Comments on: GMO wars: the right of the people to nullify fascism Thu, 04 Feb 2016 16:17:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deanna Johnston Clark Thu, 04 Feb 2016 16:17:52 +0000 Forget the word ALL. Just avoid the obvious…cereals, snacks, GMO flour.
If you spend your money wisely on more choice soups and things, you will also lose weight and be healthier.
I have no garden or much money, but stock up on Amy’s soups and Matt’s orange juice and such. The worst gmo is bought in fast food and empty calories anyway. Go for it…and never buy it for family members. They will adjust fast. Like other withdrawals, it’s hell, but won’t kill them. They’ll brag about you.

By: Deanna Johnston Clark Thu, 04 Feb 2016 16:07:02 +0000 There is a state park nearby beloved of campers and families. But in 2006 it was ripe for picking to make real estate deals for senior housing near a gated fiefdom and golf. I got the address from the ranger and did homework. It smelled of the usual suspects drooling over the loot.

Inside the park is a long trench of Civil War days where the soldiers fell back for sleep, letters, and card games…it’s full of ghosts and tales. I wrote Atlanta and told them our park had these trenches…that any attempt to sell off our park would be met with serious and publicized resistance from the Civil War enactment people and history people.
Mentioning a local entertainment newspaper run by a friend…a guy with kids who love the park…
I wrote neat, handwritten personal letters with no anger or threats, beyond publicity.
The next time my family went there the ranger told me the plan was mysteriously dropped.
The park is still there with it’s Confederate trenches and trails.

The point is that petitions aren’t enough…corporations dismiss those as hippy crap. Personal letters in real envelopes show real caring and investment. And, as Jane Goodall says of her big game hunter comrades, support can come from very unlikely places.
Support for the non-GMO effort can come from 5 star restaurants, chefs, their magazines, and many others with no connection to the environment issues.
A petition with TEETH would say: “I, Jon Rappaport, promise to avoid GMO foods in every way and encourage others to do the same.” Then sign and do it.

By: Heather Burke Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:57:25 +0000 I think a bit of history might provide more insight into just what is happening:

By: Jane Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:46:45 +0000 Walter;
They will incite a racewar or civil war on us all before they give up. I’d like to believe we can force them to “serve us.” They have legally given corporations “personhood” and labeled the corporate government contributions “free speech.” Our Representatives listen very well when they are sweet-talked to by the corporations. They will not bite the hands that feed them.

By: Jane Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:41:00 +0000 These corporations are ONLY serving their bottom line. The only way to change that is to quit buying all manufactured food in the grocery store. To grow your own food or buy from local farmers. Anything short of their declining profits will not change the practices of the Big Food Industry. The smaller companies are subsidiaries of the larger ones. Most ownerships leading up the chain to the Rothchild family interests. How does one fight that machine? They own most of the governments in the world, including ours. We do not have democracy, not even a Republic anymore. We are stuck under the reign of a corporate fascist plutocracy. These people eat Senators & Presidents for lunch. I’ll be looking for my local farmers because I’m very untalented in the growing my own department.

By: Walter Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:09:28 +0000 There are great solutions – if we understand again that corporations were designed to serve us, not to rule us, in this “democratic republic”, then we can reclaim our sovereignty. Once we understand this, the sky’s the limit. We can rein in corporate constitutional “rights” as have more than 160 communities in PA, NH, ME, MD, VI, MA, NY, NM, OH, and CO. We can get back to governing ourselves, collectively determining what a majority of us wants, in this nation founded on the principle of majority rule. 14-06 Ending Corporate Dominance via the Community Rights Movement – YouTube

By: Walter Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:07:32 +0000 There are great solutions – if we understand again that corporations were designed to serve us, not to rule us, in this “democratic republic”, then we can reclaim our sovereignty. Once we understand this, the sky’s the limit. We can rein in corporate constitutional “rights” as have more than 160 communities in PA, NH, ME, MD, VI, MA, NY, NM, OH, and CO. We can get back to governing ourselves, collectively determining what a majority of us wants, in this nation founded on the principle of majority rule. 14-06 Ending Corporate Dominance via the Community Rights Movement – YouTube

By: Jane Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:51:02 +0000 Hi Charles;
I’ve personally found Grapefruit Seed Extract to be the most powerful natural antibiotic out there. It is sold in concentrated liquid & capsules. I rarely need an RX antibiotic since I began using the GSE.

By: Jane Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:43:29 +0000 You missed the best part at the end. Where the Congressman “asks the food industry people to write the bill” about how to address the GMO issues. Our elected Representatives truly do nothing more than get themselves re-elected.

By: Heather Burke Tue, 16 Dec 2014 00:54:27 +0000 Salome – Thanks for your response. I feel the best use of my experience and knowledge is to put into teaching efforts, and I shall continue to work on that approach. I volunteer at the local Farmers Market at every opening, and have also joined their Board of Directors. I continue to push for organic foods (ready to eat meals) at the Market, as well as organic produce. We have a good selection of the later. Little or none of the former. Door-to-Door is too intrusive for me – I resent my free time being taken up without my consent; even the interruption is annoying.
