Comments on: Alert: Monsanto is trying to crush Maui right now Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:33:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: nikhilananda Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:33:07 +0000 ALOHA….. 8 of the 9 county council members, plus the mayor, are against the gmo initiative; the mayor and 5 of them [2 were unopposed and did not campaign] often spoke about their “opposition to the farming ban (sic)”!; so, if they take ANY action, it would probably be to overturn the law, not support it in court! that is why maui county, as the defendant, went along with the four month federal injunction.

By: Mokibra Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:05:30 +0000 Oh…….Mahalo’s for the geography Lesson………What Maui no ka Oi Neva get one city council…………brah you shure? Oh dat’s right dey stay one county………..Yeah ok bull……How bout you try change all da stuffs I weent say, and where i weent say sity, try for stuffs een da kine County. YOu know what I mean?

Right. Maui County Council can amend and protect this ballot measure mandated by the will of the vote. OK?

But you bring up another interesting point in the Politic of these Islands that needs to be changed. The City and County of Honolulu is incapable of servicing the needs of even Oahu. They are isolated, removed and out of touch even with the Wahiawa, Pearl City, Waianae or Waimanalu or even Kailua………….Let’s keep in mind the City and County of Honolulu came into being when there was like nothing ova hea
Small populations and Sugar and Cane………and remnants of Military……….The City and County of Honolulu needs to give way, even on the island of Oahu, and allow distinct urban centers to have direct control of how development goes, or doesn’t go………..Hey but thanks for the correction………….but don’t miss the point………….The county council has the ability to modify via addendum, and to protect this measure from attack by State Courts.

By: nikhilananda Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:47:10 +0000 “I would suggest …….. to go back to the City Council Immediately: The council ….. executed by the vote of the citizens of Maui unassailable by any state Court,…” … ALOHA…. in the State of Hawai’i, there is only ONE city, honolulu…. the State is divided into four counties [not counting kalawao county, which is the peninsula community of kalaupapa on molokai], and thus the local legislative body for Maui County, which includes four islands; three inhabited, is the COUNTY Council, not “City”! ….. aloha….

By: Mokibra Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:01:40 +0000 I would suggest that the truly correct path: iS to go back to the City Council Immediately: The council can make this Referendum, Bill, executed by the vote of the citizens of Maui unassailable by any state Court, by amending the bill through addendum to express that assent to this bill by popular vote cannot superseded by state law. And that no “interest” is greater than the inalienable to preserve the Nature of the Island and that all rights of the People flow from Nature.

By: Steve Prewitt Wed, 26 Nov 2014 20:08:33 +0000 I’d say it’s high time you replaced all those officials on the payroll of the Chemical companies with your own people.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:54:46 +0000 we may have to agree to disagree here. yes. labeling is something. but a minus in my opinion. it diverts, by design, attention from the need to ban gmos. millions of dollars just to label, albeit ineffectively, your food as poison. it makes no sense to me. and i’m sorry if i sounded disrespectful. it’s just that i know the labeling thing was designed to keep people’s attention on labels. not on poison. not on disapproving of the poisons. as in controlled opposition. and it worked. it was meant to lose.

thanks for your comment, mokibra. and thanks for fighting against gmos.

kind regards,

By: nikhilananda Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:50:30 +0000 sugar to most people is addictive and a poison; food still includes “partially-hydrogenated” vegetable oils, “high fructose corn syrup”, tobacco is still legal, and people still murder animals to then consume them……. it would be wonderful if all of our food was organic, fresh, local and free of all negative, poisonous and deadly components; however, it is not the case…. each individual chooses what to consume… labeling is a minor step….. the open-air proliferation of the use of restricted use pesticides and the effect on the aina and people in the vicinity is what needs to be addressed and was in our initiative here on maui…… aummmmmmmmmmmm…. we are on the same side…… :o}

By: Mokibra Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:05:52 +0000 I don’t disagree that it’s poisoning. And I don’t disagree that it had ought to be drummed out of existence. Which was clearly stated………….my disagreement was confined to your exclamation that to Label it “will do absolutely nothing”. I’m a very literal person. And absolutely nothing is pretty damn close to incomprehensible to me: For even nothing is quantified as something. And that something is nothing.

Labeling will do something. It may not satisfy the ultimate quest to be rid of GMO and it’s ancillary toxins etc. But labeling is IN FACT SOMETHING……………..

By: arcadia11 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:49:23 +0000 the labeling will do absolutely nothing.

our food is being poisoned by a multi-national un government corporation. per agenda.

poisoning should not be. labeling poison is a diversion. poisoning should not be.

is it okay to spread poison food across the globe? no. what if it is labeled as such?
no. it is not okay to spread poison across the globe. no.

By: Mokibra Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:41:03 +0000 I would only disagree to the point where you state that labeling will do “absolutely nothing”. That of course is untrue on it’s face.

Granted, in the 1990’s part of the approval process was the “agreement” principally by Monsanto, that they would voluntarily label their product. However, something happened. The point being then that Monsanto via the CEO had agreed to Labeling.

Everyone is not knee-deep in the GMO debate. For that matter a vast population know of GMO only on the periphery. Those people are the people labeling will help. Those are the people who have heard just enough, know just enough that their intuition says, “hey there’s some controversy regard this stuff” I think I’ll stay away.” After all, if reason and actual testing are going to be resisted, and these Bio Firms are going to launch an all out assault every time their business model is threatened. Labeling may very well be the final brick in the wall. As ultimately this would be the voice of the Market Place. So don’t dismiss the validity of a war waged on that front.

I agree completely that ultimately these methods, the attendant poisons, the fall out of of seeds drenched in toxins leaching into soils, running in our streams and to our reefs, absorbed into the atmosphere and rained down on us is not acceptable in anyway. As it stands to day this weaponizing of food, with it’s terminator seed and the ultimate enslavement of populations to THE SEED should never have been allowed to gain traction, in the absence of proven safety and as it stands should be banished from the face of the earth, or certainly prohibited from open air farming………..
