Comments on: Foundation of medical reality explodes Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:01:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bobby Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:01:56 +0000 Jon, thank you for this. I truely appreciate your contributions to the subjects that have always fascinated me. It takes time and some deep thought to do what you do and again, thank you.

By: R. Hawthorne Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:32:38 +0000 Reblogged this on Tales from the awakened mind and commented:
So let’s think about eugenics, make big money and reduce the people. Yes we create this system of greed and the majoriy believe in it’s function, while their familiy, neighbour and coworkers die from it. We need to look what really is in front of our eyes, have to re-question such system and stop supporting it.

By: FauxScienceSlayer Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:45:15 +0000 We live in a false paradigm reality bounded by faux science, fake history, filtered news and financed with a fiat currency. Find and share Truth….it is your duty as an Earthling.

By: tommytcg Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:43:29 +0000 But why are they all in hospital in the first place?

Was it not so after WW1 that hospital beds were MT and Big Pharma made aspirin?

Heck, I am in robust med-free health at 77, my last medical was a freebie at a health conference in Hawaii in 1979..Living in the Far East I don’t even need to carry med inssurance.

Hint. vax and massive deliberate misinfo.

By: theodorewesson Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:40:26 +0000 Last week, when Lionel (lawyer, media personality) (, was talking to David Knight on the Alex Jones Radio show regarding the Eric Garner decision, he mentioned the NASH classification system used on death certificates (“there are only four (4) manners of death”) and mentioned that the medical examiner stated the manner of the death of Eric Garner as “homicide” on Garner’s death certificate:

NASH: natural, accident, homicide, or suicide — which are used, I am assuming, to help settle legal and insurance issues.


Of the “500,000 hospital deaths every year” that Jon mentions, let’s take “suicide” off the table. That leaves natural, accident, and homicide.

So, are we really talking about “homicides” here? Perhaps yes. I would think so. Which, is chilling. But, let’s say that the Powers That Be (though various legal and ‘science’ mashinations) have taken “homicide” off the table. That leaves “natural” and “accident”.

Doesn’t “accident” on the death certificate leave the doctors and hospitals open to lawsuits? But, maybe this is covered, too: Doesn’t a person need to sign a bunch of “waiver forms” before his is first admitted to a hospital? Would one of those “waivers” be “waive right to sue in the invent of death due to ‘accident'”?

Because they can’t get away with putting “natural” on the death certificate, or can they?

Heck, maybe, say, dying “from pancreatic cancer — which included the FULL administering of ‘prescribed’ chemo (poison) and ‘prescribed’ radiation (more poison) — without the administration of vital vitamins and minerals and pure water to counter balance the poison” — is classified as “natural”!

Just thinking out loud…. So, there seems to possibly be a whole other layer going on: The “legal ineligibility” of the families of those “500,000 hospital deaths every year” to sue? Becuase if they all did sue (year after year), then wouldn’t the allopathic medical system go bankrupt?

So, the lawyers in this field know, too, I would think.



In death certifications, there are three important matters: the cause, mechanism and mode or manner of death.

The cause is an instrument or physical agent used to bring about death (a bullet, for example),

the mechanism is the pathological agent in the body that resulted in the death (excessive bleeding),

and the manner of death, according to the NASH classification, is considered to be natural, accident, homicide or suicide.

Sometimes, although the cause and mechanism of death can be easily determined, the manner cannot. This it is known as an undetermined death.

By: Jackie ONeil Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:35:22 +0000 Everything these doctors say are so true, we in this country have the worst health care imaginable it is time to STOP it, thanks.

By: From Québec Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:20:00 +0000 “No one is searching for cures.”

You are right on that. This following article says it better than me:


“The modern healthcare monopoly has nothing to gain by keeping people healthy – on the contrary, the more symptom relievers sold, the more seaworthy the shareholders’ yachts.

They deliberately do not delve into the real causes of disease, because that would lead to the slaughter of the goose with the golden eggs: The need for eternal symptom relief.

They are the world’s most powerful lobby and they will not rest until every human being on the planet is their slave. Only when we are medicated from cradle to grave, only when we will be wholly dependent on their expensive pills, only when most of the money we make goes into their pockets they will be satisfied.”

Big Pharma’s War on Health

By: theodorewesson Wed, 10 Dec 2014 03:24:26 +0000 just to add,…

The Flexner Report was one of the opening salvos in the “medical Coup d’état” that took place in America in the early 20th century.

The Flexner Report

The Flexner Report is a book-length study of medical education in the United States and Canada, written by Abraham Flexner and published in 1910 under the aegis of the Carnegie Foundation. Many aspects of the present-day American medical profession stem from the Flexner Report and its aftermath.

By: Tracy Kolenchuk (@tracychess) Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:29:15 +0000 Hey Jon, always interesting. Here’s something you might not have considered… Why are double blind placebo controlled trials the opposite of real medicine?

Double blind placebo controlled trials, by definition, test the action of one symptomicine – a treatment for symptoms that does not address cause nor attempt to cure, against a placebo, a ‘fake medicine’, that does not address cause nor attempt to cure.

There is no need for a double blind placebo controlled trial, if you are testing a cure.

If the patient is cured, there is no need to test against a placebo. The only time you need to test against a placebo is when the medicine you are testing WILL NOT CURE. You need to test if it gives the patient more relief from symptoms (eg. pain medication), or the doctor more relief from the signs of illness (eg. statins and hypertension medications).

Double blind placebo controlled trials, the ‘gold standard’ of medicine, are fools gold. And the buyer is the gullible fool. But this religion has taken over medicine so thoroughly that much of the medical profession has also become the gullible fool. No one is searching for cures. The proof: if they are conducting a double blind placebo controlled trial – then clearly the medicine being tested does not cure.

to your health, tracy

By: Roger Fuller Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:00:34 +0000 12-09-2014
Dear Jon Rappoport:
Here is another estimate of deaths by doctors.:
When Dr. Glidden says that this MD model has been going on for 100 years now; I think he means that it goes right back to when John D. Rockefeller Jr. was taught by his father to take over the drug industry and the medical colleges as told by . As an American, I think it’s incredible that this sick, drug pushing medical model has lasted for over 100 years without anyone stopping it.
I agree with the poster above. You are doing an incredible service to our society and are the best reporter on the medical industrial complex. We must keep fighting it.
yours truly,
Roger Fuller
