Comments on: GMOs: the “natural foods” industry is not your friend Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Elizabeth Schipke Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:55:50 +0000 If the foods are not “natural foods” — then they are UNNATURAL foods — and should not be eaten!

By: brusplace Wed, 31 Dec 2014 04:07:27 +0000 Same old strategy, create and fund the opposition, that way you control both sides. This is a battle we can not afford to lose. Spread the word, focus on Maui, the battle is just starting up.

By: Gwen Brown Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:02:10 +0000 Monsanto wants to monopolize the seed industry and produce only seeds called, “Terminator Seeds”. The plants grown from these seeds do not produce living seeds. People need to rise up against this conspiracy, too. Farmers will have much higher seed costs and heirloom seeds will be against the law if Monsanto’s seed control campaign is successful. These Terminator Seeds will also be GMO and the campaign to poison all the “Useless Eaters” on the planet as coined by Prince Charles will hasten the reduction of the over populated world. The Elites are collecting and hoarding natural seeds stowed away in vast secret underground bunkers with guards in unpopulated areas to protect their future food supply when their plan to rid the world “Useless Eaters” succeeds.

By: brad Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:27:02 +0000 Yup, that’s the solution. Glad to hear it’s becoming commonplace in your neck of the woods; very encouraging.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:27:22 +0000 There is no logic in this war of attrition (labelling)…The banning outright of genetically modified organisms is the only way.
Labelling does not confront ground water poison, it does not approach the corrupting of the human body, there no solace for a balanced eco system that has developed coexistence over eons of time here on the prison planet. And balances on the brink of collapse.
Monsanto genetics are a virus in the system that will eventually cause that collapse of the whole mainframe of life.
That is its purpose, it’s only purpose…regardless of whither you believe it or not.
And anyone who does not see the greater truth, the larger picture, is simply deluding themselves that they actually have power via the corrupted political and judiciary arenas, to change what is inevitable.
And arenas are for those who are trained in sport of the gladiatorial. Are you one of those?
In this game of chess, Maui has shown a possible way through the woods…consolidation of power with other organizations like this… involved in this good fight, across the nation and the world, will prove successful against a federal government which as we speak seeks to disembody local and regional government.
I am not saying success is will be assured, I am saying the truth the greater truth will be revealed, when the US government forces Monsanto on its people and we realize finally we never had any choice.
We are are just the property.
We will eat our ‘soulent green’ and be happy. Instead of empowering ourselves and relearning what has been purposefully lost and taken from us.
To grow our own food and teach those who are ignorant, re-establishes a relationship with nature that is not as it is propagandized as man vs nature, but is a healing nurturing power.
At what point did you come to the conclusion that you could decide what Monsanto produces anyway…

the best to all

By: ozziethinker Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:41:29 +0000 Jon, sincerely, I could see this backfiring on them badly.

If they brought it in carte blanch, in certain countries (perhaps not America) it would induce major civil unrest; perhaps war. I assume “Global” is the next or prior step.

From the “psychological” point of view, imagine if people could “feel” an immediate difference with their GMO food and that emphasised the difference between the “haves” and the “have nots” (a gap that even the mainstream media “fears”).

Big gamble…….how can they undo what they have done, once in motion?

By: theodorewesson Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:50:34 +0000 Thanks for the tip.

By: brusplace Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:35:36 +0000 Lets tout the ones who are doing a stand up job, like the Natural Foods Co-ops and the Weston A. Price Foundation, come to mind. Can anyone anyone name some more?

By: David Marino Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:27:30 +0000 Growing your own food is the only way, and people see that. In my area about 8 years ago only about 20% of people in this entirely rural area had gardens. Now that number is close to 100%. And most have chickens, maybe some goats, and more and more had cows and pigs. And neighbors barter and trade with food all the time. Local law enforcement knows better than to get in the way even while state dept of Ag officials are trying to.

By: Doreen Agostino Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:15:05 +0000 General Mills was forced to remove the label “100% Natural” from more than 20 of its products, including its Nature Valley snack bars and crispy squares. This is yet more evidence that the food movement is having a much-needed impact, even on mega-corps such as General Mills.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle
