Scott Faber
Daniel Fabricant
Gary Hirshberg
1. The secret GMO war: double agents, betrayal, greed?
2. Natural health? Scott Faber? Dan Fabricant? Really?
3. Scott Faber: “No one is seeking to ban GMO crops.” W-h-a-t? Memo to Just Label It: fire Scott Faber, and fire yourselves
@ Theodore
It is high deep frying temperatures of oils such as rapeseed oil that cause the production of toxics such as acrylamide…which is extremely cancinogenic.
It is the high deep frying temperatures and that rapeseed oil does not break down under such conditions that make this oil so cost effective for the fast food industry.
Also to note, the human body never get to those extreme temperatures especially during digestion to break down such a fat molecule…in the digestive process the body become confused and does know what to do with rapeseed (canola), thus leading to allergy,organ sickness and obesity.
One would be simply astounded to find out how many processed foods Rapeseed (Canola) is present in…to state that organic canola oil (rapeseed) is better is an oxymoron.
Some oils are not meant to be eaten…such is the case of Canola (rapeseed).
The only reason why we consume it is because it causes illness and death.
But, here it is:
Page Last Updated: 06/10/2014
Genetically Engineered Salmon
FDA has issued for public comment a draft environmental assessment (EA) related to the agency’s review of an application concerning AquAdvantage Salmon, a genetically engineered Atlantic salmon. FDA’s preliminary finding is that an approval of this application, under the specific conditions proposed in the application, would not have a significant impact (FONSI) on the U.S. environment. AquAdvantage Salmon is a product of AquaBounty Technologies (AquaBounty), of Maynard, Mass.
]]>“Of course, NADA was not designed to analyze the human health or environmental consequences of new animal drugs, and because the animals are the drugs in this process, their welfare is also ignored.”
]]>Are GMO’s Kosher?
By Sara Trappler Spielman
May 7, 2013, 4:08pm
“The latest controversy is over the much-debated genetically engineered salmon, expected to hit supermarket shelves next fall — without labeling. ***Part eel [ocean pout (Zoarces americanus)] and part salmon***, this transgenic creature will be the first genetically engineered animal intended for human consumption. Using growth hormones, scientists have created a fish that will grow at twice its natural rate.” [emphasis added]