Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth Sat, 21 Dec 2019 14:53:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: theodorewesson Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:07:12 +0000 just to add,….

By: Downunder Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:45:34 +0000 Hello Jon, have long followed your work, I pulled out of the vaccination program 23 years ago, much to the horror of my contemporaries, have always been interested in the truth, could not find a contact email for you, so leaving this message here….I have a link to share re chemtrails, only just discovered this downloadable book, have heard it all before BUT it is unusual, anonymous website, he is an Aussie and seems like insider? if you have time….interesting read?

By: oldbeermaker Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:18:41 +0000 this article is fantastic, love to the author..

chinese say ‘it is all as it should be’ I CHING
i say ;the same.
all souls on this planet as tested as they should be to gain their own LIGHT DEVELOPMENT in school of souls on earth.
simply as that.
lesson will end, you will leave the body..
in direction your thoughs vibrate..
it can be ‘gods kingdom’ or ‘hell’ reality’..
feel free with your choice of VIBRATION
love to you

By: Pedant Reloaded Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:58:32 +0000 How does this constitute “The Matrix”? The point of the Matrix is that it is a recording, or recreation, of what the robots considered the high point of humanity: the late 1990’s. The whole point of the Matrix is that humanity needed to be beguiled so that they wouldn’t realise that nothing they have ever known exists, so they created something they thought was near paradise, but still believable. What you’re describing isn’t the Matrix. Also, I’d say the opposite of what you’re saying is true: there’s a culture of self at the moment, to the point where it’s seen as unhealthy to always think of others first (is it? I’m no psychologist).

By: wholy1 Sun, 28 Dec 2014 06:09:37 +0000 Your interminable effort to both subtly cajole and inspire is not only noticed but accepted for exceptional value!
With regard to your current dispensation, I humbly offer the following for your consideration:
1) We, each very unique and special Man/wo[mb]Man, created in the image of the “Author”, have a very specific “role” to fulfill upon “manifestation” IN TO this “world” – but not OF “it”.
2) By virtue of free will, we – each One of us – is given the opportunity not only to “fulfill” but “magnify” the presence of the cosmic holy Spirit that is the Author.
3) The “Quickening”/fourth dimension is apparent.
4) The elephant(s) in the room [are]: on-going asset stripping of aggregated American wealth and/or obfuscation of an in-coming 3600-year orbital binary star system wreaking havoc never-before-experienced.
“Keep on trucking”, fellow compatriot!

By: pcoper Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:50:08 +0000 This is true it is not a collective group program or group mind that is what will create the necessary reality to have a world or planet or universe that is not a threat to life. It is a failure of determinism where there are many determinisms that need to be or could be handled. I looked in the sky today and saw the chemtrails and realized that there is the determination to kill people. Then I felt very determined that I can do something about it and found the space where all this determinism was coming from and waved it away. I had already been taking 12 MG triple iodine complex, omega 3, and astaxanthin to keep the brain not affected by radiation and chemicals.

By: bruce cranfield Sat, 27 Dec 2014 17:13:10 +0000 Please forgive my arrogance in posting this to your sight… your post today reminded me of the following written before I willing accepted the consciousness that Ino have… here goes: 19881122 P.M. #60
Self-hood exists and is within many. It is a state of being with like minded individuals who govern self, morally, physically, and spiritually. It is recognition within self of states of being free from the fetters of state, dogma, and calculation of others. It is a state of becoming one with self. Determining mechanisms for sharing established goals, ways, and means for maintenance of individual freedom. A development of freeing oneself from state control, religious dogma, political stagnation and a way of interacting oneself with others of a recognizable dimension of self-hood. Development of self-hood is a reconciliation of being by oneself, and yet, reconciled with other interactive self determined beings.

Self-hood is not a selfish act but rather a movement toward becoming with pure thought, pure act, and pure will. Pure being, a non-corruptive and non-corruptive modifier of each state, rather than tainted by manipulation or manipulators. Development of pure ethos is a gradual way of becoming one with self and linked to many through act of will and thought for action. This is synonymous with “one for all and all for one”.

Development from within, first, for the good of self and retrospectively aiding the good of many. Interactively without and within the self without specific concern for the body politic. Design through continuous imagination …..I\MAGI\NATION. Crystallizing in clarity of process and evolution. Resolving past and present with past and present. Detrimental to no one without preconception. Leap of faith without recourse of “history”.

Self-hood transcends absorption of the individual by the state. It revitalizes freedom from other states. There is no need to fight or flee the threat by states. One cancels or annuls the power and influence of state power and unifies with others like matter solidly, energized. The politics of the state no longer determines the being politically. Freedom soars from within and ascends to heights in unity with many brothers and sisters. Self-hood is individual sovereignty in the flesh. Freedom personified in matter!
The individual is more important than the state as a vehicle for determination of existence. The state enables an organization for self determination, self-hood releases the state from it’s fetters enabling state construction of infrastructure designed by self structures that have no primary stake in a politics for reality. The self in union with others, design non-aligned vehicles for individual progress and process, enhancing evolution of the essence of existence, of self non-aligned with “politics”, rather aligned with intraself and interconnected with other intraselfs…. infrastructure for process and for progress of self-hood. Sovereignty exists within and is recognized within the self. Sovereignty is not disguised as blessing but is blessing without disguise.
