Comments on: Hawaii is ground zero: banning, not labeling GMOs Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:20:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mo Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:20:07 +0000 Maybe biochar. I chopped down all my papaya trees that were possibly contaminated and planted clean seeds then hand pollinated, Within a year, I have what I see as clean papayas.

By: theodorewesson Wed, 10 Dec 2014 03:20:05 +0000 At the above link (i.e. is written the following,…

“Jon Rappoport, a free-lance investigative journalist, has written numerous posts recently about GMOs, labeling vs banning, and the recent passing and subsequent overturning of laws in Hawai’i to ban GMOs and their attendant poisons. He provides some good insights into the corruption in the political and judicial systems, and even with big NGOs supposedly looking out for the health of humans and our landbases. The main angle he’s missing is CELDF style laws (, which not only block unwanted industry or pollution from a locale, but explicitly state that the local protections supersede the rights of corporations or the State or Federal laws written by those corporate interests.”

By: norristh Tue, 09 Dec 2014 23:40:18 +0000 Jon, thanks for your coverage of the GMO war here in Hawai’i.

I recommend looking at the work CELDF is doing with ordinances and bills. They help communities write laws not only blocking unwanted industry or pollution from a locale, but explicitly stating that the local protections supersede the rights of corporations or the State or Federal laws written by those corporate interests.

Such bills are harder to overturn in court, and provide more of a radicalizing focus as it forces the system to explicitly state that it will override whatever protections local communities try to put in place. This helps accelerate people’s understanding of how the system is *designed* to protect moneyed interests over people’s well being, hopefully leading them to more effective strategies and tactics.

Some good links on their approach:

By: Investigative journalist on Hawai'i's GMO war - Deep Green Resistance Hawai'i Tue, 09 Dec 2014 23:27:32 +0000 […] Hawaii is ground zero: banning, not labeling GMOs […]

By: From Québec Mon, 08 Dec 2014 20:04:39 +0000 New Law Blocks Anti-GMO Scientists from Advising EPA
Yet Another Layer of Bureaucracy to Protect Big Biotech


“This means that the EPA can no longer be advised on their own research regarding GMOs or pharmaceutical drugs like antibiotics or vaccines. Can you say circular reasoning, or insular logic? This ‘reform’ means industry-appointed experts will determine what is ‘safe’ and what is not safe for the public, and that the scientists with the most knowledge about the risks pertaining to GMOs and pharmaceuticals will be gagged.”

“This also means that while Monsanto hides the toxicity results on RoundUp Ready GMO crops and experts call GMO testing woefully inadequate, we now have yet another layer of bureaucracy to protect Big Biotech. With all the anti-science claims made by biotech toward individuals and non-profits who claim GMOs are not safe, this is the exact pot calling the kettle black. “

By: Michael Burns Sun, 07 Dec 2014 18:33:23 +0000 Exactly…the only logically path for this to take is years of fighting on a state level’ island by island, only to have it bumped up to the Supreme Court were ‘Clinton’s apology bill’ can be overturned with the defense that the people of Hawai’i are standing in the way of or altruistic Monsanto feeding a desperately hungry world.

Good point Oz!

By: David Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:00:15 +0000 Movie ( “Rampage” Capitol Punishment”) saw this the other night. Wow! All these criminal so called “leaders” and their minions need to be delt with

By: ozziethinker Sun, 07 Dec 2014 02:19:20 +0000 Jon, the penny has dropped!

I was wondering why you keep hacking at this dead tree and now I realise this goes beyond GMO; way beyond.

This is about REPRESENTATION (faux representation is the labelling metaphor). GMO, a valid and potentially desperate cause, is the pretext for a much bigger issue. Is the government and all its agents at WAR with the people they are SWORN to serve? (Your metaphor of a corrupt “corporate” law court is superb)

I can find no instances of government championing the people (unless there is a rogue motive) in modern times. Living with “refugee” Iranians, they are beginning to realise that our governments are more corrupt than theirs. Out of the frying pan and into the fire……..

By: Roger Fuller Sat, 06 Dec 2014 18:13:07 +0000 12-06-2014

Dear Jon Rappoport:

When you mentioned: …..Hawaii isn’t just a small biotech center. Huge numbers of GMO seeds are produced and shipped out around the world…….. It got me thinking: All genetically engineered food is made from GE seeds, which are specially genetically mutilated seeds. If GE seeds are cut off, all around the World, G.E. crop planting suddenly comes to a grinding halt. That would be great!

Also, I got some of that “received wisdom” when I called Organic Consumers Assn., years ago, and the person who answered said ” There just isn’t enough support for a total ban on GE food. ” But he never gave me a reason. Barbara Peterson of Farm Wars has the answer. OCA takes money from Merck drug company; so it looks like the labeling campaign is a kind of ” controlled opposition ” to create an illusion to the Public that some people are fighting Biotechnology when, in reality, labeling the food is a lost cause, so nobody is fighting GE food effectively.

I do believe that if, in the first 2 years of marketing of GE corn and soy, (1996 and 1997), people got a labeling law passed, it could have driven GE food off the market. However it was precisely during those 2 years that Bill Clinton signed the “Telecommunications Act of 1996 ” which was actually the “mainstream media consolidation law” that in 2 years consolidated 50 media companies into only 6, in the USA, and with that came massive censorship and blacking out of the Real News. In those same 2 years, Monsanto conducted a secret Reign of Terror; threatening any reporter or mainstream media company who dared to investigate and criticize GE food. The most notorious case was the Steve Wilson case. Steve Wilson’s investigative report on rBGH injection of dairy cows was all done and ready to go on Fox TV News Florida. A Monsanto lawyer threatened the TV station and got Wilson and his wife fired. (see Could you imagine the effect if his story had aired, 17 years ago and the story went nationwide?

For this criminal act alone, of threatening the entire national media, the entire Monsanto management should have been sent to the worst Federal Penitentiary there is. Then the first 7 years after 9-11-01 made our anti-GE food movement dead in the water. It finally got going again and now we’re in this current mess. The market is so saturated with GE food, even if you labeled it tomorrow, what are we going to eat?

And finally, that was a fabulous job on your earlier article about the Hawaiian Tourists ( I’m 6000 miles away and Hawaii is one of the biggest Tourist destinations in the World. If only the Tourists knew. How long would they tolerate Monsanto?

yours truly,
Roger Fuller

By: Cindy Koch Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:10:45 +0000 I’ve been leaving comments here about this insanity. I agree, hit Hawaii where it hurts, their tourism!
