Comments on: Newsflash: George Clooney doesn’t know N. Korea hacked Sony Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:18:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: justanthropology Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:18:57 +0000 And here’s what she turned down:

By: justanthropology Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:16:24 +0000 Jon. Here’s something you left out: George Clooney’s wife, Amal, Alamuddin, turned down the most important work of her life because of her celebrity position in Hollywood. Shame on both of them.

And here’s what she turned down:

By: tony wilson Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:11:42 +0000 enough of jupiter it was all kubrick cover.
it was always saturn init

By: tony wilson Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:09:11 +0000 any suggestion that gorge cloney is a post mordern carry grant rock hudson or liberace is an outrage.
i have met him and his house husband roger gorge given the right and saturn proper rabbi backing could be a future barry obarme without the male husband of golf course

By: From Québec Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:57:55 +0000 N Korea threatens attacks on US after being blamed for Sony hacking


By: From Québec Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:45:51 +0000 N Korea threatens attacks on US after being blamed for Sony hacking


“The NDC said its 1.2m-member army was ready to use all types of warfare against the US. “Our toughest counteraction will be boldly taken against the White House, the Pentagon, and the whole US mainland, the cesspool of terrorism, by far surpassing the ‘symmetric counteraction’ declared by Obama,” said the NDC statement, carried by official news agency KCNA.”

By: henry Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:50:05 +0000 The condo on Jupiter is great but do you have any info on the available room on Uranus?

By: procomptor Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:08:31 +0000 What robinsoncaruso1 said! The number 1 cover up job right now by the US government is carrying out the gutting of Microsoft for every last email and personal information it can get it’s itty bitty corrupt hands on…..period!

It has but one speed bump left and that is the internet with folks like Jon and many others waking folks up to the truth. I am a thermal dynamics engineer and was given a task to do for the Lord, and others on December 25 2012. In a supernatural set of events that a handful of others witnessed I was asked to observe the internet and report on any ” anomalies ” I found. My work is still on going.

I was reporting to customers out of my business that the government was hacking their computers for metadata over 4 years ago. I do extensive virus and malware cleanup on all sorts of computers and I was just doing my job when I reported this hack. I had 2 local hard drives destroyed and was threatened in other ways when I figured out how to fix their hack job and implemented it. At that time I started telling everyone that would listen that ” the internet is the last free frontier and when it is under government control we have lost the battle of freedom in the US”!

This is so typical of the US government to distract folks from the reality of what is really going on with attacking Microsoft in order to get email from Ireland. Microsoft had fought this last year and on Dec. 8, 2014 Microsoft took its appeal up the ladder to the U.S. Second Circuit Court, where the case stands for now. It could eventually end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. If the US government wins this it will set a president and no bodies email in any country will be safe.

The internet is the closest thing to free speech we have left in the world and without it the whole awakening of people to government lies and takeover would never have got to anyone and think of where the world would be now! Don’t think for one moment that the complete control of the internet isn’t at the top of their ” to do ” list.

Blessings and Light of knowledge…..mike

By: John Wayne Mon, 22 Dec 2014 01:56:05 +0000 Yeah looney clooney is just enamored, ego stroked and really believes,?… Think not, cloon the loon is just playing his part, as usual? He fancies himself an important player, but he’s just another blow fart, georgie is wide awake, to imply he’s not is ludicrous. These pansy ass actors would sell you out for crumbs, funny thing is that there is no place in liberty for them, they will not be adored in the near future. They will probably be the target of the less fortunate, so sad muahhhh

By: Michael Burns Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:43:32 +0000 Sorry Graeme…admire that you’ve taken the road less traveled here…but it’s about money…even when it isn’t about money. It’s about money.
Why the recent sell of Vaio? why are they eager to get into the tablet and smartphone?
Why is general stock flagging?…revenues are down…its about money.
Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
This is propaganda is on the highest level…nothing like this kind publicity, a definitive marketing slam dunk.
Project Morpheus looks promising but…your companion cube tech is a possible trend but we’re will it evolve to with a desire for the hidden the micro.
