Comments on: Smoking guns: why Maui can defeat Monsanto Sat, 29 Nov 2014 17:16:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amaterasu Solar Sat, 29 Nov 2014 17:16:07 +0000 ♥♥ "Did You give an oath and find it's bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?" "ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there." "The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..." "If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?" "If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."]]> Do consider that if it was a failure on a financial level, We would not see governMENT (controlMIND) supporting the biotech corporations. It is not a “failure.” It is a control grab for the food supply on this planet, and is soft kill towards the end agenda (21) of getting rid of most of Us.

“Revolution in ideas, not blood.”


“Did You give an oath and find it’s bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?”
“ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap – THEY will do ANYTHING to get there.”
“The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows…”
“If the universe is made of mostly “dark” energy…can We use it to run Our cars?”
“If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.”

By: omanuel Sat, 29 Nov 2014 16:55:46 +0000 An exceedingly evil, intelligent force expanded from the central Eurasian continent to engulf the entire globe after WWII.

That is why the integrity of science and constitutional limits on world governments evaporated, . . .

Fragmenting the unity of the laws of nuclear physics, thermodynamics and cosmology, . . .

With separate and irrational forms of consensus scientific explanations for increasing entropy, expansion of the universe, nuclear and atomic forces.

Dividing the wisdom acquired from spiritual and scientific practices into dogmatic, warring opponents that now threaten the survival of mankind.

By: GMOs gave me extra fingers and toes Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:58:33 +0000 Like many, I am of the belief that American corporate “agriculture” in general is (and will continue to be) the most massive technological failure in human history.

But GMOs might be an even greater technological disaster.

By: Amaterasu Solar Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:28:37 +0000 ♥♥ "Did You give an oath and find it's bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?" "ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there." "The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..." "If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?" "If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."]]> Really? “Victory to ban GMO’s? Let’s read that again… “To recap: on Election Day, the voters of Maui passed a ballot measure that blocked Monsanto and Dow from developing and using new GMOs.” What word there is extremely important in determining whether there has been any kind of “victory?”

That word? “New.” That leads Me to believe that this is much ado about nothing, like “labeling.” “Make a stink about NEW ones and They’ll accept the ones that are there – and We can expand them, then.”

Ya think? Until They BAN them, there is no victory. Seriously.

And what of an answer? A way to end the unconfined raising of GMO crops? How about stripping the need for money from the equation? Who would support anOther who would do that? Without the power of money to convince, through toadies – armies and strong-arms – bribery, blackmail setups, mind control and handlers, do You think Humanity as a whole would say, “Yeah, Let’s plant GMO’s and eat them!”

So again for the reader, I offer a way We can solve for this mess:

T.A.P. – You’re It!

“Revolution in ideas, not blood.”


“Did You give an oath and find it’s bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?”
“ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap – THEY will do ANYTHING to get there.”
“The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows…”
“If the universe is made of mostly “dark” energy…can We use it to run Our cars?”
“If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.”

By: Roger Fuller Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:33:18 +0000 11-24-2014
Dear Jon:
I agree with all of your legal arguments, but I would just like to add a detail. Bill Clinton was the first president to unleash GE food onto the World and, ironically, it was in 1993 with the genetically engineered tomato. So he apologizes to Hawaii with a presidential order in 1993; then turns around and stabs Hawaii in the back by releasing the first GE food onto the world in the same year. Then the GE empire of Biotricknology Companies eventually made its way to Hawaii; set up shop there; and even turned one of their islands into a major GE crop testing site. Also Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, turned the the State department into the major GE food pushing thug around the World, which it still is. So the Clintons are no friends to Hawaii, or the rest of the World for that matter.
And I would like to add that Laura Bruno is right on the mark. The TPP and the TTIP are far and away the greatest threat in the world to food sovereignty around the world. Groups have been fighting these fake ” free trade ” agreements for years; but these 2 are the biggest and the worst and they are getting dangerously close to passing with the despicable ” Fast Track ” procedure that shuts out Congressional amendments. So I hope the People can stop these crazy ” trade agreements “.
yours truly,
Roger Fuller

By: Kinachahue Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:26:35 +0000 Isn’t it shocking that none of the [mainstream] press has an article/story about this situation in Maui? Actually I figured there would be some local ABC/NBC/CBS/Fox affiliate that would do a story on this but no, not one. This should tell you all you need to know about what the intentions of the elite are and how they control information. Drudge is a [mainstream] tool yet people flock to his site like he is some maverick, irritating.

By: bcfreedom Mon, 24 Nov 2014 16:19:20 +0000 Look into the state pension plans, for the life of me, I have no idea why no one publishes the inventory of these state plans because they ALWAYS have monsanto shares… like CALPERS etc. Jon, show the people why, when you can tell them this, it all makes sense, it is the ultimate ‘follow the money’ it is also the reason for wi-fi and vaccines, the govt pension plans that your ‘representatives’ will rely on for life, hold these companies as core assets.

By: laurabruno Mon, 24 Nov 2014 15:01:30 +0000 Just a side note to keep in awareness: these pesky layers of laws are the reason Obama and the big corporations designing the TPP and TTIP are working so hard to Fast Track those trade agreements. They’re trying to get the letter of the law on their side. There’s been enormous resistance to these treaties in many nations, yet the Fast Track plans continue. The treaties would take the lowest common denominator of rights, standards, and regulations in each participating country and make those the standard in all countries treaty-wide — with corporation rights trumping national, state and local sovereignty.. Monsanto is most certainly at the secret planning table. Any ideas how to remove those Aces up their sleeves?

By: farsight3 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:37:02 +0000 Thank you Jon. My German version:

By: El Gambrinus Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:00:15 +0000 Read Mintzberg’s book, he is a Canadian economist and explains the US & EU plans. Very scary…..
