Comments on: Imagination is a spiritual path Mon, 22 Dec 2014 21:59:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: JuanPedro Mon, 22 Dec 2014 21:59:25 +0000 Dear Jon,
Thank you for kicking my butt with such vehemence so as to catapult me out of the BELONGING PROGRAM.

Just what I needed to hear!

You have been the right person in the right place at the right time.

Thank you ever so much.

Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2015.

By: brad Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:29:37 +0000 B’RU – Very well said!

By: ozziethinker Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:30:51 +0000 @Bromides ‘R Us

The only person you truly know is you. Therefore that logic might compel the consideration only you can help you. Nevertheless I have had several guides throughout my life. Without them I would not be what I am. The power of you, thus, demands others.

We, in our self interest, judge our experiences as good or evil. However, beyond acquiescence, there is only giving and taking. My latest post (issued the link too many times to repeat it) is satire exposing lack of charity in the so-called season of goodwill. There is no good or evil, just sets of conditions, some desirable, some not.

Any human with the desire to love unconditionally has truly reached the pinnacle of evolution. How could the elevation of self support a world based on pure love?

It cannot, so we have complicated attrition with the biggest powerhouses driving sentiment and values dressed as synthetic morality. Because those morals betray the core of self interest, we are a seething cesspool of varied corruptions – a cornucopia of false positives.

By: From Québec Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:27:34 +0000 I agree.

All you people should also post on Jon’s new blogsite:
“Outside the Reality Machine.”

By: Bromides 'R Us Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:48:28 +0000 Kudos to Jon and kudos to you, Brad. At a ripe old age–but hopefully still some time–I’ve begun to understand this same truth. You MUST make the path your own…or it really is not a path at all, it’s an image of a path. The hardest thing is to believe you have the right, have the wisdom, have the spiritual reserves to actually BE YOURSELF.

For me, this is crucial for one reason. You will never live with authenticity until you are living as YOU believe is the highest expression you are capable of. You will never have the passion, the commitment, the energy, the love to do what you need to do unless and until you DO IT AS YOURSELF.

Laws, rules, dogmas are all useful and necessary tools that help things from going off the rails up to a point in our development. Past that, you cripple your potential by constantly turning to experts and leaders–many who have deep mental and spiritual issues–to show you the way. For you, YOU ARE THE WAY.

Live it completely with love, justice, compassion and mercy for as many as are worthy to receive it. For those who are not deserving of these gifts, remember the Sufi saying: “Sometimes, returning good for evil is as wrong as returning evil for good.”

By: joanie Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:59:30 +0000 Imagination = imagine = I am a gin(e) = magic

we create the magic – we are the magi…

these are all words telling us we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

BTW, throw engine into that – by definition –
engine = engin – a tool, or device or trick.

People have to stop blaming, using excuses for the state of their being. We vibrate what we think/to be… we can’t blame vaccines, GMOs or city fluoridated water, because as one believes, they become.

GET UP and RISE UP! BE what you want to truly be(lieve).

The best to all~!

By: brad Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:31:42 +0000 Having ventured down many ‘spiritual’ paths over the years, some that would be considered conventional and some not so conventional, I concluded the same — it’s all pre-packaged. But the experiences along the way that were truly profound were unexpected and off the beaten path. The path towards awakening, I’ve come to understand, is one of individual, unguided discovery. And this article nails it — thanks.

By: seamlessone Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:12:52 +0000 “Philosophies, metaphysical and spiritual systems, and religions are all about content.” Indeed Jon, all dogmas and ideologies are about content. Imagination only arises out of nothingness, when all the content is wiped clean–and I when I say wiped clean I mean totally clean–not a trace left on the hard drive anywhere. Until it is totally wiped away (including all its subtle forms) one’s imagination is tainted, corrupted, perverted, conditioned, tethered.

But homosapiens (from the Latin meaning ‘knowing man’) are in love with being something. They love their concepts and identities and ‘knowledge’. Ironically it is knowledge that will be their downfall, because their knowledge and systems prevent them from imagining a new species–and not only that–it prevents them from seeing the new species arising right under their noses.

By: Jeanne Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:00:46 +0000 I AM the artist of my life! I first realized this as an “imaginative” young adult. Now I can confirm it even more so as I enter my “golden years” in excellent health with a strong curiosity to continue to experience & explore with passion. Having thrown rules to the wind, I took “the road less traveled, & that has made ALL the difference”!!!

By: ozziethinker Thu, 18 Dec 2014 05:07:12 +0000 Agreed, Jon.

However, imagination is drawn from the astral plane where everything is jumbled as the potential to be. Thus, if it has been before, it isn’t necessarily bad unless it is misrepresented, contorted or bastardized.

Sadly historians and spiritualists have dreadful records for assuring attitude based propaganda deflects all cogent detracting truths. Unless it “fits” no one will wear the message.

There we have the human cesspool of reasoning with all too few champions of REAL virtue.

Keep up the good work, eternally.

