Comments on: Kauai: Monsanto Frankenstein Island, celeb homeowners Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:29:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Olsen Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:29:17 +0000 The antidote is to reveal the fraudulent US claim to the sovereignty of all of Hawai’i and to reclaim it as the independent country that all the world recognized that it was during the 1800’s, with embassies and consulates the world over. There exists a national liberation movement that is picking up steam. Once won, these parasites can be driven out and assets seized. Put “Liberate Hawai’i!” into a search engine for more.

By: oddie Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:36:12 +0000 no ebola thread to post this, so here goes:

26 Nov – BBC: GSK hails Ebola vaccine breakthrough
GSK: “We are busy working out how we scale up manufacturing capacity, so that as we move into the second half of next year we would be in a position to manufacture very large quantities – that means millions of doses of the vaccine [being] available if governments and health authorities felt it necessary to go further than vaccinating health care workers.”…

the 7,000 figure was not supported by data in local newspapers; it seemed to be support for GSK’s announcement, more than anything else:

2 Dec – Daily Mail: Ebola death toll is LESS than previously thought: WHO reveals almost 6,000 have lost their lives, not 7,000 after counting ‘error’ in Liberia
On November 28 WHO reported death toll had nearly reached 7,000
But yesterday the UN agency revealed ‘an error’ had occurred in Liberia

By: Nicole Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:09:56 +0000 This really is a ‘reality versus illusion’ issue. I had it in my mind that nothing like this would ever be happening in Hawaii. It did not even cross my mind that, OF COURSE, they are going to be testing GMO crops and pesticides there, because of the tropical climate and the opportunity to work on it all year long nonstop. I had in my mind this picture of Hawaii as sort of a quaint little place far away from all the bad things going on on the mainland. I’m sure lots of other people see it that way too. That list of pesticides was horrifying.

By: robert Fusco Tue, 02 Dec 2014 16:26:03 +0000 The King of population control Bill and Melinda Gates also have a very large home on Kauai.

By: Jackie ONeil Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:28:25 +0000 I think that is so sad, that beautifl island, but I am just a very poor senior whom never had an opportunity to visit and now, am still alive and well and watching all this chaos happen before my eyes. With remberings of a time in my beginning when there was love and caring among my people and slowly , so unwarranted this has happened on poor planet earth because she tried to teach her people how to do it and it didn’t work, Thanks for your help it is appreciatd and all I can do is pray. Thanks. JackieO

By: From Québec Tue, 02 Dec 2014 01:16:13 +0000 It is the Elites specialty to turn Paradises into Hell holes.

This is what they are good at.
This is what they do best.
And this is why we don’t need them.

We have to get rid of these monsters before they ruin the whole planet.

Who will inform these celebrities? How do you contact them?
The citizens of the Island should be able to reach them and inform them.

By: onlyonemaui Tue, 02 Dec 2014 00:28:12 +0000 PLEASE EVERYONE …….REACH OUT TO THEM….GET THEM EDUCATED….ITS OUR
