Comments on: Boycott, ban, criminalize Roundup Wed, 31 May 2017 18:36:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Teresa King Wed, 31 May 2017 18:36:27 +0000 Geoengineering Chemtrails are making people sick, plus Dementia as rose to an unbelievable level.

By: jeffrey Sat, 31 Oct 2015 01:08:49 +0000 This larger point of awareness has just now more firmly clarified itself in my awareness, though I’m sure many are already aware of it at many different levels, and to varying degrees of awareness of relevance in the macrocosm: the imminent global corporate military-industrial petro-chemical ecocidal food source catastrophe we currently face…is an INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCE AND NEAR CONCLUSION of a prior choice in human society, relating to a cancerously domineering human element which identified itself with AN IGNORANT FEAR-BASED EGOMANIACAL MATERIALIST PERCEPTION OF EXISTENCE. A prime directive in the agenda of this cancerous element in human society is to remove living beings from their naturally close family kinship with the land, the earth, the water, and sky.

Our current immanently catastrophic scenario is the quintessential human object lesson arising from a terribly unfortunate dearth of reflective wholistic intelligence, the intelligence which completely understands the why and wherefore behind some historical master teachers’ assertions: “Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil;” “One cannot serve both the god of eternal unified Reality Awareness/Life, and also attempt to serve the gods of mammon (i.e., the temporal and therefore false “values” of the world, such as material wealth, status, power/authority, alleged exclusive ‘ownership’ of the divinely sourced gifts of life…”), for such attempted ‘dual service’ is like trying to ride on the backs of two mules/asses headed in opposite directions.” “For what profit have you if you gain [ownership/control of] the ENTIRE WORLD, but have thereby sacrificed the peace and wholeyness of your eternal soul?!

In this contemporary frame now unfolding, we are privy to the disastrous consequences of having not understood the dire necessity for heeding and applying the words of our master teachers of yesterday, of today, and most importantly, of our own inner wisdom connection.. For it is due to all who have ignorantly, blindly served the satanic fascist zionist materialist militarist mammonist//capitalist structure and all its concomitant insanity, inanitities, inequalities, absurdity, atrocities…that we are now presented the ever increasing possibility of our mutual biological annihilation.

More specifically, when invaders and conquerors of various lands began to build their ego-empires by harassing, massacring, genociding, and conquering indigenous persons, families, and peoples in order to gratify their ignorant ego-based desires for increased acquisition and control of wealth/lands/resources, they denied and disrupted the original natural universal way/scheme/principle/law of perpetual life, a way of life in which every being had abundance (just enough for their actual needs), interacting and complying with the principles of nature on a relatively humble, practical scale. And all life unfolded in relative perpetual balance, in natural sustainability. But…when the satanic ignoramus ass-wipes began ripping away the natural inhabitants/stewards from their rightful postions on, and in direct relation with the land…all hell broke loose.

Which brings us to now…a time in which the corporate commercial and governmental tyrants claim ownership and control of vast tracts of land and water resources, yet have absolutely no possibility to properly, directly, intimately, carefully, and wisely steward these grossly vast parcels of appropriated earth, acquisitioned as holdings in various ego-maniacs’ empires. Concomitantly, the mass of humans no longer are allowed any home/land to call their own, and upon which to freely, autonomously sustain themselves in ongoing divine balance with nature. Such is the historical, economical, and political course which has inevitably brought us to the brink of GMO enslavement and self-destruction…all because—in contrast to the earlier ways of life in which each family had its own plot for which to be directly responsible in a sustained reciprocal life-supporting relationship with nature—entities who now hold vast muderously-gained tracts of land can’t possibly handle all their weeding by hand, nor tend responsibly to all other aspects of aware co-relationship with earth….and so are filled by an urgent sense of need to upend and subvert all the innate laws of nature and life, rather than themselves cooperating with the perrennially existing laws/principles of whole and sustainable life.

A huge, integral portion of this object lesson is: If our forebears and their now contemporary corporate high-powered military copycat descendants had not been so satanically driven to massacre and relocate indigenous peoples, we could have acquired instead their simple profound wisdom in regard to living carefully, awarefully, rightfully, perpetually on this planet.

By: Deci bells Sat, 22 Aug 2015 00:14:41 +0000 Who do you blame?
The idiot spraying this (the so called farmer)?
Or the crook selling it?
Answer both.
Actually the industrial farmer is worse.
There is no gun to his head to apply this to his land.
Monsanto is helpless if the farmer actually farmed.
Monsanto did not kill my bees.
The farmer who sprayed Monsanto killed my bee hive!
I applaud organic farmers as for the others they are ??
Beats me. I don’t have a label for thrash.

By: Doreen Agostino Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:05:08 +0000

By: jeffrey Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:51:07 +0000 I would like to add the word, “BUY-NOT” alongside ‘boycott,’ as I like it’s directness of meaning. In fact, I would be inclined to replace the term ‘boycott’ with BUY-NOT.

By: Diane Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:56:36 +0000 Terrific post. After 2 -3 years now of avoiding GMOs (hidden corn derived in everything!) and crops like wheat and non-organic sugar cane that are highly treated with Round up, my daughter’s health has mostly stabilized and her chronic kidney disease has been halted if not improved. Her nephrologist said based on the biopsy it would be a first for her to see it improve… She has a lot of health issues but the ONLY thing that halted progression or provided improvement and relief has been complete avoidance. Round up/Gmo’s are truly killing us (of course the zillion other toxins contribute). We were a Mcd’s and twinkie family 3 years ago, now I buy my gluten free organic grains, and grind it myself. Filled my flowerbeds and yards with food I know will be safe. It makes a bit difference. Not healed, but healing. Thanks again for the great post!

By: TR M Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:49:06 +0000 Yes to all. Start by not buying it and not buying anything sprayed with it (GMO and dessicated wheat). When you cost them profits they will stop using it. It is something we can all do immediately that will have a huge impact.

Next try to get it banned. Even if the evil sobs win it will cost them money and get the issue more publicity.

Lastly try to get criminal proceedings against them for crimes against humanity, genocide etc.

Hey Anonymous we could use some help here with a dump of all Monsatano’s emails from 1970 onwards!!

By: theodorewesson Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:12:35 +0000 Just to add,… There also seems to be — with the introduction of “commercial (Telsa) AC power distribution” — a bad side-effect was introducded into farming, that, IMO, was made worse by the introduction ‘chemical fertilzers’ (80 years ago?) as an attempt to solve the problem introduced,…

Mineral depletion of the soil (and ocean animal die off!!!) started in earnest in North America 110 years ago due to the damming up of rivers for the building out of “Tesla AC power distribution”! The mineral silt from the river floods was no longer reaching the nearby farmland (and the oceans). And, electricity to the home did away with the burning of wood for heat ; wood ash was very coveted for farming — due to its mineral content (look up US Patent #1 (as in the US patent number one)). This was a double whammy on our health!

The underlying natrualpathic science behind this is that… what are called genetic disorders are due not to gentics but due to mineral dificiencies (in plant life, in animal life, and in human life). It has been shown through nutritional science that trace minerals act as NECESSSARY ‘co-factors’ in the ‘bio chemical reations’ which take place at the cellular and DNA/RNA levels. By NOT supplying our bodies with the ‘co-factors’ (trace minerals and other vitamins and certains fats) (like not having the proper amount of oil in your car), the cells, the DNA, the RNA are simply just not able to carry out their job properly…. and, over time, that causes chronic disease in a person — toxic chemical/poisons in the body notwithstanding. (e.g., it has been shown that ‘cystic fibrosis’ is due to a selenium difficiency)

Ask any animal husbandry farmer about mineral dificiencies in their animals ; they know about mineral supplementation for their animals because when they do it, it prevents costly vet visits. Medical doctors could learn a wealth of information from Vets!

One has to supplement daily with 30 nutrients and 60 trace minerals daily (and filter ones water) — (see, for example: “Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex to date that provides you the highest quality essential nutrients that your body needs for optimal health. Synergizing cofactors ensure maximum nutrient absorption and benefits.)


By: From Québec Tue, 30 Dec 2014 05:53:18 +0000 There was a very good and super interesting interview today on the Alex Jones Show with Vani Hari aka the “Food Babe”

She had so many victories against GMOs

Start listening at 15:40

Food Babe Attacked For Speaking The Truth

By: Steve Esses Tue, 30 Dec 2014 04:01:01 +0000 The same destructive technological cancer going metastatic. “The Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years,” a study by Loudermilk for the USDA done in response to the Dust Bowl, documented disastrous desertification throughout most of the world through human actions, even when technically the climate was essentially the same in many places. C.S. Lewis and Jacques Ellul both diagnosed the same disease as man’s disire to control and supplant nature, including human nature. Polluting and destroying the natural world, the creeping totalitarian market and state, the destruction of traditional cultures and values are all symptoms of the same disease. .
