious issue at hand that should be discussed. You are all living in la la land to accept these facts I present. I am having a difficult time coping with the fact that I live amongst zombies who do not see or care that all of our God given rights are being SPRAYED away. This is sin and sin is insanity, so it makes sense to me but I do not like it still. What else is in our atmosphere that is energy related? Well to name one it is electricity and using logic, if the protection that is the atmosphere is diminishing then things like electricity, solar radiation etc. etc. would kinda be a little more of a concern to us on the ground. Yea, the atmosphere is pretty charged up with electricity but to say in pubic it is for the elites under ground bunkers because they would need sun & air down there is embarrassing, sorry but it is. I can’t even go there to show you how ridiculous you just made yourself look, so I used that quote instead. Goes for you too molecule. “They” have been legally cloud seeding in Colorado since the 1960’s, so why is it such a shock to accept the entire planet’s climate systems of weather are being controlled today? That is 50+ years of technological advances to the 1960’s knowledge of cloud seeding to make man made snow. They are now experts at FREEZING cloud molecules and experts at fooling all of you dum dums. Pathetic it is. You do not know the difference between fake machine created weather and skies compared to natural God created ones and you are how old?? This is why we are really in trouble with everything going on today. No one knows what real is anymore. I am sure the tears are flooding Heaven for this as we speak. I’m sure He is pretty sad and pretty mad about this.

By: From Québec Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:53:32 +0000 “The chem trails atmospheric electricity diversion to the ground for other purposes……”

You got me thinking here.

I’m no scientist and what I am about to say is probably ridicule, but my first thought was: If the Elites really have an uderground city (as shown in my video link below: “Underground government elite bunker”) they will need a bit of sun and air to be able to survive underground.

Could this be the purpose?

By: theodorewesson Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:05:44 +0000 just to add,…

“Due to the fact that all of a sudden we have so many new and re-born virus’s it could be the pathogens are literally in the spray and falling down upon us, OR it could be side effects of harsh chemicals mixing with the environment and all else in it resulting in abnormalities of poisonous illness’s and or virus’s.”

I’m thinking more and more, that human illnesses can be explained to be a combination of “the amount of toxins in the body through eating and drinking — over sustained periods — poor food and poor water (GMOs, pesticides, fluoride, chlorine), including the toxins that the lungs and skin absorb (not to mention injected toxins though vaccines)… that the “germ/virus theory of disease” does not need to be relied upon in ones thinking “to get meaningful healing done,” nor, for that matter, as a “crutch” to “explain” certain events/phenomena.

This morning, I took the “germ/virus theory of disease” outside into my back yard, placed on an old tree stump, took ten places back, and then shot it in the head — to put it out of its misery. There were no witnesses.

By: theodorewesson Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:39:37 +0000 “Besides, they eat Organic and drink good water, they do not take vaccines and use alternative medecine for their Health.”

Exactly. In that regard, their elders have shared them that wisdom. We can do that, too.

By: Hawkeye Sun, 23 Nov 2014 15:54:22 +0000 That movement is already out there and trying to do this Quebec. Problem is no one believes it even when you point to a plane spraying it. Read what I wrote to molecule for more clarity there. Go to the geo site I gave and that is where the awareness is and it is strong large and still can’t stop it. What is needed is for ALL people to say HEY. ALL people not just some of us. Thanks!! This is why I ask Jon for a bigger voice. The economy is never going to improve because of this subject matter. Everything is to “stop activity” because of climate change. Keystone pipeline will never be approved, just distraction. Mark my words there! I am pissed because foreclosures are STILL ( seven dam long years ) still happening – what dam recovery, people can’t even admit that is a farce so thinking they will just look up and say OMG is not very hopeful. Good luck to us all there.

By: Hawkeye Sun, 23 Nov 2014 15:45:23 +0000 @molecule – I have seen your info. out there too, as I have said I have done an enormous amount of research and continue to, but I prefer to stick with logic rather then speculation. Although I do feel there is definitely a rouge element at play hidden in the spraying program yes, the obvious reasons for it being done are staring us right in the face. You can not cool a planets surface with spraying alone, you must also move jet streams to do this. The chem-trails are to work in conjunction with haarps all over the globe. That is what controls their movements and jet stream movements. Haarp is said to be interacting with the magnectishere part of the atmosphere and it makes logical sense with all else I have written above. The molten iron lava like core(s) of earth are what creates and powers the magnetic energy field of earth. This is a fact of science. So today we have a core over heating and we have a magnetic field diminishing. So yea, the two are connected. Haarp is your Tesla connection but not by any official confirmation as all of the rest of this geo-engineering program is with relation to global warming/climate change. Those you mention above were all Godless people who don’t believe anything other then man is king of the universe. You have no info. in your post to prove as any kind of logic or fact, so speculation is all I see. You are right that these chem-trails are destroying ALL life forms but incorrect about the fungus. Fungus is not being killed it is being amplified by all of this and out of control fungus is NOT a good thing to other life forms including plants as well as humans. In fact fungus is one of the signals that something is wrong and also in fact, fungus is what grows when there is a lack of sunlight. Fungus is in abundance today and one of the problems with growing food, it is taking over and killing plants. it is also showing up on people’s skin and can’t get rid of it. This is logic and best to stick with that if you want others to see and believe we are being sprayed and why it is happening. Your post also does not give one connection to why are there now so many earthquakes and volcano’s erupting? Mine does. If there is an element of rouge-ness to this spraying it is in addition to the main reasons for it and un-known to those spraying it. Due to the fact that all of a sudden we have so many new and re-born virus’s it could be the pathogens are literally in the spray and falling down upon us, OR it could be side effects of harsh chemicals mixing with the environment and all else in it resulting in abnormalities of poisonous illness’s and or virus’s. Either is probable.

The chem trails atmospheric electricity diversion to the ground for other purposes…… the chem trails are interacting with the magnetic field of energy thru haarp, and magnetic energy is being manipulated, so on the ground is not a diversion it is an effect of the cause, because magnetic energy is every where, on the ground and even in human brains. So of course it is “logical” to assume then that this interaction is having effects on humans brains et al. Animals too have this in their brains and we are seeing odd animal behavior as well. What do you see in real life, what do you feel in real life? Take those REAL things and then look at other REAL events of earth, then research off of that.

Your theories only create more conspiracy theory nonsense and pulls away the need to highlight this issue. Regardless though of all you say and I say and they say, one thing is for certain – WE ARE BEING SPRAYED – with what? For what? Why is it so many don’t even see that? Geo-engineering is to reduce sunlight by 2% from hitting earth’s surface. Reducing sunlight is insanity, there you are also correct. Sunlight is life, reduction from God’s intended needed amount will only screw up environmental process’s and effect the ground negatively. This is fact. Photosynthesis is #1 there and this is also in line with food not growing well or abundantly. More logic. The dimming sun is so visible to me I do not understand how no one see’s this?? They are in a coma or under a spell or something because this is happening in broad daylight right over heads. When I began to notice it the first thing I thought while looking at it in the making was “Is something wrong with earth?” I knew there had to be something very very wrong for that to be up there, rouge or bona fide, something is very very wrong with that. We have laws against spraying the atmosphere and yet there it is. You point it out to a local official and they look up at it as if it were not there and reply to you, what are you talking about, nothing is there. Boy is that a punch in the stomach. I sent 101 pics to my county officials when it began getting crazy heavy in our skies. First he said what? Then I began to cry on the phone and I said, come on sir I used to be an officer myself, please do not blatantly dismiss me I know the camera captured what I saw and I know you see it too. Are we under attack or is there some program in play to spray us because we the people do not know why that is up there and we would like to know. THEN he said ok, it is just con-trails don’t worry. MORE LIES. I told him again, ok you want to do this I will be absent on election day BUT let me tell you that I know contrails are from military planes only, for one thing, second is our fly boys do not make T’s X’s and grid patterns with contrails as my pictures show, so if you by chance should decide to follow up on my reported photo’s can you please reply to me some kind of answers. He said ok and I never heard back again. They all know. Now the PEOPLE of this earth need to know too. TELL.

By: Leonie Wynne Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:57:11 +0000 We are the creation of master geneticists from neighbouring star systems and extra dimensional realities – the seed of some of the most ancient civilisations in the Cosmos.

The loss of knowledge of the wisdom of the ancients is the greatest travesty perpetrated upon humanity. Most of our recorded history has been manipulated and our contemporary societies are still governed by these rulers, where they continue to program our beliefs and hold us in obedience.

Due to the slanted journalism of controlled media, our fields of sacred geometry (crop circles) are still dismissed as hoaxes.

Tyranny uses the tool of fear to control us. When we buy into a version of fear it can become all encompassing. There are those who live off the frequencies we produce. It is not necessary to convert or preach, simply know in the core of your being that we are all riding the wave of change. We are being observed and have been studied for eons of time – will we live in a bubble of ignorance believing everything that is told to us?

Remember our beliefs are based on very simple choices: fear or love.
Without the Family of Dark trashing every single one of our values and boundaries, we would never awaken. We would remain complacent like cows chewing cud, never noticing what was transpiring. No humans live long enough or are quite clever enough to come up with these immense plans of control. So when we look behind the scenes, you will find an ancient race with their own agenda – a tale of secrecy and hidden power. They are the ancient reptilians– our ancestors – our kin.
These beings have been ruling behind the scenes for eons, placing puppets in front of us as their messages. These puppets don’t understand they are possessed and taken over by these manipulators. When they do discover they are part of such an immense and grotesque plan for the planet they feel shrunken and shrivelled, even though they may be popes, presidents, kings, queens or others of prestige or power. They realise they are mere tools taken over because they made a home for these forces through their lies, perversions, their attachment to sex and their lust for material objects.

Genetically we are dealing with the cleansing of a long line of humanity with their generation upon generation of wounds (i.e. wars throughout history). The issue of accountability on our planet must be addressed – not to blame, but to teach them that each person must be his or her own leader. No-one is going to lead us – there will be no Messiah coming to save our planet. Love MUST prevail. The mind controllers and those who influence the weather and all aspects of our economy, religion, education and medicine will be revealed. Only by understanding how we have been influenced would we then dare to change and as humans we have abdicated the power of living and that we do not know that we are walking zombies.

Our perversity, the charge of energy received from harming others is what keeps us separated. The beings and humans who feed off harm to others and feed their energy fields through a limited channel – this energy is not free flowing – so when they access negative energy, they want a lot of it and usually of a violent nature. Those that harm others are starved energetically of love and do not feel connected and are shut off from living.
The dark, dark energy MUST BE acknowledged.
We must link ourselves as a collective of human beings – not an arrogant pride, but one that opens our hearts and connects us to oneness.

Do not be sceptical as to refuse to believe that our governments are sending shock waves into the earth to deliberately trigger earthquakes, tidal waves and ecological disasters for reasons of disrupting the lower vibration of those who hold the power. Destabilising Earth and its life forms is in large, part deliberate – part of the master plan. Another is their intention to control the planet’s electromagnetic frequencies and to keep us in fear and survival mode, so we remain separate and enslaved. We have been embroiled in their nets, entrained, manipulating our thoughts and emotions by holding us in their vibrational cages. They are always looking for ways to harness Earth for their own interests and in their short sighted vision of wealth, power and control, they have blasted, burned, poisoned, bored and chiselled away at the body of Earth suffocating the life force from her.
This secret government is only one step away from harnessing the energy of Earth – a force unimaginable to us as cosmic beings. Never forget that the greater our collective light, the lighter that darkness becomes.
Government leaders, who appear to guide and direct the military, economic and political strategies of Earth are merely pawns in the game – and they know it! Those that dare to bring about change are eventually eliminated – these are the peace leaders who work for the freedom of humankind and the peaceful resolution of global conflicts and human suffering. They stimulate all that is noble within us and strengthen our awareness of how love, freedom and truth are our birth-right. They encourage us to rebel against the dogma and hierarchy of control systems.

The misguided justification of all abuse of power is fed to us by the architects of the war being waged upon the innocent of Earth. Not even the top military echelons are privy to the truth about HAARP – or its enormity – nor would they be able to envision it, for unlike the inner circle of the power elite, they ARE NOT of Annunaki lineage.

Our strength is in our clarity, unity and intent. We have the power to focus our thoughts and love through all actions, words and expressions. Seek to reveal which is hidden and speak the truth to all those who can hear. Our collective mind – the focussed consciousness of the many – can deflect the bombarding energy and heal disharmony on any level.

By: From Québec Sun, 23 Nov 2014 03:36:55 +0000 “HOW CAN THIS REALLY JUST BE ABOUT GREED AND POWER , when ALL life on earth is in peril?”

The Elites don’t care, they have gone insane. They believe they will merge with machines and become immortals… become Gods.

Besides, they eat Organic and drink good water, they do not take vaccines and use alternative medecine for their Health.

And on top of that, they all have BUNKERS, very nice Bunkers all equipted to survive for years.,, in fact, they have an underground City with a lot of tunnels.

Underground government elite bunker .

By: cindy Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:56:52 +0000 Not to be to off topic but, has it occurred to anyone that our planet is being TERAFORMED for a different species! Yes the chemtrails are PARTLY about blocking SUNLIGHT. which Is essential
for our survival. But they are also involved with changing the frequency of the planet. On the same
token, the GMO’S are also designed to destroy our DNA . TRANSHUMUNISM is about fusing
our DNA & RNA with synthetic RNA & DNA , also through the chemtrails, That is just a drop in the bucket,,of what is going on. Don’t forget about NANO-technology OR, Fukashima, which is also DESTROYING our DNA!
HOW CAN THIS REALLY JUST BE ABOUT GREED AND POWER , when ALL life on earth is in peril?
